The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 491
  • All requests must be submitted via Forum PM. Thanks for reading. :D
  • Thanks, @rdnzlrips82. I sent some suggestions
  • And now rd says it has to be sent in a PM.
  • Thanks @doc. I got them. I thought I was going to get an early start on things. but since I'm nice. I will let my wife watch Dallas while I take care of Maddy.
  • Shhh. Don't tell me what happens. I'm three weeks behind on Dallas (I can't believe I'm watching it!).
  • I love the New Dallas series!!! I'm DVR'ing it..I have last week's and tonights to watch so please don't tell us what happens, lol! I also sent you a PM...Hope you choose it, should be fun!
  • Also..Do we really think we will get a new update tomorrow? Space or Surf n'Turf perhaps? Is this just rumors or has a date been let out like Alex?
  • I don't watch it. She has a crush on Bobby.
  • No confirmed dates.
  • Thanks @amslimfordy for your response ;-)
  • Just a lot of Tweets.
  • How many of us are ancient enough to have watched Dallas the first time round?
  • I know I am...I even have some of the seaons on DVD ;-)
  • I'm off to flingin'...only two more levels in all of Rio to finish my goal of getting above average. I hope to finish it tonight...just incase we do get an update!
  • @@mvnla2. Ty..I was a little. Worried myself ;;
  • @rdnzlrips82 what gifts did @team give teens...and what about. Lotd request is @team allowed to pick?
    I ask because @sunshine and @E-Star are sleeping at this time..not sure they are aware..I wouldn't have been if not for checking in here?...I am too busy with chores to scroll back through pages..srry
  • @kathy I sent you an email about the gifts. During the whole Slingshot coming out of the basement ordeal. The slingshot flings people into a net that funnels them into a swimming pool. The pool had a 1,000 foot water slide with an elevator to take you to the top. Quite fun actually. @burbman even enjoyed himself.
    I posted the Challenge requests about 8pm CST.
  • I thought it was fun. It was creative and didn't get carried away.
  • Srry @rdnzlrips82 was it email or pm? I didnt get either ..was it about the blowing up incident earlier? And what about lotd?
  • @kathy the gifts to the BP Jr were listed in an email. The LOTD was kind of a spur of the moment deal. Our next list is due and I figured I would take requests.
  • As a matter of fact, I hope to finish it tonight. I have a lot of research to do on it. This time, I am just going at it semi-blind.
  • new feature in LOTD being launched tonight!
  • Our LOTD, not the Challenge.
  • They seem to be One in the same unless I've missed something do we still have a separated lotd?.if so I don't know where to find it? I have the list of lotd that You said you choose for the site? That's it..? Wasn't aware that We still had our own separate..
  • The change will be located in our LOTD. Some people refer to the Challenge as LOTD. It is not a feature exclusive to the Challenge page only exclusive to our LOTD.
    Am I really confusing myself tonight. IDK. Maybe I should stop talking.
  • Your confusing the hell out of me.
    .challenge -is to teens you say @team gave out ..don't think @team was informed..notification of requests for lotd..again @team not informed..not even sure if we are eligible to vote.. I'm srry I know you have a lot on your mind ..but if you want to include @team in these updates. And descions. Maybe not best we find out here by chance..
  • Updates finished. Check out the LOTD for a link to @e-star's high scoring video. This will be a new feature everyday. Be sure to give her a thumbs up after you view all of the videos. Thanks.
    Also Tweets and Facebook are finished.
  • Hey everyone had a great day today!
  • Woa ABN new header
  • Here's the Part III of my story!
    Part III-
    King Pig gets the bird’s eggs.
    But @carl’s favorite food is white eggs…and whenever he sees food,he becomes hungry easily!!!
    @carl I’m hungry…..
    @pigflinger Why???
    @carl Hey look!It’s see-food!Hahahahahahahaha!!!
    @rd @carl,we need to survive right???
    @carl Oh yeah!
    @carl Hey look!Is that a key???
    @pigflinger Let’s get it.
    After unlocking the cage,they sneak to free the birds.
    @King Pig HUH???
    All of them hits the King Pig!
    @King Pig Awwwwwwwwwwww……My eggs!!!!!!
    The helmet pigs appear with a fork….
    @carl It’s okay!I know what to do…
    @carl does a double-kick to all of the pigs.
    @King Pig Hey!!!
    @pigflinger We need to get back to Earth.
    @carl I’ll get us back!
    @angryboy Do you know how to operate the spaceship?????
    @blahalb09 @carl?Really???
    @carl I know how to….
    When they come back…they land in a house.
    They asked for food.That’s when they met Amazing Alex.
    Amazing Alex:Hello!How do I help you???
    @carl We need some food,please.What’s your name?
    Amazing Alex:I am Amazing Alex.Come in please!
    To be continued……

    Who wants to be added to my story???
  • Awesome story!
  • hello all
  • @harrystar6
    Thanks!Here's Part I and Part II of my story:
    Part I
    One day,@carl was walking in the street near the BP when he sees @pigflinger alone sitting in a tree stomp.
    @carl: What’s wrong,man?
    @pigflinger: I’m fine,they gave me a 1-month exile in the BP and any other related content.
    @carl: When can you get back to the BP again?
    @pigflinger: July 24th.
    @carl: Awwww……
    Suddenly,the rest of the Flingerz appear:@angryboy and @blahalb09
    @angryboy Don’t worry @pigflinger,you’ll be back to the forum,too.
    @rd comes in,too.
    @rd Sorry,@pigflinger.But you’ll be back there,soon.
    When a strange loud sound is heard.
    What could it be???
    To be continued….

    Part II-
    A spaceship appears and its bottom slowly opens….
    A blue light beam slowly reaches the ground.
    That slightly sucks @carl,@pigflinger,@angryboy,@blahalb09 and @rd
    When they are inside the spaceship,they find themselves inside a cage……
    @carl What do we do now?
    @pigflinger I don’t know either,what do we do???
    @rd Calm down…..we’ll survive….
    A giant shadow with a shiny crown appears.
    @carl and @pigflinger King Pig!!!You jerk!!!
    @King Pig *evil laugh* Hahahahahahahaha!!!You cannot do anything to escape!!!
    @carl @pigflinger!Call the military birds with your phone!!!
    @King Pig There’s no chance!Hehehehehehehe!!!!
    One of the metal doors open….The Flingerz and @rd finds the birds locked-in-a-cage!!!!!!!
    Flingerz and @rd *angry yell*
    @carl Oh no!!!
    What could happen next?
    How could they survive???
  • quiet..........
  • 5 minutes into the day and I've already pressed hard refresh 17 times.
  • Mostly because the new look on ABN is so glitchy for me.
  • It's getting improved...
    As we speak
  • it just needs a hard refresh and its back to normal
  • Refresh is not sufficient. Need a hard refresh.
  • how do you do a hard refresh?
  • page change!
Post in the New Forum!