The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3032
  • Restrictions on overnight stays were relaxed this week so the MIL has landed. Shouldn't complain really she's quite helpful. She was tidying the attic, dusty, bit smelly, full of cobwebs.,but she's great with the kids. (Tommy Cooper)
    Apologies if I used this last time she was down.
  • Well I think TC looks much better in a fez so I'll keep the crown.

    Just a taste for u yankees.
  • A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
  • Then later chokes on his own vimto.
  • Just to keep our HMHB chat going @briann, they have what I think is my favourite opening line of any song. "Ground Control to Monty Don" from Every time a Bell Rings on their most recent album. This has one of my all time favourite choruses too but I can't repeat it here - check it out yourself if you don't know it. I insist.

    Quintessentially English, utterly eccentric, completely unexplainable. A bit like the BP apart from the first bit.
  • Their most recent album. Is that their 'tricky' 14th album? Will check that out in good time.
  • Yes, but not when the MIL is in earshot. Unless I have misjudged her. I blame Tommy Cooper. And Les Dawson.
  • Those boys are never going to run out of things to sing about.
  • Well I'm off to cut the hedge and I don't even have one.
  • One for this side of the pond. When does the silly season start. Oh sorry I will answer my own question. It has started.
  • That reminds me @brianN and @DeaperateDan did you ever go hedge hopping when you were younger. It was great after a bit of painting the town red @kathy then ready steady go and not a drop of booze spilt from the stolen glass after being thrown out of the pub at drink up.
  • And the dog's were barking mad. Whoopee
  • Careful with those apostrophes @ixan57, they might bite you.
  • Anyway, with regards to hedge-hopping, which I had to Google, the answer is obviously no. I'm not sure that sort of thing went on in the Home Counties. Clearly a terrible thing to be English ;-).
  • I did some insane things as a teenager but it didn't include hedge hopping. Tho I may have been thrown thru a hedge once or twice. You may find this hard to believe but apparently I was quite annoying as a teen.
  • A teenager who is annoying?!? What an unusual definition for those usually calm, quiet and thoughtful years. ;-)

    Dan, what a score for today’s challenge! Congrats!
  • Yes, drinks all round, two pups in a week. One more for the 10.
  • Well done @desperatedan, I'll have a bottle of The Macallan 52 yo malt.
  • Congrats @Desperate-dan on the puppy!
    Can you replay the level & take a screenshot of the tally screen? You need that for the puppy.
  • @karen68, managed to break it again and get the correct screen shot. In fact I have broken it 5 times. But congratulations to @catsnbirds for overtaking all of us.
  • @ixan57, slightly confused as to why you always call me @deaperateDan. Do you also have a @kathy keyboard?
  • Sorry @DesperateDan. Indeed a Kathyboard error
  • Wtg @catsnbirds, hope you have some good quality polish to go with that trophy.
  • Thanks @BrianN . I try to keep the trophy in the same condition it was in when got it. I’m sure it will be passed on soon!
  • @DespererateDan congrats on the puppy! And Congratulations @catsnbirds on the trophy :D
    I was tempted to give a couple flings today, but then I didn't :/
    I've officially become a Lurker I think, it's nice and cozy in the Lurkers corner:)
    I'll be back in full swing soon, meantime @BrianN your doing a find job being the gobbygit lol :)
  • Haven't a clue how to get to today's Challenge.
  • You have to destroy the spacecraft on Beak Impact 1 level 8.The wormhole takes you straight to the level.
    But be warned it's an absolute beast. It's so evil The Umbrella Corporation (Rovio) used it twice. It's also one of the eggsteroid levels.
  • Thanks @kathy, but there's no substitute for the real thing. So stop lurking and get y'self down here your royal gobbiness.
  • Good Morning Birdies :)
    Thought about Flinging the challenge today, But I hate Eggsteroids! Maybe later, thanks@Brian for instruction how to get there, been so long I've forgotten :/
  • Hey @kathy, did my jibe get you out of your cave? Like poking a bear with a stick and disturbing a hornets nest all rolled into one?
  • Sorry @brianN, don't know what you mean. Even if destroy it nothing happens.
  • But I almost got a 0 birder top score. The level just self destructed without having to do anything. Doesn't seem to have happened to anyone else.
  • Gosh I am confused. More than usual. I can't even see a spacecraft. Would it still there if I destroyed it earlier?
  • I am screaming but of course in space nobody can hear you scream.
  • @DesperateDan Hold on tight, I'm coming to save you! Have you still not figured how to get into the Eggsteroids level, of are you just silently screaming for the halibut?? How do you know no one can hear you in Space? I clearly heard that guy say "Houston we've got a problem" well... Idk if that's even a thing?
    Yeah @BrianN you poked the bear! Lol. I'm bored outta my mind so decided to give a couple flings! I can't Believe NoOne is on the improved list!!
  • Hey I don't have a spaceship on Beak Impact 1-8???
  • Never mind, it's a separate world of is own on my tablet, It's been sooo long I forgot everything, But I remember this Flingin' F'ling'n level I Hate Eggsteroids!!!
  • Never Flingin mind! Idk how I got 90k to begin with... No patience anymore!!
    No more poking the bear @BrianN
    * Heads back to the Lurkers section*
  • That's what I mean, no spaceship. But hey, I don't even care anymore.
  • It's just dawned on me that maybe no-one can get in to the Challenge which explains why there are no improvements today.
  • @kathy, who else is in the lurkers section with you?
  • Dan, I am almost always in the lurkers section. Very comfortable area of the BP, well set up for food, drinks and entertainment. Never know who might pop in!
  • Oh great! Another Challenge I can't get in. I might head off to lurkers corner and sulk.
  • The best way to find out about these things is to check out the walk thru page. It shows you how to find the egg(or in this case space ship or satellite) as well as how to complete the level. If you no longer have a satellite to the right of the planet with the anchor then you must have hit in gameplay and the level should be there in the eggsteroid section.

    I know this has been mentioned before, but does anyone know if there is a definitive list of levels that are harder because of those meddling interfering boffins at the Umbrella Corporation?
  • I suppose there are a lot of Lurkers in the Lurkers section @DesperateaDan , they come and go, you never know who might pop in, it's very quiet!
  • Yeah you might've mentioned that part @BrianN , before the challenge ended!
  • Who rattled your cage beaky?
  • Picture of @desperatedan on finding Bob's Fett mission as challenge.
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