The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 480
  • he's got like 300
  • Hey @all - Finally got caught up from the weekend. Gotta love Mondays what with all the posts to catch up with and constant meetings all day long! My quest to pass average on all levels of ABO has run into the logjam known as 17-7, managed to reach three stars pretty quickly, but now I need another thousand points or so to pass average, and I just don't see where they are in this level. After this I will be down to eight more levels. Then maybe I will go see what I can do with Piglantis. I do want to take advantage of that raft just in case it goes away in the future.
  • Hey @all finnaly home from a loong Monday and a really HOT walk from the bustop..OB could I please have a double PigKiller ..ty
    how is everyone..hi @Burbman good luck with your averages..I still have a lot of work to do to make average in Piglantis..
  • Hey @angryboy & @kathy! I don't even want to go look to see how much I need to improve in Piglantis yet. I had respectable scores when the levels first came out, but I would imagine more than a few breakthoughs have occurred since then.

    Off to another Monday meeting - back in a few hours!
  • Morning everyone! Gtg to school soon
  • Have a good day at school @Harrystar6 :)
  • Hey's it going?

    I like the new look @rd..and not to sound like I'm correcting you but it says if you find anything incorrect to please notify you "@rdnzlrips" 82 after it...I thought I would tell you incase someone tries to tell you something, if they don't know you have the "82" after your name, you may not get it, right?
  • Arggghh my game keeps force closing..OB. another PigKiller please...and I think ill try the. Bacon wrapped bannana's :)they look sooo good:)
  • Nice catch @lesleyg are you today?ty for detailed strat in lotd:) I've improved a little stupid game keeps force I have to power down phone to get it back..problem is my phone never wants to turn back on:( taking a chance everytime..good thing I'm a
  • @AA As it so happens, I get email notifications of pretty much every post that is made here. And if I have been away for an hour or so, I read my notifications before I come in. so I always see if someone mentions there is something wrong. But to maintain my undying need to make this place great, it has been changed. Thanks! :D
  • Hello @angryboy
    Hello're very welcome ;-)...I can't imagine all of your phone makes me want to buy you a "Christmas in July" present and mail you an iPad, lol...I can't believe you have to power all the way down just to get it to open...why do you think this is happening?
  • @rd...ok, I just told you incase you wanted to know..I wasn't trying to be a "grammer police", lol
    btw...You must get ALOT of emails...I do and I turned my Bookmark off of this forum because it was just way too much, as I'm sure you can relate to! I just go back and read the pages from when I was away so I don't need it bookmarked ;-)
  • @lesleyg it might have had something to do with( ahem. ) water drop..
  • I do get a lot of emails and I keep them archived for a week. Then I delete them. I keep them in case someone says something they shouldn't and they have edited it, I have proof they said it. So if the Admins need proof for punishment sakes, I have it.
  • It's come in handy a couple of times.
  • @lesleyg it might have had something to do with( ahem. ) water drop..
  • Ecchoooo...
  • Lol. A very delayed echo.
  • so quiet
  • It's too quiet...
  • way too quiet
  • I GTG, see y'all tomorrow
  • @rd -- Like the new p1. Might help newcomers if you put name of team under avatars.
  • I had some time, so I thought I'd drop by and chat for a bit... if anyone is around
  • Hey @bill! How have you been?
    @burbman if you need help on 17-7 I will have some time tonight.
    @mvnla2 Those are just place holders. :)
  • Super. and yourself?
  • Been busy with the new facebook levels...
  • I've been super busy and on edge lately. Trying to contain myself lately. A lot of personal life stuff going down. I am excited about it, but nervous, too.
  • Hey @dollarbill if your still here..hi rd:)drinks. Anyone ..on me..;)
  • I wasn't planning on drinking, but since you're buying. I will totally take one. Let me try some of that Jungle Juice. :)
  • Mmmm... the jungle juice is good..:)
    *slides a jungle juice down to rd*
  • @dollarbill -- Aren't those somewhat distorted pictures of real birds? I think I've seen them before, and someone on this site used one for his avatar. Don't remember who did them. I think they are on that Art site, that I can't remember the name of right now.
  • I looked at bills link.. that's pretty cool real life angry birds I wonder..probably those are the birds they based game on;)?
  • @mvnla2. Are you thinking of picasa...
  • Hi btw..arry @mvnla2 ;) how. Are you?
  • Sorry guys, working on some surprises :)
  • I didn't think they were distorted..of course I AM half blind in one eye and deaf in the. Other;)
  • Hey!!! Who hired the bouncer?.. was that part of the surprise? @rdnzlrips82?
  • I just got lifted off my stool and hoisted out the back door into the alley:(
  • * dusts off..ob another jungle juice please Big Red spilled mine all over..
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