The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2576
  • :( sad day @karen68 @ hunnybunny @all
    David Bowie has passed away , he was only 69:(
  • No time look for videos, at work
  • @kathy I know, really sad news to wake up to this morning. And we were just talking about him @hunnybunny. :(
    So many songs to choose from but this was always one of my faves.
  • I'm devastated:-(
  • @kathy no MoE I couldn't even tell you what it looks like LOL.

    @DavidBowie rest in peace, your music will be forever with us
  • I notice that @rat fell foul of the non-editable walk throughs
    Ha ha ha...
  • @hunnybunny As they say on the commercial, "I've fallen and can't get up!". I'm glad my foul fall distracted you from your loss with laughter? Ha ha ha...

    Do you have those "Life Alert" commercials in the UK?
  • @rat no
    And I'm not precious about scores, I fling, I like killing pigs.
    Sad that BP team is down to us two, although @karen68 is threatening a Canadian charge
  • In that case, let me present you with a participation medal Mrs. Bunny. Congratulations!
    Me? I want the trophy!!!
  • Thank you Mister Rat I'll take that
    But I don't really give a toss
    I'm listening to David Bowie
    I'm a happy, if sad today, bunny
    Birds are fun, but real life is better
    Hope yours is too xx
  • @bernersenn hope your health issues are not too serious.
    But I loved your post that said "healthy issues" which sounded like you and your family are so healthy you are running around like mad Bernersenns
    Which I hope you are soon.
    Best wishes xx
  • One of my all time favorite movies and song:(
    You'll be sadly missed David
  • Has anyone heard his new album, released last week?
  • @bernersenn I do hope the health issues are not serious. My best to you and your family for beget days ahead♡
  • @kathy I loved Labyrinth. One of those movies from when I was young that I bought for my kids. I have the soundtrack floating around somewhere on CD.

    How's DS2? I think you have an idea why I really didn't like it. Too many levels rely on those stupid floating droids - guaranteed they either land on a planet firing uselessly into it, or you set them drifting towards a target & they stop a millimetre short of where you want them to be.
  • Argghhh @karen68 No I'm not enjoying DS2 at all!! All luck based on that stupid droid blaster, I'm just getting through it to be done with it!!
    I'm going to try to find the movie Labryinth on Amazon, I've looked everywhere in the past few years for the DVD but no luck , great movie and soundtrack , lol ididnt see it as a kid , I was idk probably in my 20's first time and I've seen it several times since.. He's so awesome in that movie. The Goblin King hee hee sexy man he was ,
    On that note back to torturing myself till bedtime
  • @kathy no SW for me last 2 days, but had top score in challenge today and overall 2nd place on a level I never played before in my life.
  • also deciding if I should play thru to unlock for todays Rio challenge
  • Hey @Gumby :) sooo you got yourself a puppy :) congratulations! ! Idk what today's challenge was, what's the Rio one market mayehem? Well ya i would just one star whatever you can to get to it, if your looking for puppies:) good luck
    And btw if you didn't read DS2 is bad, very very bad..gotta get back to flinging though only 20 minute till bedtime:/
  • @kathy NO PUPPY :( just top challenger 2nd place score
  • eventually Ill get to DS2 still working Tatooine
  • Awww that sux @gumby second place challenger and no puppy, so no puppies were saved from the kennel today:(
  • @kathy no doggie rescues, but close
  • Night Pa♡
  • Godspeed, Major Tom. . . ❤❤❤
  • Now that the dust has settled...Hello 2016!
    I feel lucky. One point four billion lucky. he he
  • @kathy, I heard just one song, "Lazarus" from his new album. It's probably his way of saying he knew the end was coming soon.

    "Planet Earth is blue..." Yes, it certainly is David Bowie but your music will live on forever. Rock in Peace!
  • Oooh, @rat9 I feel lucky too! Hahaha!
  • @sweetp hello
    @kathy this challenge level driving me NUTZZZZZ
  • @gumby Jeesh i gotta teach you to whine!!
    Goes like this, earplugs everyone thanks for filling the baskets OB :)
  • @kathy you must still be tired because you did send that last night LOL
  • OB kathy needs some coffee
  • Hello @gumby!

    OB, please send a round of drinks to everyone and put it on my tab.
  • @sweetp WHHOOOO HOOO free drinks
  • tap tap tap…… is this thing on?
  • glug...glug...glug

    Edit: Thanks @SweetP
  • @rat9 wait.. don't.. oh no its too late
  • wonder what was in those drinks :P
  • Thanks for the drink @sweetp
    OB I'll have a Pigkiller :)
  • @gumby the dot ( . ) i replaced my comment with after i realized I already posted it last night

    ∆∆∆∆ look up^^^^^
  • @kathy LOL I see the dot
  • That's it for me , I'm out
    G'nite all
    Nighty night Pa ♡
  • I can't sleep: (
    @gumby howd you do on the challenge ¿
    I didn't receive any puppy notices so i assume none beat @swelld top score?
    OB I'll have another Pigkiller then i really gotta get some sleep going on midnight:/
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