The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2694
  • And speaking of cruises my Dad and his wife will be coming back from Europe into Boston via cruise ship
  • Lol be there in spirit @hunnybunny , enjoy your cruise:) hope you have Wi-Fi so you can pop in
    Nighty night Sweet Dreams..
  • @unclegumbycrowntheif , that's cool your Dad sent on a cruise:)
    Maybe someday when I'm to old my daughter send me on one lol, never to return, that is why I'm afraid to go,, I'm afraid I'd stay in the nice warm Beach in the Bahamas lol
  • @kathy from @Gumbylooksdarngreatinthiscrown Yikes I accidentally archived an email and now I don't know where to find it :( HELP
  • Uhmmm that i don't know @gumby , hold on I'll try to figure it out, do you have gmail?
  • Here are a few ways to locate messages:

    Search: Touch the Search icon Search icon while viewing your inbox or other list of conversations.
    Labels: If you previously applied a label to a message, you can find the message by touching the menu Menu and selecting the label.
    All Mail: All archived messages are in All Mail. Touch the menu Menu and select All Mail.

    @gumby, that's what i found under 'help & feedback'
  • @kathy thanks I found it PHEW
  • yw @gumby:D i like to help when i can:)
  • @kathy thanks :)
  • @kathy are you ready for more Thunderstorms?
  • Already had them @gumby about an hour ago ,, you mean More!!
  • @kathy I didn't see any an hour ago? And do you like my @Gumbycrownthiefavatar LOL
  • Ya loove the Crown Avatar @Gumby. (not)) h
    Jeez thanks @hunnybunny now it's gone to his head , literally!!
  • My crown is better :P
  • @kathy hehehe thats where the crown goes ( on my head )
  • @bonneypattycat Glad you joined us in the snow, we started a new pm including you, but @gumby and @knichy can't post in there pending your acceptance of their friend request.
  • @Gumby it got a bit chilly out:(
  • @kathy good it has been too warm :)
  • @vumby by gum nice fling on the ski or squeal egg 67! I was trying to get "above the fold" in Seasons GE and thought I had potential, you seem to have nailed that one
  • @knichy I dont recall it let me check it out brb
  • @knichy oh yes I remember that one, little skill and lots of luck involved
  • Getting ready for sleep,, earphones in, book on.. See all tm nighty night ..*Zzzzzzz*
  • Nighty night @Pa

    g'nite @snort ,g'nite'll catch me someday lol..but ty for keeping me in line for now hee hee ♡
  • Enjoy your cruise Mrs. Bunny. I'd hate to pay your bar tab after two weeks at sea. I assume you'll be spending extra time in the Commodore Club with it's expansive views because of that big ole lifeboat outside your room blocking the view. Moderation Mrs. Bunny, moderation. ha ha

    Good night @Ma
    Don't worry about Snort and Snicker. I'm keeping them current on their training.
  • @Catsnbirds @Hunnybunny Thanks for the cruising tips. River cruises are on our radar atm. So any and all advice will be welcomed. Mrs. Rat is already looking into Baltic cruises for after. Look out world. The Rats are on the boat. We may end up in the room next to yours on a cruise in the future Mrs. Bunny. lol It's a small world after all.
  • Hello guys,
    @gumby always working isn't good for human beings (in my opinion).
    @hunnybunny very nice trip ahead. No worry about that lifeboat. I assume they will travel at night (when it is dark). After wake up and breakfast you go into these cities.
    Nile cruise? That sounds good. Not in this time, I think Egypt isn't stable. But just the idea, seeing those pyramids, and more of that stuff.
    Since the Challenge is boaring today I will continue playing in the snow.
    Drinks for everyone AB.
  • Thanks for the drink @bernersenn :) and nice flinging in the snow!
    OB Ill have a Frozen PigKiller please:D
    @all I've heard from Tompuss , she has been busy caring for Donny (her cat) who disappeared again, upon his return he a very seriously injured paw, which required surgery and tlc, he is on the mend , which is the good news:)
    She aked me to send her love and apologies for her absence.
    Now we just need to know where @mvnla2 has disappeared to again lol , hopefully just golfing and enjoying some good weather!
  • Ah @Kathy -- You rang? I haven't really disappeared anywhere, just not doing a great job keeping up.
  • No worries @mvnla2 just haven't seen you for a bit, no need to keep up, just a hello here and there:) been golfing at all? Hope the weather has improved.
  • @kathy WASSUUUPPP
    @bernersenn EXACTLY. Working too much isn't good, but unfortunately 70 hours+ a week is a necessary evil in order to pay the bills
    @rat WASSSUP stranger
    @mvnla2 long time no see, hope all is well
  • @gumby Waassssupppp!!
  • @kathy not too much, just flinging
  • @Gumby Wassup? Adjusting to retirement . It's fun. We've stopped pinching pennies for the future and started throwing them into the fountains because we were too frugal. Whoo hoo!
  • @rat lol Let me know when you start throwing the $100's :)
  • Lol @gumby @Pa!!
    I'm not having much luck in the Flinging dept.:(
  • Ha ha @Gumby. It's going to take a long time to overcome years of frugality before I'll throw nickels instead of pennies. I wouldn't wait for the folding cash. Old habits die hard. It was a struggle to convince myself to buy 1st class tickets on airlines but I've overcome it. I now arrive at my destination in much less pain than before.
  • Well that's a plus @Pa..doesn't hurt to splurge now and then:)
    @gumby When is this Wind gonna quit???!!!
  • @bluemongodrinkers aloha! A ti y window opened up for comms, Gumby I love the avatar,, didn't notice yesterday. Looking forward to cruising and tossing g instead of pinching, my minimum retirement age is in 6 years, 5 months 2weeks and 5 days not that im counting. I'll probably stay in longer cause my youngest will just be getting into middle school then, and years in really start to count toward pension after then
  • Yay!! Blue Mongo time!! Ahhh @knichy I was hoping to work until I'm 70 , but depending on The outcome in Nov? I may take early retirement, gotta look into it...
  • @gumby by gum 70+ a week is insane! I guess if you added my work time and daddy duties shuttling, coaching, cooking, etc you may get 70 but work work?!?!? When do you find time to drink!
  • You still looking for early? I was hoping they'd bring that back but as decimated as our workforce is due to the last umpteen years of cutbacks, there haven't been any decent early out packages for us techies in 14 years. Not that I'm counting. I mean, we went 5years without a raise, all gotta do our part, you know?
  • Idk @knichy it depends on what i have available, still gonna look into, just in case..
  • 10 minutes of peace and quiet. Fling, or play moonlight sonata? Decisions decisions!
  • OB please book a brother up with another blue mongo, went with Beethoven and now must fling.
  • I'd join ya @knichy but me needs sleep:( I hate that sleeping interefers with flingjng time :(
    Got all my ME's in SG though:)
    Nighty night..TGtF:D
  • Nighty night @Pa
  • At what age were you thinking of retiring @knichy? You 6 years, 5 months, 2 weeks, and 5 days. Not that you're counting. 62?

    Nighty night @Ma
  • My minimum retirement age of 57. Probably won't stop working, just go work for somebody whose gonna pay me more for less work.
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