The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2577
  • Nite Ma

    Dream of winning the 1.5 billion dollar lottery. I went crazy and invested 20% of my retirement money in Powerball lottery tickets. I've never thrown away so much money in my life.
    Oops! Meant to say 20 dollars. he he I'm not that stupid! 20% ? Yeah, Ha ha ha
  • Hello guys.
    Thanks for the wishes for healing (my wife).
    @rat if you got some time to fling, please grab that puppy today. I'm above you in the ranking (for this particular game) and that feels unnaturally
  • Thanks for the heads-up on the challenge @bernersenn. Easy puppy. I didn't beat you "yet"; but I expect I'll try a little harder later. he he
  • Congrats @rat. So, come on and finish it. As said, this doesn't feel natural.
    Perhaps an idea for the other Space freaks?
  • @rat did you post a picture with cc to @sweetp? Don't forget it
  • I wasn't going to post until I came back and beat you @bernersenn.
    BTW, I posted.
  • @rat that's what friends are for.
    Know what? This is the only game I played in the entire mirror world.

    Changed my mind and returned to that Ski thing, starting with #14. Anyway, 3 hours later, 0 progress.
    OB, get those who are in here anything they want to drink.
    Cheers, Europe is almost going to bed.
  • @bernersenn To be competitive, you'll need level 14. But, as you know, it's the worst of the bunch. Good luck. I shot between the 1st two towers and activated before it dropped very low. It's pretty when it works. I've only played twice since X-mas and then only for a few hours. But I got lucky and picked up around sixty thousand points. Twenty from level 14 alone.

    I hope I didn't waste all my luck getting a puppy. I've got all that money invested in the Lotto drawing in a few hours. 1.5 BILLION!!!! Wow!
  • Ma You're the "Queen of Mirrors Space". You started todays challenge in ninth place. You're in twenty-seventh now. Go get your puppy. Fifteen of the twenty-five flingers that posted have won a puppy.
  • @bernersenn -- Hope your wife is in good health soon.
  • @kathy no puppies on that level SwellD must had huge luck to get a score that high. and not doing todays challenge. Maybe will do tomorrows. I did improve a few Tatooine scores today some of those levels rely on TOO much luck on how the laser pig floats or rolls, haven't been extremely lucky on those yet. but improved
  • @bernersenn I don't know either you or your wife, but I wish her well.
  • Arghhh thanks for the heads up Pa ,i still have time:)
    @gumby yea @swellD got a lucky fling or something, he didn't post his strat last time I checked, which is unusual for him, as he always requests that other top flingers post theres , he may have by now i haven't checked since last night . he must have been in a hurry that day
    I'll try to give you a hand in training tatoonie, I'm having a terrible time in DS2
  • Ma, I passed by the Angry Bird kennel on my way to the BP. There was a cute puppy all alone in the cage whining, "She didn't want me, She didn't want me". Why did you leave that cute puppy homeless Ma?
  • Ah well Pa ,I didn't have much time for the R&R I tried: (
  • I'm gonna try to pick her up on Potj :)
  • @Kathy will drop in to the BP. Been out of town, been working, been putting kids on the bus, been flinging, been setting up new home computer. minimal time to chat
    @Rat, I think we're splitting that 1.5B. only 700M cash, 400 after taxes. split that's only 200M, I guess enough to buy a couple o' candy bars and a new tablet
  • I've been going thru ABO and @swellD is a SWELL guy (or gal). But I knwhow it goes, I've no high scores but several top 10s,sometimes it's just like every fling and things just fall differently.

    OK, with 200M I'm buying Gumby a new cab! Maybe even a Lexus.
  • Nice to see you @knichy ,wosssh sounds like you've been a busy birdie!!
    Pa I'm not gonna be picking up that puppy anytime soon POTJ just not interesting me atm, maybe tomorrow , she's well taken care of and she knows i want her, just not working right now
    Almost bedtime, I'm amazed how time flies at night, why can't work go by that fast:/ huh?
  • @bernersenn @rat your little rivalry reminds me of my kids' soccer team I coach (football). I split the team into 3 @ 4 on 4 teams, as did another regional team, and entered a tourney. We wound up each winning one out of three divisions head to head, and tied one on points. we wanted to duke it out for the last one on the pitch, but the officials wound up just giving us both the big trophies. We agreed to take it to the indoor season, we see them this weekend! One team has to relinquish theirs!
  • @Kathy, like you, not the biggest fan of the boomerang bird, but sometimes every day seems like groundhog day, which I hereby declare should be called forthwith "Boomerang Bird Day"
  • Oh yes @knichy for sure @swellD is a great guy (i think) haven't seen him around lately which explains him not commenting on challenge levels , I just meant it was unlike him not to post a strat when he has high score, because he normally does, and is kinda outspoken to those who don't as to that's kinda an unspoken handshake amongst longstanding members to share their highscoring strat or some sort of 'how you did it'
    Right Pa:)
  • Lol @knichy if you win Powerball we'll never see you again but You did put it in writing and there are witnessess Soo @ gumby you should start looking at Lexus's and pick one suitable for a cab haha!! Anyway the numbers are in!!! Let's all check our tickets, personally I'm gonna wait till tomorrow cuz i have 29 pool tickets to check and 5 of my own and is to darn late , plus if i actually won I'd never sleep!!
  • @knichy Good luck in ABO check out @bonneypattycat forum on levels worth another try..
    I really gotta get to sleep ,almost midnight, work tommorow. .night
  • Aww shucks! I didn't split the lottery winnings with @knichy. Oh looks like I'll be keeping my old Lexus for yet another year. Sorry @Gumby.

    @bernersenn and I don't have a rivalry @knichy. But I do like a challenge. And he did ask me to beat his score. How could I not oblige him? BTW, thanks again for letting me know about the Mirrors Space challenge @bernersenn. There's going to be a lot of puppies now that they've included Mirrors Space in the daily challenge.

    Sorry you didn't get your puppy Ma. I thought surely the Queen of Space would get one.

    Nite nite Ma.
  • It's been a bad week for celebrities moving on, first David Bowie & now Alan Rickman... :(
    OB, a large black coffee please to drown my sorrows.

    @rat, @bernersenn congrats on your puppies yesterday! I thought it was a tough one. I managed to improve at least, but still a few k short.
    Have a good day all.

  • Hi @karen68 thanks. That is frustrating, missing a few K for a puppy. @knichy @gumby thanks. The situation is heading in the good direction, slowly, but it does.
    @rat No, I don't have any rivalry, au contraire mon ami. I love it to help people, enjoying very much when it works.
    @kathy @knichy about @swellD he is a very good player. When you need help with a strategy just write a pm to him, he will be delighted to help. He made some bad experiences with his comments in the walkthroughs years ago. In that time some players weren't that politely with their comments. That's why.
    Good night to you all.
  • @all if I HAD won the powerball you'd see me every day, I'd quit my job and play AB full time!
    @rat and @bernersenn rivalries can be friendly, the coach of our rivals in soccer is a long time friend, went to high school with my wife, and I was his assistant a few years back. the kids all eat lunch together at school. so I should have prefaced "friendly rivalry". But I will say that that what I love about the nest is how excited everyone is to have their score beaten by someone else using their strat. It seems to be a higher honor than getting the high score!
    In that vein, i just accidentally got a crushing score in ABO Ham Em High 14-15 with a completely undocumented strat so posted it. I'd love to see what some real flingers can do!
  • @all if I HAD won the powerball you'd see me every day, I'd quit my job and play AB full time!
    @rat and @bernersenn rivalries can be friendly, the coach of our rivals in soccer is a long time friend, went to high school with my wife, and I was his assistant a few years back. the kids all eat lunch together at school. so I should have prefaced "friendly rivalry". But I will say that that what I love about the nest is how excited everyone is to have their score beaten by someone else using their strat. It seems to be a higher honor than getting the high score!
    In that vein, i just accidentally got a crushing score in ABO Ham Em High 14-15 with a completely undocumented strat so posted it. I'd love to see what some real flingers can do!
  • @knichy YEAH a new Lamborghini taxi you say?
    @rat :( holding out on the Lexus
    @kathy Tattooine levels can drive you crazy
  • So sorry you weren't able to get a puppy yesterday @karen68. I thought all you had to do was show up to get a puppy. How many do you have now? 200? How do you remember all their names?

    @Gumby...Lamborghini? he he he You can't fit passengers in a Lamborghini. I would probably die from laughter if I ever saw a Lamborghini with a Taxi light on it's roof.

    @Knichy I do have a rivalry with @Romo though. But it's one sided. He's a super nice guy and a superb flinger who wishes no one any ill will. But every time he gets ahead of me on a Space world, I'll burn the midnight oil until I've overtaken him again. All because he mistakenly said he was #1 on a few episodes in Space on his website. In truth, he was in the lead for a few hours. But he left his top ranking on the website up for months. It perturbed me. ha ha Shallow huh?

    What are those words you said to me @bernersenn. Hiding behind a language I don't know to talk bad about me? Making me feel stupid. Now we have a rivalry!!
  • Au francais, mon freir
  • @gumby -- Just how many people can that taxi carry? I mean inside, in comfortable seats. Yeah, I know, if you're driving a Lamborghini, do you really expect to be comfortable?
  • @knichy-rivalry
    RIP Rat. He died laughing at a taxi.
  • well no I also didn't win the powerball:( sorry @gumby too bad about the Lamborghini: ( but I gotta agree with Pa, a Lamborghini wouldn't really make a good taxicab lol , Unless you only had One passenger *raises her hand just in case , someday* lol in the meantime I'm happy with my little Sonic and I Do love my job :D so I'm happy i didn't win :D yeppers happy, happy happy :D
    @bernersenn I was wondering why @swelld went silent , didn't realize he'd had a hard time with comments from people in the past, that's too bad because as you say he's very nice and a respectable flinger who is usually willing to share and help, I was hesitant to pm him to bother him about asking for help, because i figure if he wanted to help he would post in the walkthrough. Thank you for the explanation of why he has stopped posting as frequently as he used to.
    @Karen68 Yes a sad week for celebrities, i could not quite remember Alan Rickman at first, but on further listening and Google , yes very sad loss: (
    Uhhm @gumby if you think Tatoonie can drive you mad, you should quit SW now lol, it gets worse It took Kimmie and I probably a year to get in the top 10, no lie, if i didn't have her to have fun with through it I would have quit, as I did when she left, and that's why i I'm just getting around to finishing it up! Quit while you still are sane is my advise, play seasons lol
    And last but not least I'm thinking of starting a ' Which SW levels got easier' forum mwahahahahahaha!!!
    OB I'll have a Double Pigkiller please
  • Night Pa ♡
  • OMGirraffe @gumby I just saw your new Lamborghini Taxi :D cool beans Pick me up when you get it:D
    PA Did ya see what you bought? Hee heee; )
  • Oohhh I'm sorry Pa ,it was @knichy who bought gumby the Lamborghini taxi!!!
    Thanks @knichy:)
  • I was going to give him my old Lexus if I won Ma. I'd keep the Lamborghini.

    Sweet dreams Ma
  • Oops i gotta read more carefully Pa lol,
    Hey an old Lexus, is better than no Lexus and even better than an Imaginary Lamborghini ^)

    Night Pa ♡ i can't see to type loll
  • Morning guys.
    @Rat hiding behand a language? "Au contraire" is beautiful french, it means "ganz im Gegenteil" - in German.
    See you later
  • @rat lol. I'm going to find out if there are puppies to gain today.
    See you later.

    Btw, those weird languages meant "on the contrary".
  • So now you're being contrary. Bring it on @bernersenn.
  • @rat What should I bring on, pal?
    First of all I am going to get that puppy tonight. Will keep you informed about the progress.
  • Progress is zero, zip, nothing.
    Good night to you all.
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