The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 484
  • Back again from meetings. Only one more level to beat average in ABO!! Must be about time for Rovio to release the next page of S&T!!
  • congrats @burb, i hope so
  • Thanks, me too. I am going away fishing this weekend, so I hope to have some new levels to occupy my time away from society - no phone, no internet, just a generator to recharge phone.
  • good luck
  • i love to fish!!!!!!
  • What do you usually go fishing for? I will be catching king salmon, halibut and ling cod.
  • i fish in a lake, i just put my worm(flatale) in and see what happens, i usually catch cat-fish and pan fish
  • Sounds like a good way to relax!
  • yep, last time i went fishing, i made my first cast(of the day) and not 5 seconds later, i had a cat-fish on the other line, it's relaxing if you get the chance to sit before catching something
  • I hear ya on that one. Last year with two of us on a 16 foot boat, we had four 40 pound king salmon on at the same time. It was a fire drill to keep all the lines from getting tangled! Landed three of them, and a sea lion ate the fourth as we were trying to bring it in!
  • LOL, fishing is always unexpected
  • I GTG, adios
  • I am out of here as well, work is over, home calls...
  • bios posted at BP Jr.
  • @Burbman -- I take it you fish in the ocean??? Bring some of that fish back to the BP for the ME (and the rest of us). A few years ago, we were on a raft (maybe boat?) trip on the Rouge River, and the guide saw a sea lion catching a huge salmon (this was near the mouth of the river, I think). Anyway he dove in and wrestled the salmon from the sea lion, and tossed it in the boat. The sea lion only got one (fairly large) bite!
  • Hello BP!!! Hello @mvnla2 if you're still here? That's a VERY crazy fishing story, lol...That had to be a sight!
    @karen68 and @trishohara...great job on the Challenge. I improved to 76250 and that's gonna have to be it, this level is too boring to play very many times!
  • Another Challenge level that's on the list...
  • @blah -- If I had a list, I think it would be on mine!
  • Sorry everyone. I have been trying to get on here for the past hour and have been switching back and forth with troubles from my laptop, phone and wifi. Hopfully, all of the little Gremlins have gone elsewhere. Anyone still lurking?
  • I'll be around if anyone needs anything.
  • I'm lurking @rdnzlrips82 ;)
    .not for long though ;) you still here?
  • Oops...Got heavily sidetracked with HTML codes. Sorry.
  • P.S. Piglantis 1-11 is my new Arch-Nemesis!
  • Im going. There soon
    .;) we can together ;)..hey I want to do the twitter but I may need help...what do. I fo just. Click.on it?
  • click on twitter and sign up for an account. it's kind of tricky at first, but easy once you get the hang of it. You can only use 140 characters and they use the @mentions like we do here.
  • I am playing it while trying to update. I am just so lazy and haven't had much time to fling and I am currently getting obsessed with my averages again. I am like 60 points below on Piglantis 1-11 and 2 points below on 1-14. I still have the back half of 2 to go. Then I believe I have to hit space again.
    But, my battery is dying and my wife has the charger right now because she left hers at her mother's house friday night. This whole one charger in the house thing is getting old.
  • I don't know where my post went..@rdnzlrips82 I want to try the. Twitter. But I don't see the link..and I dont know how?
  • nevermind that charger talk. I guess I could get an old charger cord and plug it into the laptop. Duh moment. Ugh.
  • go to our page one and click the Follow us on Twitter thing towards the top. my avatar at the bottom of page 1. Either one should take you to it.
  • did you realize that today's level is Mighty Hoax 5-18? I thought it was a Mine & Dine level. I am silly.
  • I do.t have twitter i just gotp or something? I thought you had a link? But I can't find it ..srry..
  • Oh crap..I made drinks for. Miners...srry..why did we. Both think that?
  • Click the link below and sign up
  • Oh now what. Its late....I don't have time ... hold on..what made me think that? Srru.. brb..
  • I have no idea. You would think with us both having the list that we would know better. :) I know I have too much else on my mind. I believe you can use that excuse as well. So...I will use your drinks, they will be fine. I like them. They sound yummy!
  • If anyone should see my rambling responses to @karen68 on the walkthrough for today's challenge, please know I am sleep deprived. I'm really not a moron!
  • LOL @doc. You are preaching to the choir about the sleep deprived statement. I have fallen asleep at least once a night at my keyboard trying to update. The other day, I woke up while doing an update and had 20 pages of v's.
  • Twitter not. Working ...don't know what to do about. Drink...gotta. work tommorw. Need. Sleep.. sorry... l
  • Trust me, @rdnzlrips82, I've done that many times when writing papers and articles.
  • @DocTonyNYC thinks you worry to much;) I'm sure your response was. Well thought out and reliable advice;) will see you all;)
  • @kathy I said not to worry about the drinks. I said it up there. *points above to the post right above @doc's first post of the night*
  • LOL @doc. It's kind of scary when it happens. Thank goodness for the "undo" button. :D
  • Hey everyone had a great day today at school
  • That's awesome @harrystar. How have you been? Is school going okay for you so far?
  • Hey @harrystar. Tell me some of your favorite songs. I need songs for the update and I am just coming up blank.
  • I am good @rd thanks for asking my fav songs are we will rock you, hangover,sexy and I know it and angry birds rap
  • Alright, thanks!
  • Page 1 is finished, Tweets have been tweeted and Facebook has been updated.
  • Alright everyone, I am going to bed. Have a good one. See everyone in a few hours!
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