The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2677
  • @bluemongodrinkers busy evening! see we have some retro-80s tunes cranking, movies with the BF. Yes we call it a stick shift @hunnybunny, but like your nickname many tranny rhymes. We do have one roundabout, in Massachusetts I think they call them rotaries. there are a crap ton in DC though, about 60 min north.
  • @kathy WASSSUUPPP
    @hunnybunny and @pellystar fill me in about a "stone frog " I am clueless here
    @rat awfully quiet Mr. are ya feeling alright?
  • @knichystealerofkathyscrown RUH ROH she's gonna be mad
  • @knichy there are a few rotaries here that I refer to as the circle of death
  • Fantastic Bronski beat @Pellystar, ,I've never heard that, ,i like it!!
  • @gumby Waaasuuup!!
    Yep @knichycrownthief we call them rotaries,
    @gumby the Fore River bridge rotary is a circle of death lol,, and the one i think it's in Wollaston or Neponsat ? (Spell check) you must know them all!!
  • @gumby I'm clueless of the Stone Frog as well, sent Mrs. Bunny a pm lol..;)
  • @kathy I think the one in Watertown/Newton line just off the Masspike is really bad. Neponset not so bad as there are traffic signals all around it and Fore river bridge one isn't so bad because most cars just go along the main road, nobody really goes around it much
  • Oh @gumby I've never been there i don't think, i think toll booths off the mass pike are the worst!! The one going to uhhmm idk but my car broke down there once and it's like 8 or 10 lanes, i was in the middle:/
  • @kathy this challenge level is fun to play, but not good for high score attempts. :( I haven't gotten over 194k and can't for the life of me figure out where anyone is getting over 197k.
  • SWDNF's retirement is very close Mrs. Bunny. She officially retires 31 May. Enjoy shopping with your Birthday money.

    What a coincidence @Pellystar. All my wife wanted as a retirement present was a stone frog knickknack. Stone frogs, shoes, and handbags...there's no accounting for women's desires.

    I'm a Jimmy Neutron fan myself. I use the brain blast to solve tough AB levels. lol

    I'm feeling a bit better @Gumby. Thanks for asking. But it's all relative.

    I wish we had more roundabouts. They are a rarity here.

  • @Gumby read @emider tips on timing and see my screenshot! you'll get it ,easy puppy good luck:) * crosses fingers behind her back*
    I really don't want to go there to defend my trophy:( betcha @comex666 will get it!
  • You need to release that death grip you have on the daily challenge trophy @Ma. Give someone else a chance. he he
  • @kathy lol its not easy, I have been doing that all day.
    @pellystar what about Bullwinkle and rocky :)
  • pellystar is closer to getting your trophy than comex is @kathy
  • Ya @Pa lol , that's funny coming from you!!! You defend your trophies until the end heehee, uhmmm remember @sglouk heehee and uhmm what's his name???
  • We just call them traffic circles. No death, no anything I can't spell becUzs auto correct.....
  • Not so @Ma. I've lost twice as many trophies as I own.

    He who shall remain nameless took four from me in Mirror CC yesterday.
  • He Did!! And I remember 'He who shall not be named' darn russian lol , no that's not right hmm
    No offense to any Russians meant although i don't think Russians are allowed internet ?

    * opens mouth,, inserts foot*
  • Oopsy sorry @knichy i wasn't meaning to ignore you #crownthief
  • nows your chance for another Puppy @Pa :) space challenge, you just have to beat @happyshake :D
  • South Korean @Ma.
  • Oh yeah @Pa I was in the ballpark :/ kinda not really ....
    OB I'll have one more Blue Mongo ,I have 40 minutes until Pa walks the dog;)
  • @Pa you don't happen to have a screenshot of the trajectory of your first shot in Winter Wonderham 1-19 , or remember if those towers were wobbling when you hit them ?
  • @Ma. As my entry in the walkthrough stated, I achieved that score before I knew it was a good score. My complete memory of the event is written there. I got nothing else.
    I improved to 2nd place on the challenge but no puppy. I should be able to rectify that when I get a chance to fling again later. Make that a maybe. My MIL just broke her hip.
  • oohh no @Pa Mil broke her hip :( not good, sorry to hear :(
    I gotta get to bed before Snort Starts chasing me, sorry I'd love to stay,send me a pm
    Night night @Pa
    haha @snort can't catch me now..
  • Good night @Ma
  • @mvnla2 Sorry for the late answer, but sinbce my nickname has changed (I'm @zackvoyager), I didn't recieve any notification :D By the way, my summer vacation begin on June 10th, (unless I count my anticipated French written and oral exams for Baccalaureate on June 17th and 30th :P) Well, I started a new game of ABEpic, this time spending around some euros... (No, I didn't max out all my birds' mastery levels, don't look at me like that... O.O) So by the way, I also quite improved my English, at least way more than my German (sorry @angryde :P) Also, the problem for me to talk with other Nesters is the time difference between the US and Europe, just see what displays above on my screen :P

    "Rat 8:00AM Flag
    Good night @Ma♥ "

    You know what I mean...
  • Stone Frog Story:

    Somewhere in Wales (nowhere close to me whatever @pellystar may have insinuated) a body was recently dug up. A male body, with his skull caved in. Wrapped in insulating material, black bags, etc.
    DNA revealed that he was Mr X who had disappeared more than twenty years ago. When this became public, a friend of Mrs X (now also deceased) related that Mrs X had told her that she had caved his skull in with a large Stone Frog. The friend thought she was joking. Forensic examination confirmed large Stone Frog was indeed the murder weapon

    Just saying that @kathy has an ex and used to own a large Stone Frog

    Sorry Kathy, I know you never lived anywhere but the US, but you freely admitted ownership of the FROG!
  • Hello @all:D OB Start with a Blue Mongo while i catch up:)
    * settles down in @estars favorite booth, and reads up*
  • @Zackvoyager as always , nice to see you: D So summer vacation is coming a few weeks for you, that's awesome , and good luck with your exams , I'm sorry but i don't know what Baccalaureate is?
    I haven't tried Epic yet, can you play it solo or do you have to have FB friends? I don't use FB, I've been interested in trying Epic though,, actually i did try it once but i didn't understand how to play it:/
    Your English is fine, and your studying French And German Wow!! I only have english lol, so that's impressive! I took french in high school but dropped out quickly, i could not get the 'rrr' rolling off the tongue for some words, so i switched to Spanish but also dropped out, i couldn't understand why the sentences are backwards compared to English,, finally settled on Latin where i excelled and loved it, but couldn't remember it now if you paid me lol!
    Have to ask why you put a flag next to @rat9 comment 'good night Ma 'heart' ??
    I'm 'Ma' lol it's just a thing that he started calling me 'Ma' one day and I called him 'Pa' we've never actually met in person lol, i guess it's just a tradition lol, hope i explained that properly?
    Anyway hope to see you more often: D and yes the time zone between Europe and U.S is 6 hours *sigh* it would be nice if we could all be in the Nest at the same time!
  • Whoa that was scary!! Site went down!!
    @bernersenn i tried to look back to find wolf at 1 week but i couldn't find which page ,i want to save the pics so i can see him grow,, could you post the 1 week old wolf again ?
  • Puppy update for @gumby
    It's fun!
    Space, two puppies won @comex666 and @bernersenn no surprise there.
    Next two, nearly there: rat and me!
    I'm impressed with my attempt in Space, guessing Mister @rat is not with his
    But I'm off to bed, and there's more time for The Rodent to prove he's King of Space. Go, Rat, Go!

    Nighty night all

    @kathy hide the new Stone Frog, bf might get suspicious...
  • Oops @kathy congrats on daughter's graduation
  • lol @hunnybunny i never got a new one, but now that i know the story, i just might. .hmmm
    Nighty night, Sweet Dreams :)
  • Thank you @hunnybunny :D I'm very proud of her:D
  • Where the heck is every one?
  • OB I'll have another Blue Mongo please:)
  • @kathy WASSUUPP and I better warn your BF about any Stone Frogs he might see around your house LOL
    @hunnybunny I have been trying for a puppy no luck so far :(
  • @bernersenn the new puppy kinda looks the same so far :)
  • @gumby Waasssuupp? Ohhh his Mother had all kinds of frogs in her yard , he even bought her one
  • @kathy ruh roh I better warn him quickly then lol
  • for mothers day, my keyboard on tablet is on the fritz:(
  • lol he just got home, said he saw you:)
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