The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2541
  • Sorry @Romo. Utopia's governing body held an emergency session and voted to return to the Kingdom of the Rat.
  • Nighty night Pa ♡
    Night all
  • Night Ma
  • @kathy, @hunnybunny, @rat9 Loving the music! Huge fan of Dolly and Willie Nelson! Hadn't heard Frank Cumit before, liked that a lot too.

    Dolly, with Linda Ronstadt and Emmylou Harris: Applejack:

    @kathy This is sooooo for @kimmie. . . maybe you could get it to her?

    Snail and cats:

  • @TomPuss -- I have a feeling they stopped the video just before the cat decided the snail might be good to eat!
  • @mvnla2 With lashings of garlic butter!! -:)
  • @Rat
    If you don't want that the reverse happens in Mirror Cold Cuts, I advise you to revisit M2-5 in the same glitchy way as its non mirror counterpart before Romo does.
  • Yuk @tompuss I hate snails, but not so much as I hate slugs. At least the snail has the decency to hide it's horrid slimy body under its shell.
    Nice cats, though
  • Haven't listened to the music, as yet. We have new bedding, crispy cotton, nicely ironed, and can't wait to get into it!

    See you lot tomorrow xx
  • @hunnybunny Clean sheets - one of the best things in life! If I lived in Downton Abbey style, I'd have them every day. .
  • Escargot? More like Escar"not". Or is it Escar"no"? Either way, I don't like the rubbery little buggers. And I thought lashings of garlic butter could make anything taste good. I was wrong!

    @Sglouk, are you serious? Mirrors 2-5 is a waiting game too? Well...since I'm not flinging atm I'll run one just to show you how to do it. he he
    Thanks for the tip.

    @TomPuss Love me some Linda Ronstadt but couldn't hear her beautiful voice in your video. The other two Country singers walked all over her. I suppose it was Dolly's show.

  • @Rat Yes, it's waiting game too, but much faster, maybe 2 hours long. Unsure a 0-birder is possible, so you have to finish it by hand for the rightmost circle.
  • @rat may I offer you my garlic bread?
    It's hot and crisp, straight out the oven, but the centre is soft.
    The garlicky butter will drip down your chin.
    You're not going too look good.
    Your breath may be unpleasant for an awful long time.
    BUT Not a snail in sight.
    I'll join you.
    Oh, I'm there already, rodentless, yum yum
  • @tompuss I hang my in shame. I've never seen Downton Abbey, but yes I agree!
  • Thanks for the offer Mrs. Bunny. It sounds delicious. But I'm already in Heaven here too. After forty years, I finally found a supplier for decent cracklings. So I used my Momma's iron skillet to make some more crackling cornbread. This batch came out near Momma perfect. SWDNF never understood my desire for crackling cornbread. She always thought putting pork rinds in cornbread was just a good way to mess up good cornbread. Since she does the majority of the cooking, and is excellent at it by the way, I've never fought her too hard on the issue. Ha Ha Now she's mad at me for going forty years sans crackling cornbread. She loves it. She ate almost half a pan tonight and stole what was left to take to work tomorrow. It was good! I guess watching my Momma cook paid off.
  • @all_driving_to_work Stay alert!!

    @hunnybunny, @rat9 FYI, I'd hate it if you thought I actually ate snails! No way! Love the garlic butter on mushrooms. And that garlic bread sounds scrumptious. . . and so does the crackling cornbread!
  • I'm not a food snob @TomPuss. Eat what you want. I like to think I'm open minded and adventurous when it comes to food. But I tried Escargot on two separate occasions with similar results. There will not be a third. I mean, come on, they're snails. Yuck.
  • @TheBlues you featured in a UK quiz programme this week. Along with Red. You are famous. Two out of three contestants knew you were in Angry Birds!
    Three drinks for the famous Blues, OB, please. My tab
  • @Sglouk
    @dasa51 has a reason to be mad at you for telling me about M2-5 now. I sent the Sheriff to his house earlier tonight. You probably won't be too happy either. I beat your Space 2-5 score in Mirrors 2-5. Good luck.
  • @Rat
    Did you succeed to do a one-birder ? From time to time, I can crack the circle that way, but not yet pop the bubble.
  • You guessed it @Sglouk. It was a one-birder. I cleared the right side with Ice Bird and let the self destruction of the left side land on the debris for extra points. Still higher scores out there. Good luck.
  • @TomPuss -- That video was taken near LA, I forget exactly where, but it was all over the news yesterday. [Edit] Was in Irving, CA, which is in Orange County, just south of LA.
  • @Mvnla2 Did the plane land in the last few days? I ask because the date stamp on the video says 2013.
  • @Rat -- Interesting — It was on the news a day or two ago. I assumed that it just happened, but who knows?
  • @Mvnla2, I think it was Edgar Allen Poe that postulated "Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear". With the advent of the internet, we may need to modify that axiom.
  • @mvnla2 @rat it seems debatable whether Edgar Allen Poe or Benjamin Franklin first said it. But I know where I first heard it
  • @Hunnybunny I first heard it through the grapevine with CCR.
  • I'm soooo behind! !
    @tompuss ..Looove the kitty /snail video and thoughts of @kimmie, she's getting that video lol..
    And i think @mvnla2 is probably right ,they stopped the recording before the other cat devoured the snail lol.
    I've been lutking and trying to stay out of the 'escargot ' conversation
    So I've just poofed in to say I'm alive and well. Flingjng in Pig Days, tough episode for sure.
    Pa there are a couple supposed Space levels there but they are just not right :/
    I'm losing trophy s left and right I've got to know the sherriff to well for my liking,soon he'll be wanting dinner :/
  • FYI -- There is a new Rio episode out, but you either have to wait between levels or pay with coins. I seem to have a lot of coins, but it's kinda relaxing to know you can only do one level.
  • I haven't looked yet Ma. But I lost one top score and @Romo lost two in Mirrors Utopia since this morning. That's a little unusual. We might have a troll out there.

    Speaking of Mirrors Utopia and Romo, it's your turn again.
  • @hunnybunny is there a you tube link featuring the blues on the quiz show.
  • I looked at Space for you Ma. I saw no obvious trolls. But I feel your pain. When we finished playing Mirrors Space, over 34% of my levels were top scores. Since then I've had 29 visits from the Sheriff. I'm below 24% now. Dinner you say? He's at my house so often our wives are BFF's and are talking about a vacation together.

    How are you enjoying your visit to the States @Mumsie? Did you see the Pope?
  • @hunnybunny @all -- We're going on a cruise to the "Undiscovered Greek Islands"! We leave this Sat 10/3 and return 10/18. I don't think this is your kind of cruise, the boat is quite small, 50 passengers, but is is our kind of cruise. The small boat allows it to dock at small islands where larger boats can't dock.
    I've never been to Athens or any of these islands, so it should be fantastic.
    @all -- Needless to say, my internet connection will be mostly absent. Although I can probably survive without the nest, can I really survive without any AB games, most of which require an internet connection these days. For the classic games, which don't require internet, how will I know which levels to work on?
    So let's hope the cruise is time-consuming enough that I won't miss AB or ABN.
  • @mvnia2 That sounds like a fabulous cruise to me!!! Love the smaller ships. What islands will you be visiting? Do you get to spend a good amount of time docked, as opposed to at sea? I got to see a few two years ago. Santorini is absolutely stunning. Athens is, well, huge. From atop the Acropolis in every direction building after building. Yes, I am currently living vicariously through your upcoming vacation. Think I'll revisit the photos!
  • @mvnla2 any cruise is good. Did Greek islands for our thirtieth wedding anniversary, three years ago, including Santorini. We climbed the volcano with an amazing guide. They also grow grapes there, I often buy a bottle of the Santorini Volcano wine. It's good...
    The ship should have wifi, at a price. I pay the for the cheapest package and limit my useage!
  • @catsnbirds you cruise too? We've done thirteen. And that last one proved unlucky for us. It was dreadful...
    My favourite was the Baltic. Places you never ever imagined you would see. Absolutely amazing.
    @mvnla2 try that one, next time, if you haven't done it before
  • @hunnybunny @catsnbirds -- Have been to Santorini and some of the larger islands previously. This time it is
    We see a different island every day, and there are no "days at sea". Think in general we have the whole day, or at least 9 to 5 docked.
    Is the Santorini Volcano wine white or red?
    Yes, the ship does have WiFi, as you say "at a price". Based on previous trips it is likely to be slow, and possibly only available in the lounge. I certainly won't be using it to play AB.
    I've never been to the Baltic. Will add it to the list, but it's probably not at the top. Too much uncertainty in that part of the world. We are hoping not to be bothered by the Greek problems on this cruise. We were originally booked on a different cruise, but some of the stops in N. Africa were cancelled due to the unrest there, and the remaining cruise mostly went to places we'd already been, not to mention had at least 2 "days at sea."

  • Wow @mvnla2 they are islands I've never been too. Enjoy.
    No uncertainty in the Baltic. Norway, Sweden and Finland are so safe, the Baltic States (Estonia - highly recommended, Latvia and Lithuania had their "Singing Revolution" many years ago and are not threatened by Russia) and St. Petersburg, although in Russia is so fabulous it is the highlight of the cruise. Think you maybe confusing Baltic Sea with Black Sea. That was going to be our next cruise. But have reconsidered, and thinking a short New Year jaunt to Bruges and Amsterdam
    But I can understand why you cancelled the North Africa.
    What cruise line do you use?
  • @hunnybunny I'm not much of a cruiser. Did Italy, Greece, Turkey on a smaller ship (about 750 passengers) and Alaska on a large ship. Have done a few river cruises in Europe, love those! I enjoy being near, and in!, the ocean, but don't really like being confined on a ship.
    I would like to do the Baltic though.
  • @catsnbirds never done Alaska, my sister did, and loved it, but it's a bloody long flight from here, and we are not lovers of flying (unless we can afford Business Class, which has got so expensive we hardly even dream of it now) Never tried a European River cruise, it's certainly on the list for next year, with two friends who fancy it too. Our first cruise was the Nile. Amazing sights, dreadful boat. Some Egyptian guy stood under the stair treads to look up and see women's knickers as they walked up. I had to save a single, young, pretty girl from being being seriously "touched up" by the on board shop keeper. And the food centred around courgettes and carrots. C&C starter, C&C soup, main with C&C sides. The best meal was an Egyptian buffet. Fabulous, other than the Egyptian chef walking behind the diners and feeling the lady diners bottoms! Good times...
  • @hunnybunny Gee, that Egyptian river cruise sure set a high bar! Totally not typical of the trips I've been on with Uniworld. Comfortable boats, good food, great staff, interesting stops. They even have bikes on board so you can ride off on your own to explore. And relaxing on the top deck while you enjoy the sights cruising along the rivers, heaven.
    Totally agree on business class, the experience is SO different from coach!
  • @Blues -- Could you kindly bring me a bunch of paper towels and a bowl of water so I can wash this egg off my face?
    Thanks, I feel much better now.
    @hunnybunny -- Wish I could say I'd had a glass too many of wine, but it's too early in the day here for that.
    The (cough, cough) Baltic is actually high on our list for next year.
    Egypt has been 1st on my list for years, followed by China. Every time I think it might be safe to go to Egypt, they shoot some tourists, or something even worse. HWDNF is not very enthusiastic about China, but I would love to see the terra cotta soldiers in the actual setting. Have seen a few of them in museums. Actually saw an entire exhibit on them, but still.
    This is our 3rd cruise with the same company. Will PM you.
  • Lol @mvnla2 The Blues are only too happy to help..

    I fancy China too, have been to Hong Kong, but not mainland. HWDNF is hinting at Far East next year. Singapore, Borneo, places we haven't seen before. You never know. It's a long time since we did a very long haul flight

    Now I'm really off to bed
  • @hunnybunny -- The long haul flights might not be as long as you think, since they all fly the arctic circle route (at least for destinations in the northern hemisphere). Flying to Alaska might not take much longer than flying to NYC. Singapore is further south so probably a bit longer.
  • OB no Ma no Pa! Where are they? Send the blue search party out to the smoking area, I expect they are chatting away about Mirror Levels...
  • @Kathy @Rat -- Where are you? Haven't heard from either of you for 2 or 3 days!
  • Here @mvnla2 @hunnybunny sorry been off and on lurking,
    I've been busy at work and not able to listen to my audiobook during the day, so mostly the past few days flinging and listening. .I'll catch up soon.
    Haven't heard from @rat9 :/ Pa all is well I hope?
    Thanks for the mention ladies, I'll pop in tommorow right now is bedtime and I've got another bus day, plus a special visitor after work ;) ;)
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