The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2863
  • @Jlz-666 Thanks so much, what a really pretty cupcake!
    Lol Pizza cake HeeeHeee !!
    Yes I'm wiping my tears and filling in my Space progress,, trying anyway, in Honour of my friend Tom, who pushed me hard and taught me well in Space! I owe it to him to get my scores back!
    Enjoy you chill out sofa night :D
  • R.I.P dear Tom. . .
  • OB get drinks in everyone's hand, for the toast.
    My tab
  • @Hunnybunny
    Drink in hand, I Raise my glass To @Pa , with Love..
    Thanks for the Pat's cupcakes :)
  • @Ixan57 Thank You!! What a fun song!! I love it!
    I've never really had a taste for music from across the pond,, what is that called techno? But That one was especially catchy and Fun!! Thanks!
    OB please go give the Horse some oats or whatever he eats , hay?
    I trust the hitching post is proper!
    @Ixan57 what is the horses name btw?
  • he has just been renamed. Wandering star in memory of rat
  • The girl in the song, (Clair grogan) i used to Go to her gigs in local pubs year's back when i was a teenager,44yr ago. See a really great kid,had a few laughs with her.
  • @ixan57 what's the film Claire Grogan is in? Walking along the prom?
  • If of any interest there will be a meteor shower tonight the 7th and the 8th in the northern hemisphere. The draconids.
  • She was in Gregory' girl @hunnybunny
  • Indeed @ixan57 that's what I was thinking of
    Nearly every man I've ever met loves her, there's just something about her!
  • Also comfort and joy. And she was on one of those bargain hunt style programs a couple of weeks ago.(UK t.v) goodness she's changed alot since the lads/ladettes days.
  • Love The new name of the Horse @ixan57 perfect Wandering Star.. yep I like it :D
  • Have to look up that movie. never heard of it..
    bbs Gotta eat something..
  • Anyway it's good night from me. Going meteor hunting. Thanks for the pleasant company @hunnybunny @kathy @tompuss
  • Oh it a great movie. Soppy boy meets girl thing. She is not the lead role that Dee Hepburn. @kathy
  • Thanks @ixan57 for the company also.. Nighty night Sweet Dreams
  • @Hunnybunny Omg thank you for finding the list of those from the Nest who signed the book!!
    Awesome , Don't know how you find it, no matter you did!! Great to see all the members from the Nest who signed!! your the bestest!!
  • @Gumby Waaassssuupppp??
    Thanks for the birthday wishes!
  • Happy Birthday Kathy!

    I'll raise a glass with you, for your day & a toast to Tom.
  • Thanks @Karen68.
    and *clink* Here is to Tom..I pray he has no more pain and can sleep peacefully forever after ♡
  • *Tucks in Heyyougetouttamyway in his little shoebox bed,covers him with a new cloth napkin and says good night.. sleep tight dont let the bedbugs bite♡♡
    Nighty night all ..♡♡♡
  • Who is heyyougetouttamyway? @kathy
  • @Ixan57
    The story is written somewhere in the pages of the BP lol
    It goes, a Rat shows up in the BP one day, and explaining why we hear rustling in the walls, He lives in the Walls with his wife Minnie, well rats multiply, and there were 2 little ones who would sneak out,, they are All named Heyyou and getouttamyway , there are many.. unable to tell which one we might be stepping on, or about to sit on we combine the names to include both ,Hence Heyougettouttamyway !! This one particular one, not knowing which , didn't grow, or maybe he did and this is one of many descendants, so i guess he misses Tom (@pa), to me when now appears every night at
    @all if I've got any part of that story mixed please feel free to correct or add..
  • How did your birthday go under the circumstances.hope you enjoyed @kathy
  • It was good @ixan57 Really made my day to have my friends pop in with Birthday wishes and also not forgetting Tom as well.
    To me another Birthday ..'meh,' another day older and deeper in debt!! lol but it was nice to have my friends in the Nest to cheer me up:)
  • @kathy, @all
    Another one for you and Pa. . .I like to envision him here:

    Beautiful Space:

  • Signing off.7hrs before rise for work. Just hate these time zones.somebody going to bed, somebody getting up and a load neither here nor there. Good night @kathy @tompuss
  • @Tompuss Absolutely astonishing!! Beautiful , Perfect.. yes I like to think he is still here with us... Listen to the ruslings in the wall !! little Heyougettouttamyway can't raise that much ruccus!! Pa is lurking in there..
    another memory, when Tom first started coming in the BP he would run back into the hope in the wall whenever all the girls would come in and change pages at record speed, if asked a question, would peek out, give a one word answer and scurry back out of sight lol!
  • Good night @ixan57 Thanks for hanging out with us in the BP, is a t real pleasure to have you back.
    P.s Did you try using the Gravatar to load your Avatar? I'm thinking that's why you avatar is gray?
    Here is that link
  • Nighty-night @kathy, @ixus57
    Was at a friend's house today. She has a fine family of hedgehogs in her garden - they rustle too! Plus 4 cats, all living in harmony-:)
  • Wow @Tompuss that's funny! Hedgehogs and Cats living in harmony!
    Imagine If All thePeople in the world could learn a lesson from something as simple as that!
    Nighty night @Tompuss Sweet Dreams ♡
  • You're welcome @kathy. Glad we brightened your day. Tom would never want you to cry on your birthday. X
    I'm gutted that my message for Tom wasn't on the guest book. I knew something had went wrong. I never got as far as seeing a place to put the message all I could do was post a blind message. I had no conformation etc. I never got to see a section for ABN friends :( I hope my post went through to Carol though. It'll hopefully be somewhere in the book.
    @ixan57 Where in the UK are you? The Claire Grogan references makes me think you're Scottish? Did you manage to see any of the meteor shower? I only lasted until 10pm so nothing for me.
    @tompuss what a beautiful video! As for the Hedgehogs,my pair have confronted a Hedgehog before and they were utterly confused and terrified! I was more scared for them to be honest. I didn't want them getting spiked or catching fleas. The hog knows it's strengths so it doesn't surprise me they live in peaceful harmony/understanding!
    Well Hubby is in Germany for the week so I'm home alone. Having a great cooking day making loads of soup for the freezer. Pea & ham,chicken & veg and my first try at Oxtail. Looking good so far! Have "Walking Dead" on in background and just poured a glass of vino.....4pm.....don't judge me ;) All in all a good Monday!
    Haven't played a challenge for months but had a look over the weekend and got choked to see they are dedicated to Mr Rat. It wasn't my fave episode but it got me playing in space again...damn him......haven't improved a bloody point ;)
    Oh and @kathy........ IMO you should continue saying "night Pa" It's something I think you say to yourself anyway and it doesn't seem right without it. I know he'll never be forgotten in here but seeing his "name" in words will make sure he's always around:) Jeeez to be honest @kathy...didn't he used to get pissed if you forgot to say goodnight? lol!!!
    Right....back to cooking....
  • Well I'm still email subscribed to some space levels and feared what the context of those implied. I didn't know Tom in real life but he definitely was the king of space. What that man did was extraordinary. I am deeply saddened by his tragic and untimely passing. @karen68 please convey my deepest sympathies and condolences to his wife and family. Don
  • Hi @jlz666 from Clydebank just west of Glasgow. Used to go to clair's jigs in pub called the bungalow bar, Paisley,before she was famous. 40mis outside any not a meteor in sight, from not a cloud in the sky to total cloud cover. Ah well
  • Holy crap @ixan57 I'm from Stirling! Knew I had to "bump" into a local at some point in this place! Bloody Hell! Claire Grogan gave you away;)
  • @jlz66 had a total opposite experience about 6 weeks ago.was a strong chance of aurora borealis over central/Northern Scotland. Cloud everywhere,Went to bed and guess what happened. Yip 1hour later cloud clears and it happens. Next day in newspapers pictures of it over loch Lomond, just 6miles North of me. Never seen the Northern one of those must see things for me.
  • I work with the railway, done a bit of my training at Stirling signal boxes about 30yrs ago. Was in Stirling about 2yrs ago filming a steam train. @jlz666
  • @jlz666 will just have to put up with my DVD. local hero starring Burt Lancaster in search of the aurora borealis.
  • @kathy thanks for the link to gravatar. Good instruction video for me there. Will try at weekend.
  • @ixan57 So nice/weird to read in my accent.
    Saw the lights last year over my hill (Ochils) Not great but pretty special never the less. Every time they say the "north" will get a good view I get excited but's could be anywhere. The weather/clouds are different every mile!
    BTW Theme from Local Hero (Dire Straits) was my Wedding song ;)
  • Signing off now. Bed and up in 6hrs. Going semi retired in 5wks time, from a 6 day week to a 2 day week. So will have more time then on. Good night all. @kathy sorry about the damage to the hitching post,came in a bit fast.
  • @jlz666 thats it, got the tune head stuck now. Stuck there for a week or so good night
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