The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3202
  • Wimbledon Hero:
    Jacob Fearnly, a 19 year old Brit.
    His hero is Djokovic (each to their own)
    Wild card into the tournament, found himself playing against him on Centre Court, and took a set off him!
    Well done
    Even Djokovic applauded him
  • Off to some horribly expensive consultant tomorrow, about my arthritic knees
    You ring the GP at 8.30, leave a message, get called back at 9.30 to be told “There’s no appointments available today, ring back tomorrow”
    After three attempts you decide to pay…
  • @desperatedan, thank you! Mouthwashing...ugh. I didn't say anything bad, but I had an attitude one day and talked back to my mom. I'll never forget the taste of Ivory soap! Needless to say, I surely never did that again!
  • Ah, @Sweetp I once swore at my mother, she chased me up the stairs with her broom in hand
    I never did that again, either
  • I don't remember ever saying anything nasty to my parents. I don't remember my father ever getting angry. But we were smacked when we did something naughty when small. It all seemed to work out OK in the end.

    I will leave it to @brianN to comment on brooms as he is the expert.
  • Bit shocked to hear that Taylor Swift was into the last 8 at Wimbledon. Is there nothing that this girl cannot do? Turns out it was Taylor Fritz, sadly.
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