The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2574
  • Thanks @Gumby; )
    Nighty night Pa♡
  • @mvnla2 I can just imagine you on this amazing golf course! Been there, done that?? I bet!

    @all Ringing in the New Year a little late:

    "Bells across the meadows":

  • Night Ma
  • @TomPuss -- Second video is same link as first.
    I have actually heard about that hole before. Please note that the world champions are shown hitting a driver off the tee. They don't say what the horizontal distance is, but the drop obviously helps. However, since I frequently hit a driver off the tee on a par 3 (lots of them are way to long for the average woman golfer), I would be lucky to clear the base of the mountain.
    I could swear I posted this yesterday, with a completed sentence.
  • Thanks @TomPuss -- I love carillons, especially real ones.
  • Well, Team BP
    I'm on second pass, crept up the leader boards a little, and will continue to slog my way up.
    1-14 is quiet spectacular when it blows, unfortunately my explosion only took out three quarters, faffed the second shot (aaaarrrggghh) but still made a load of points, it's worth the effort, not what I expected at all.
    Anyone else still playing?

    Goodnight all, happy flinging
  • @kathy Some of these Tatooine levels are pretty tough to get a decent score on. 1-7 I just barely squeaked over 61k and 1-8 giving me some fits for higher scores as well. Maybe a good Whiiiiiiiinnnnne will help LOL
  • Wow that's some golf course @Tompuss @ Mvnla2 Holy Green!! Lol ..

    Mvnla2 i don't feel so bad now, when i used to golf i always use a tee, i didn't know the pro's didn't normally hmm..
    @gumby yes some of the tatoonie levels are tough, do you have the Green lightsabre? Even then some are tough! You'll get there:)
    @ hunnybunny good for you, still struggling for Team BP, sorry i moved on, needed a break from seasons all together, flinging in SW MoE trying to finish up and improve score. Then on to DZ 2:\ or is it Danger addict? I get them mixed up, think it's Danger Zone
  • Haha wrong on both it's Death Star lol..oops
  • @kathy yes I got the green saber, when can I get the RED one ;)
  • @kathy I have 3 starred all 40 lvls Tatooine and played thru far snuff to get Obi-Wan upgrade on Death star. I have made it into the top 400 on lvl 1-8 :(
  • @Gumby there is No Red one lol..
    Nice flinging @ gumby now try for top 100 in all levels:)
  • @kathy I mean top 400 just for that level lol pretty sad HUH. And Yoda has a red one when he asks if you need help.
  • HAH whining helps Im 10 points behind you on 1-8 now
  • @Gumby I'm pretty sure using Yoda help, counts as a Pu:/
  • @kathy I never used it but he's holding a red saber :)
  • Oh lol, i never noticed, but ya you never get a red one that i know of I've Played all except Dearh star 2
  • Morning Ma
  • Hello evry1!
  • @nehui -- Welcome back! You probably won't get notifications from the BP because your name has a space in it.
    @Kathy -- You can use a tee for your first shot from a tee box, and most pros do, at least as long as they are not using a short iron, and even then some of them do. You are not allowed to use a tee after the first shot. I'm sure you really wanted to know this. : D But hey, you're talking to someone who just read all the changes in the rules of golf for 2016.
  • Lol @ mvnla2 , on a need to know basis,no haha but still interesting:)
    Hi @nehu-kay Uhmm i keep forgetting what it is you liked to be called cuz you don't pop in very often ( interpertaion = Come on in we miss you:)
  • Heelloooo:)
  • @kathy tough challenge today
  • Ya @gumby I'm all set with Haunted Hogs lol.. Good luck:)
  • @kathy yea lots of luck needed to get a puppy on this one
  • Quiet day in here, OB glad you've got the blues for company.
    @kathy are you done with Ski & Squeal? I gave up close to Christmas, couldn't find the time. I didn't even enter all my scores since the last few are woefully below average.
    I'm heading back in for a 2nd pass, @hunnybunny maybe I'll see you there. Could take awhile though, there are some tough strange-scoring levels there.
    OB my usual 2 fingers of Scotch please? Need something to keep warm as I head into the snow.
  • Hey @Karen68 ya i gave up on ski and squeal just after new years , my scores are pitiful: (
    I'm still tackling SW MoE though i did see your note sorry i didn't reply, I'm flinging like a madwoman before bedtime lol, TGIFb tomorrow:)
    Yes it's been very quiet in here, guess people are recovering from the holidays
  • @kathy you did reply on that MoE level lol. Guess they all blend together after a while :)
    Have you played Death Star 2? That was one of my least favourites in SW.
  • @mvnla2 I can never find the members map, even with a search, is it in new forum or old, there should be a link under community i think
  • Never mind i found it
  • @kathy -- You obviously found it under groups. If you are not in the BP you could save it under your favorites, I think. Or surely it must be one of your groups, if you look at the pull-down menu under your name?
  • @Karen68 Happy Birthday:)
    @E-star has been busy but kind enough to lend me her keys to the storage room to find the banner she made for you.
    Couldn't figure if i was an hour early or late lol
    Hope you have a wonderful day: D
    OB break out a few bottles of Ripsy's Special Stock for the occasion please:)
  • Thanks @ mvnla2 I actually do have it bookmarked in my favorite I just was in a panic trying to figure out time zones, and wasn't thinking :/ actually i Didn't know that i could pull up my groups from my user name drop down menu, thanks!
  • Sorry @karen68 i missed your last note, lol sorry i remember now i did reply lol, yes they do blend together after a few days of flinging, Death star2 is next, haven't even started that one, is my last Sw episode to finish.
  • Happy Birthday @Karen68. Don't spend the day in Ski and Squeal. Too hard for Birthday flingin'.

    Nite Ma
  • You guys are awesome - thank you @kathy,@rat, @hunnybunny, @tompuss for all the good wishes & yummy treats! Of course everyone help yourself.
    So 22 candles on that cake, ummm yeah, that's the right number :D

    @tompuss love the video, wow. I dabble at playing the piano from time to time so that made my jaw drop!

    Too bad we all don't automatically get the day off for our birthday!

  • Good Idea @Karen68 unfortunately I'm at work now and gotta pop out
    Happy Birthday, have an awesome day:)
  • @karen68 -- Happy Birthday! You're getting younger by the year! Best way to celebrate!
    @TomPuss & Karen68 -- Great performance of Happy Birthday. I couldn't play it even if it were written down and I practiced for a year.
  • @karen68 no wonder you can play the piano. A musical birthday date, shared by David Bowie, Elvis and Shirley Bassey. I'm guessing you were four when this was released! What gave me that clue? But I was twelve and I just love this
  • @mvnla2 thank you - I agree, I could never master that even with all the time in the world to practice.
    @sweetp thanks for the yummy cakes & card!

    @hunnybunny I knew about Bowie & Elvis but didn't know about Shirley Bassey.
    I'm a big Bowie fan & have always liked that we share a birthday. And thanks for the video - I love the vintage songs. :)
  • @karen68 and that vintage jumpsuit! Even in that monstrosity I still think he's sex on legs...
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