The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2682
  • @rat lol

    And a page changer
  • Achtung! @bernersenn will now translate toGerman.
  • @rat was auch immer du möchtest. Du verlangst, wir liefern.
    Herzlichen Glückwunsch mit deinem Welpen.
  • I almost could see it in Dutch. Not a chance of understanding German. I know when I've been beat. I'm not worthy. I'm not worthy.
  • Yes you are. Remember the size of our huge country. When we drive 10 minutes in our car, we are in Belgium or in Germany. Our Dutch is spoken from (almost) all the dutchies, half of the Belgians and a bastert version of Dutch in South Africa. That's it
  • You can tour Europe in an afternoon. SWDNF would be jealous.

    I need to go fling in Mirror CC again. I "had" twenty top scores and a generous lead last week. There's that word again, "had" (past tense). But @Romo has taken 5 of my trophies and weakened my lead.
  • @bernersenn Ich kann weder sprechen Niederländisch oder Deutsch, ich bewundere diejenigen, die mehr als eine Sprache sprechen kann.
    It's a google translate, obviously!
  • @hunnybunny Google Translate does a fine job. Not perfect, but readable.
  • @rat congRATs on puppy. I didn't even try
    @kathy I've finished all sixty seven bouncy (read: bloody) levels of Ham Dunk. Finished fourth. May go back and revisit one day. There's loads of lovely points waiting for me.
    Where are you flinging now?
  • @bernersenn when do we get next (week three) Wolf picture?
  • @hunnybunny that depends. When the breeder takes new pictures, we expect them end this week. Perhaps already tomorrow, as the Germans celebrate a holiday tomorrow.
  • Btw, next saturday we will visit the breeder. The puppies will be 4 weeks old. Tons of pictures...
  • @hunnybunny neither can we, but we have no choice.
    Max was a lovely shepherd, impressive head. I don't like little dogs
  • Thanks Mrs. Bunny. You should have tried for a puppy. As you see, it could be done even after the @bernersenn's awesome flinging. Next, someone will do the same to me. No scores are sacred anymore. lol

    All I could understand in your German message was "speak Netherland Dutch". I guess that's a start. lol
  • Bye Bye Bunny.
  • Bye Bye Rat!
    No idea why we are saying Bye Bye so early...
    @bernersenn not keen on little dogs either
  • Wow @bernersenn, you speak Dutch! So does @e-star. I guess living in the Netherlands will do that for you. Of course being a pompous American we just assume everyone speaks English, ans not the hunnybunny Queen's English, the bastardized east-coast version. You do very well!
  • @knichy "Bob's your uncle" I just remembered you said it the other day. Confirm that's a British saying, meaning "yes, here it is, I've done it"
    Sorry I missed @kathy @gumby
    And thanks @kathy for getting Mr Bunny to collect me yesterday. All that "poofing" whooshing thru walls, full of "Hey Yous" and other vermin, is just too much for me....
  • @hunnybunny Bob's your uncle, right then, say no more, nudge nudge, wink wink , a nudge is as good as a wink to a blind man, eh?
  • And @rat9 I have almost got it, I had one run with 96k raw but that blasted pig on the stilts survived the first fling. That would have been 131, maybe not a puppy but a darn good fling. Am @gumby ing kids around this evening, Mrs knichy is with Nana knichy at hospital
  • @knichy I don't remember Monty Python ever saying "Bob's your uncle". Did I miss it?
  • Cheeky Nandos
  • No, another one of my non sequitur merging thought transitions, linking a British phrase to a well known British comedy troupe
  • @rat, have you got any cheese?
  • @hunnybunny I'm flinging around in PD waiting for you to finish bouncy balls lol,
    I need to do Seasons Greedings:( not that i want to lol,,but to improve my standing i have to wanna join me?
    see you after work:)
  • sorry guess i didn't hit send lol,
    Now OB I'll have a Long Island Iced tea, please, it was 92° today, and is still 85° hot and muggy, went from 50° yesterday, cold and damp, ,go figure, Thats New England weather for ya!
  • now catch up, *settles in Estar favorite booth, puts feet up and begins to read up! *
  • O.k I can't really catch up lol, real life intrudes ,bur congratulations on all puppies, and @hunnybunny l will never get tired of seeing pics of Max! Handsome dog he certainly was!
    Yes @bernersenn they really are wanting to put rattlesnakes on that island! And yes they are out of their minds!
    @knichy i still don't get the 'Bob is your uncle' reference ??
    @gumby Waassssupppp!!
  • I assume @hunnybunny is looking asleep by now, and i promised I'd never *poof* you again, so kind of Mr. Bunny to understand and always answer when i call him to collect you:) Nighty night, Sweet Dreams
    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please , the ice tea wasn't cutting it!
  • Boy do I know how to clear a room or What! !
    So OB like me and you and the ears in the walls!
    Ya Know for years We've all been calling you OB? well because your an Orange Bird of course but also Idk what your really called, I've heard some refer to you as 'bubbles '??? but i don't think that's fitting?
    Hey guys anyone know OB's proper name?
    I'll have another Blue Mongo please:)
  • I've been herding cats. But I'm here now for a few, I have some actual j o b work to do. Budgets and crap.
    Bob's your uncle means the same as in like Flynn, or you've got it made. Need quotes but auto correct keeps taking them out. Damn you autocorrect!
    A British idiom dating back to the 18th century, when supposedly thee was a guy named Bob in Parliament or something and somebody was looking for employment to stay out of debtors prison and it turned out the uncle Bob was in Parliament and got him a job. Or something like that, @hunnybunny or @google could probably splain it better
  • "my quotes" may stay, if Bob's your uncle. Autocorrect actually added the uncle when I typed "Bobs your"
  • Must update boat GPS or ill never get up to Boston!
  • ya @knichy your phone will eventually remember what you wanna say, kinda freaky somtimes :/
    your coming to Boston? I think I-93 all the way, or I-95 hmm never mind idk, i know how to get to Foxwoods that's it ,I-93
  • uhhmm sorry can't take I-93 by boat lol,,just follow the channel North hee hee:)
  • I'm talking the ICW
  • let me try " .Bob's your ,,.nope didnt work lol
  • ohh Ya ICW ya that's idk lol, isn't that what Nemo father followed ?
  • gotta go brb
  • Marlin followed the EAC, the Australian equivalent of the Gulfstream on the east coast USA. Represent yo!
  • East Australian current
  • Nighty night ma
  • Oh yes Marlin And Dory , followed the EAC that's right @knichy , did you see there gonna be another movie? Finding Dory lol
    Nighty night @knichy
  • Nighty night @Pa
    book in eyes closing..
  • Yep, Nemo 2, finding dory. It'll be a two DVD set with the angry birds movie
  • Just woke up from a nap in time to say...

    Night @Ma
  • ohh really @knichy? The angry birds movie,is in a 2 set with finding Dory ? that's odd, what's the connection?
    @jlz -666 Hear that? "Just keep flinging, Just keep flinging " lol
  • Oopsy. ....Nighty night @Snort. ..*poofs Quickly To bed*
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