The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 992
  • @Kathy -- To give you an idea of where I normally am, I am below 600 on 2 of the ABO episodes. I suspect you have me beat cold on most episodes.
  • @mvnla, thanks for getting us one step closer to page 1000!
  • Afternoon @angryboy. Hope you're having a good weekend!
    There's some fascinating spamming going on on the boards.
    OB could I get a coffee please?
  • @kathy, you'll get horribly parched stuck in the desert all that time. I'll have to join you in that drink, it is a duty and a joy *clink*

    @mvnla I'll catch you up soon, see if I don't :) Top flinging! I'm only near 100 in two episodes. most others well below 700... PE I'm nearly 1400... some serious spadework required there xD

    @penguinlover Heya! Nice ta meetcha. I'm going to try and be a bit more regular posting in here from now on. I pop on most days to update a score or two but don't post often enough. See you around the BP!

    evenin', @angryboy!
  • @karen I rarely go to the leaderboards. Even if I make it in the top 100, I still know that people aren't really gonna notice unless it's a top score or if I make it in a bunch of levels. But it's not like you get points or anything. So I just don't bother with it.
  • ah, and evenin' @karen :) I fancy me some apple cider, I'll catch OB's eye some time, it's busy at the bar :D
  • Ooh I missed the page change @mvnla2 Im really not sure about that goal is top 500 but not sure where I stand in most boards ..episode wise I'm not even close..
    Hey @karen68 our Guardian of the boards ..what's going in there?
  • Actually, I'm referring to the comments & chatter, although the person in question has interesting leaderboards, lots of top scores.
    Hello @hinarei, it's been awhile, how are you?
  • @kathy, remember, Cristal makes the desert bearable :)
  • Wait....@penguinlover isn't here! Quick, @kathy, use your super arm!
  • penguinlover left a while ago
  • well I'm off again, bye everyone!
  • Oh.....well I never saw she/he mention leaving. Sorry about that @angryboy. Goodbye!
  • all OK, @karen, ta for asking. been too long since I was in last. work's as fun as ever, but all else is fine. Enjoying a weekend, can't get better than that :) You getting on OK?

    OB, more Cristal for @kathy, and an extra celebratory refill for @mvnla2!
  • cheerio, @angryboy! see ya soon!
  • Have a good one @angryboy, & yes OB, fill up @kathy's flask with more Cristal!
    I'm good @hinarei, just avoiding cleaning my house with a brief flinging break. Almost done getting my Back to School scores above average.
  • @theanonymousomeone -- Most of us (including me) aren't really competing for the top spot (or even top 50 or 100), but posting your scores on the leaderboards is still useful. You can use your personal leaderboards to figure out which levels need the most improvement by looking at your score compared to average, high, or rank. Also, if you post on leaderboard, any comment you make on walkthrough pages includes your score, and gives more credence to a good strat, if you have one. Personally, I get a kick out of a relatively high score / rank, no matter how transitory, and believe me, mostly they have a half-life of less than 1 day.
  • average is about all I'm good for, so I try to keep around or above that wherever I can. Some of the high scores around here, while obviously achievable, are ridiculous xD

    flinging = the solution to housework since 2009 :D
  • Yeah, I agree with hinarei -- I would like to be above average on all levels, but still have many, many to go in ABO, Rio, and Seasons.
  • Hi @harrystar6!
    @mvnla2- thanks for the info. I really don't care much for improving my scores, but then again, I don't have GameCenter.
  • morning, @harrystar!

    apologies, @theanonymoussomeone. I just realised hadn't hailed you yet :( ever so sorry!

    @mvnla2: I've recently settled all the score addict marks I can find, so my next big push is to reach average in every level. I know this is going to be constantly shifting, so it won't be done, unless I monster a level and get a top score. Of course I never spend too long on that because Rovio keep releasing updates :P
  • Ha ha @hinarei you got it!
  • My ultimate goal is also average in all levels, what a daunting task. I've been working on Seasons for a while now, I really only have time to focus on a couple of levels a day, sometimes it takes more than that for a single level! My next stop will be ABO which will probably take me well into next year. And I agree they keep releaing updates to distract me.
  • Hi @harry, you off to school soon?
  • Hey @karen68 yes I am off to school soon
  • don't get me wrong, I'm all for updates, but they pull me away from this important chase for average :O Might be healthy, giving me a break from constantly replaying ABO 5-20...
  • You have to go to school today? What day of the week is it for you?
  • Well, gotta go do the dishes. : P
  • sorry to hear that. I loathe dishes, but it's a necessary evil. Necessary because I don't have plastic cutlery and crockery. :)
  • I don't really care much about scores or rankings on the leaderboards either *sly grin*
  • I'm back srry my friends were txting me wats up people
  • Sorry everyone real life called me away ..I hate when that happenspl tu @karen68 for the Cristal ;) the way real life is going I surely need it;))
  • But if I did care I would say, "I am 28th in ABO and 12th in Surf a Turf. :D"
  • "Not to rub it in, or anything."
  • Lol @rdnzlrips82 ;) nice scoring ..srry I'm miserable right now..just gonna fling:( I'll get drinks done soon ..
  • I can hit drinks this week if you need me to @kathy. Don't forget we have the drink list.
  • Really not a big deal. :)
  • Thanks @rdnzlrips82 that would be great..having a bad night ;( sorry..:(
  • No bigs @kathy. If you need to talk, you have my ear. If you need to cry, you have my shoulder.
  • Hey @penguin! I am well. Finished getting my recent ABO update scores above average. So now I am working on Birdday Party. How are you?
  • Hey @rdnzlrips dats nice 2 hear I did my flinging so I'm waiting on an update 4 angry birds seasons I'm pretty gr8 actually it's been a gr8 day 2day and I'm not moody :)
  • Glad to hear you aren't moody. I am moody today. My children are being brats and driving me insane.

  • Yea oh no yesterday the party went well except my cousin Joseph and his friend Carter called me a foo but the little girls were very well behaved I had 2 watch them they were a little crazy but I had fun ohh no :(
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