The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2864
  • Yeah,you and me both @ixan57 Nice meeting you!
    Now just sitting on my own,listening to my wedding songs *sob* such a saddo. Waiting on Hubby calling me to tell me to get a grip;)
    Sorry,didn't mean to miss @swellD Hi! So lovely to see you here and give such a warm tribute to Tom and his Space legacy X
    If anyone wants to join me on my wedding flashback. They were...
    "Highland Cathedral"(pipe band) "It must be love" Madness,"Going home" Dire Straits,"Angel" Aerosmith "Always" Bon Jovi and "Nothing else matters " Metallica
    Gotta speak to Hubby ;)
    Have a nice evening peeps x
  • @Jlz-666 Your absolutley right! I say Nighty Night @Pa during my nightly prayer,, and yes he did get upset if i missed a night,, so yes i will continue the tradition and Long his memory will live in the BP.. thank you
    About your message and note for Carol, I'll be sure to tell her you did indeed leave a note, i didn't get confirmation either that my message was received or added,, I'm sure they all were added.
    @Swelld Thanks for popping in with your condolences, i will be sure to pass them on to Carol
    I'm trying to think of something to compose , although I've already told her how loved Tom was by everyone,, i haven't actually composed an email letting her know so many are thinking of her and wishing her comfort.
  • @ixan57 no worries at the Hitching post, lol I had OB buy extra materials last time, it'll be all set for Wandering Star to Hitch up in the morning, and there's fresh hay and water,, and some yummy bananas! I heard horses like bananas ;) and apple
    Hope the Gravatar works for ya:)
  • Forgot to say Happy Thanksgiving @Karen68
    Hope you had a wonderful day,, filled with great food (sure it was, you prepared it lol)
    Fun with family and lots of love, and lots to be thankful for
    and hope you are thankful that someone hopefully helped you clean up lol!!
  • *Tucks in Heyyougetouttamyway in his little shoebox bed,covers him with a new cloth napkin and says good night.. sleep tight dont let the bedbugs bite♡♡
    Time for Minnie to be taking care of you ...I stl hear her scurrying around.. tomorrow night back til your own bed..
  • Nighty Night @Pa ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
  • @kathy thanks for the hay,bananas and apples.went down well with the cold beer.
    Wandering star not with me today (didn't expect the hitching post to be fixed so quick, thanks OB)
    Will take home what's left in a doggy bag (horsey bag) for him.
  • @jlz-666 oh Highland cathedral classic! Sob sob
  • Thanks for the the carrots OB good night
  • @ixan57 Wonderful bagpipes!
  • @ixan57 Gosh Darn Timezones! Happy you like the New Hitching post,, hope Wandering Star likes it tomorrow, i had OB reinforce it a bit, but now it's flexible , in case Wandering Star is a! little over excited, it won't break again. Hope He enjoys the bananas apples and Hay Horsey bag,,darn i forgot the horses like carrots , good OB remembered :)
    Looovvveee the video and the beautiful bagpipes, I'm sure @Jlz-666 will appreciate that as well!
    Sweet Dreams :)
  • @Gumby Wwwaaassssuuuppp????
  • @Heyyougetouttamyway' All settled in your own bed with Mama Minnie..last g'night sleep tight dont let the bedbugs bite..
    Nighty night @Pa ♡♡
  • Whoo it's getting cold. Do Minnie and what's his name not hibernate around this time of year.
  • @ixan57 The walls are heated.. Minnie and the heyougettouttamyway's are snuggie,, and no they don't Hibernate, but maybe this year they will seeing as they miss their Pa :/
  • @Gumby Wwwaaassssuuuppp????
  • @kathy on a serious note, have you heard anything from @windwalker. Nothing from the PM i sent her about 2wks ago. Something just not right after that forum she started.
  • Quite in here, everybody saving up for Xmas
  • @ixan57 No not a word from @windwalkwalker or @xebic88
    Remind me what forum?
  • @Gumby Waaasssuppp???
  • @kathy She started a forum called "unsubscribe" and asked how to leave the nest :-(
  • Ohh Wow @catsnbirds That is disturbing :( thanks for letting me know, did she say why? I never thought her or xebic88 had any issues in or with the Nest..
    so that was it she just left without a word to any of us,:( sad news indeed..
  • @mvnla2 Justin checked the map, we have quite a few members in northern Ca!! you know know my geography isn't,, well let's say,'less then perfect'
    Is @Kimmiecv our anyone else we know know in line of those Devastating v Wildfires? i see the map says your second home is there also is it your real second home or your dream home?
    The news of these Wildfires is heartbreaking!
  • @Kathy -- The only person who might be in any danger, but it might be serious is @Paulanthony63, who lives in Santa Rosa. @Kimmiecv and everyone else is way out of harms way.
    On the other hand, one of the people I worked with lives in Santa Rosa, and their house was totally destroyed. Didn't have time to save much at all.
  • Ohh thanks @mvnla2 good to know KimmeCV is safe, i don't know @Paulanthony63 But i do hope he's safe as well.
    so sorry to hear of your coworker , i can't imagine! i did hear that people had to evacuate within minutes notice i can't imagine how they begin to rebuild and start over with nothing left! so so sad! Do people have insuranc e in those areas that cover for Wildfires? not that it would help much to restore all that was lost, the Memories etc. but at least something to start with?
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡ miss you♡
  • Time zones, time zones, time zones Ahaaaaaa
  • @kathy originally the post was a message asking how to unsubscribe.then it appeared with a line through the text,so thought it was a change of mind. Then PM her 2wks ago when seen there was no activity
  • Hope you guys in California pull through this devastating disaster. What's happening with the world,it seems to be one thing after a other. Good night @all .wandering star and myself are hitting the trail.
  • @ixan57 Happy trails to you....
  • Ya @ixan57 time zones..Sorry for the very late reply..I had a busy night..
    Hopefully see you tomorrow at some point.
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡
  • @gumby Waaasssuppp???
  • Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡
  • Happy birthday Gumby by Gum!
  • @gumby Happy Birthday!!! Fall celebrations are the best :-)
  • @gumby Happy Birthday my green friend!
  • Happy Birthday Gumby!!! Waassssupppp??
    Enjoy your day !
  • @Tompuss Where are you these last couple days? not like you to miss a birthday? hope all is well.
  • many happy returns @gumby you too can have the jingle
  • @ixan57 Sorry i missed your note above, no I've no answer from @windwalker or xebic88 , sadly i think they've left the Nest :(
    I can't possibly imagine what happened, but i know there are those who Question respected members scores and such, which is quite insulting, i know you also experienced that it's unfortunate that these few Can cause such issues, and can't chill out, relax and just fling for thier own self satisfaction, it's a game for crying out loud!
  • Has gumby got a horse also
  • Yep His name is Pokey , @ixan57 :D
    Not sure why @Gumby hasn't mentioned him :/
    Did you have the cartoon Gumby and Pokey over there across the pond?
  • Nope. @ Kathy But will Google it later
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