The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2696
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • and the Princess says g'nite lol :D
  • Good night @Ma
  • Good Afternoon all!! busy day, just thought I'd pop in, in between laundry
    Hope everyone's enjoying a lazy Sunday
    wicked windy weather here,,gusts must be close to 50 mph!
    OB I'll have a Frozen Pigkiller please:)
  • @kathy WASSUPPP lazy Sunday lol 12 hours of work is more like it
    @rat don't they have DigSafe where you live?
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp! ! long day huh.
    what'd i miss Digsafe ??
  • @kathy yea DigSafe, call before digging ( its the law )
  • Ya @gumby i know that , but didn't think it applies to phone lines,, only gas?
  • @kathy it applies for any digging, because you could hit a gas line, etc.
  • @Kathy, I think you can play AB Friends without FB, but not sure. It runs as a separate app on your device.
    Saw my great-nephew again today, now 6 weeks. At the end of the visit he woke up enough to make some eye contact (maybe).
  • I'll check it out @Mvnla2
    how exciting ,is so cool when they first open their eyes , hee hee and of course he was looking at his great Auntie..
    I'm about done for the night, book in my ears sleepy
    Night all ..Nighty night @Pa
  • OB me and @knichy need Blue Mongo before bedtime please; D
    nighty night @knichy enjoy, every Mr .Mom deserves Blue Mongo b4 bed time:D
  • @Kathy @Rat @Hunnybunny @catsnbirds -- Love cruising! We've been on 3 cruises now, all with the same company (Travel Dynamics, which was bought last year by Ponant). Also all in the Mediterranean. The Ponant ships are larger, and not sure they offer the same kind of cruise experience.
    The Travel Dynamics ships were small, no more than 150 passengers, and all tours were included and had excellent guides. There was no problem getting off the ship and onto buses, and the tours generally lasted all day. There was some free time for shopping, but I can only remember once when we spent an hour at a Greek ceramic artists studio, which was basically to buy his stuff, which wasn't very interesting.
    Haven't been on a river cruise, but interested.
    @catsnbirds -- Going to look into the cruise companies you suggested. Thanks!
  • Forgot to say that I have always wanted to visit Egypt, and cruise the Nile. The first time I was ready to book, someone killed a lot of tourists (at least 20 yrs ago). Every time I think it might be safe to go, something awful happens.
  • We do have requirements for looking at existing utilities before digging @Gumby. That's why it takes them so long (two months seemed a bit excessive) every time they come out to destroy one of my utilities. I consider myself lucky. They've left my sprinkler, electric, water, gas and sewer lines intact every visit so far. And with no home phone line, Rachel from Cardholder services hasn't bothered me for days. lol

  • @rat lol Rachel will be calling soon most likely
  • @Mvnla2 that sounds like a good cruise ,only 150 people, and a whole day in port!
    I'll most likely never be able to take a cruise , not in this lifetime anyway, unless i hit the lottery ,or my daughter gives me a really ,really nice Christmas present lol!
    @Pa is your phone answering service working Even though the line is down? If not Rachel mat
    may be searching for new employment lol!
    @Gumby Waaasssuppp, ,day off today?
    OB I'll have a Mongo please, any color lol:)
  • It's a Hi and Bye again! In Barcelona overnight. Finally got to see inside the Sagrada Familia, amazing. Will post a picture on my return. Off to Cannes tomorrow xx
  • @kathy just read your comment above, we arrived in Barcelona at midday and leave at 4pm tomorrow. That's more than one whole day.
    See you soon, hope you are still kicking butt in SG....
  • @Ma You've never received a telemarketing call from Rachel? I get about two a week. How they make money calling people who want nothing to do with them repeatedly is beyond me. And being on the "Do not call list" means nothing to them. Btw, I received a call from her within thirty minutes of getting my phone turned back on today.
  • Gaudi's buildings are different from anything I've ever seen Mrs. Bunny. I didn't get to go inside the Sagrada Familia when we were their. The line was too long. I look forward to your pictures.
  • @hunnybunny Thanks for the update :D I'll have to google Sagrada Familia, lol it even comes up on my spellchecker so i must be missing something :/
    enjoy your visit to Barcelona, , and that's cool more than a whole day is awesome!
  • @Pa i didn't realize you were talking telemarketing, i thought you meant your specific card holder services ,, Yes I get those calls a lot, i have most of them on Auto reject , but the repeat callers I've started answering and telling them directly to take me off their call list or I'll report them, the ones I have reported didn't call again I've been on the 'Do not call' list since 2009 , but recently re-registered and have had fewer calls.
    Yesterday got a call from one who couldn't even speak English saying he was from the Federal Govt. (Inaudible) dept. I asked him to repeat the name of the dept 3 times ,3 times i got gran(inaudible) lol he said "hold on" then hung up lol;) I just learned to be very bitchy and they don't bother me again;)
  • well that's me done for the night, listening to my book,, flinging a few more, feeling a case of anal glaucoma coming on, can't see my a**going to work tomorrow, Dr.Appt at 3 , and Wednesday Dentist at 3 , don't want to leave early 2 days in a row, so strategically speaking, take tomorrow off,, leave early Wednesday for a 'doctor' appt.. ;) no work to do anyway that'll keep my co-worker somewhat busy for the day instead of us both sitting there twiddling ourb thumbs..
    Boo calling,, night night all
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • @rat lol I told you Rachel would be calling soon
  • I knew she would @Gumby...I knew she would. She was just quicker than I expected.

    @hunnybunny Have you ever heard the saying, "Oh! That's gaudy" or "Lawdy that's gawdy"? It may just be a Southern expression meaning something is overly ornate and busy. I can't hear it without thinking of Antoni Gaudi after seeing his style of architecture. I have no idea if there is a connection.

    @Ma Rachel doesn't care about the DNC list and she can't be auto-rejected. And I've been told if you talk to "Rachel?", they'll call more often. Lose-lose situation. Google her. Everybody hates her. She evidently calls everybody but you. ha ha You do know she's a computer auto dialer right?

    Nighty-nite Ma♥

  • omgiraffee @Pa I Googled Rachel and sure enough she was there lol!
    I have gotten those calls, but not from Rachel, and when i reported them,i haven't got them again
    Well took the day off today,,dr. Appt at 3 going Flinging for a bit
  • Hi @hunnybunny, nice to hear something from you.

    Hello guys, good evening to you all.
  • Only three more weeks until Wolf joins the @bernersenn family. Whoo hoo!

    Playing hooky @Ma? tsk tsk tsk

    It costs a lot of money to make all those calls Rachel makes. Whose supporting her? She could save some if she'd stop calling me. I'm NEVER going to entertain any offers she may have. The government has successfully prosecuted her a few times but she just changes locations and opens two more telemarketing sweatshops.

  • @rat 3,5 weeks. July 9th. Big, big day.
  • woot 3.5 weeks till Wolf ,the BP mascot joins us:D
    @Pa I know right, i read all about Rachel! crazy they still get away with it,,i feel bad for the poor people that fall for the scam:(
    Im not really playing hooky, i have a dr. appt at 3 ,And Dentist tomorrow at 3:30 so rather than leaving early 2 days in a row, i figured call in sick today and leave early tm for 'dr. appt' looks better that way; )
    well I'm off to the stupid ,unnecessary appointment, bbiab:)
  • @rat just get a whistle like the cops used to carry and blow it in her ear when she calls you LOL she just might stop
    @kathy WASSSSUUPP
    @bernersenn 3 and a half long weeks to go
  • @gumby Waassssupppp!!
    Good idea lol, Rachel might not like that, except n it's a recording haha you'd probably have to press 1 before you can blow the whistle?
  • @rat I get calls from a number then call it right back and get " we're sorry the number you are trying to reach is not in service "
  • i tried that too @gumby usually says the same, this #can't be reached:/
  • OB i need a Frozen Blue Mongo please:)
    and i forget its at Tuesday, so Whine Tuesday is extended to Wednesday
    *sets out baskets of earplugs on the bar and the booths, the table by the door *
    I'll start with a Wwwwwwihhhhhiiiiinnneee for SG level 1-8 !!
  • @hunnybunny @rat -- Love Gaudi! I've seen the outside a couple of times, and the inside once. Spectacular! There are a lot of other Gaudi buildings in Barcelona, hope you get to see them.
    Thankfully, I haven't gotten calls from R. But I agree, most telemarketers don't pay any attention to the DNC list. I no longer answer the phone unless I recognize the phone number or caller.
    @Kathy -- What's your new avatar?
  • @mvnla2 its to light a candle for all victims of terrorism:( sad to even have to have it. I know i need to change it, is hard to see
  • @mvnla2 I so wish i could do more than just display an avatar to speak against the terrible things happening over the world, it really hurts my heart to know and see that there's people that harbour so much hate against those just living their lives innocently ,i know we are not supposed to speak of such things here but .. is not political and it shouldn't be made to be
  • I'm out, gotta work tommorow g'nite all
    Nighty night @Pa
  • Night @Ma
  • Fair warning @Ma. Your top score on M2-1 in Mirror Cold Cuts is the only non-luck level in which Romo or myself don't have the top score. If he gets ahead of me again I might need to steal it from you. I've avoided trying out of respect for the "Queen of Space". Just sayin Ma...
  • No Worries @Pa a flinger gotta do what a flinger gotta do, I'd rather you have it than Romo:)
  • @Ma He's got his work cut out before I would need it but... Ha ha ha
    Sorry. I wasn't laughing at you Ma. Just at his persistence for 1st place in Mirror Cold Cuts. He's a great flinger. He could go after any episode he wanted but he seems to be putting all his efforts into MCC's. I wonder why???? I told him he could have had it if he'd only said "Please". Maybe that's why. He was offended that I'd GIVE it to him. lol

    Meanwhile, back at the Castle, @Sglouk is plodding along in his takeover bid for Space. He's doing well. He's only 370,000 points away from catching me. In another year or so I'm going to get worried. *snicker* Another persistent flinger!
  • Lol @Pa you really thought Romo would fall for that old line! Heehee, and of course @sglouk will never give up. I'll get back to the Castle someday ,, I'm busy conquering Seasons atm ,@bernersenn is kicking butt in SG and I'm trying to keep up with him lol @ hunnybunny is gonna have a lot of flinging to do when she gets back!
    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please,, make it a Frozen one
  • I hear ya @Ma. It's hard to defend the castle if I only fling every couple of weeks though. It's basically undefended. But it's built on solid rock so it can withstand a small siege. ha ha
    SG? What Season's episode is that? Oh...Season's Greetings. WTG @bernersenn, @Ma, and Mrs. Bunny. Your BP group is moving right up the rankings.
  • Time for Mongo @knichy !!
    OB set us up please
    And I forgot I extended Whine Tuesday till Wednesday soo
    Wwwwhhhhiiinnne for SG (seasons Greedings @pa) level 9
  • getting late,,time for my book
    Night night everyone
    Nighty night @Pa
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