The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 993
  • @rd -- Yeah, right! We only forgive your high scores because you leave such good PATS.
    @anomyousomeone -- I don't pay attention to GC; I was talking about the learderboard here, on ABN.
  • Oh, oh! Two page changes in a row! Rest assured, I have no intention of taking anyone's crown.
  • Lol @mvnla2 no worries about you stealing crowns ..everyone gotta have their turn at page change *)
  • @rdnzlrips82 did you see my message? Im going to.sleep (((hugs)))(
  • Helloooo sorry I missed everyone today! :((. Turned into a Bit of a fam day, my Bro in laws flying to Florida and gah I'm taking him to the airport at 4am tonight! That's late even for me!! Anyways hope everyone's doing Ok and @Kathy I hope things look up for you, if you need me I'm here K. :)
  • . Good night all
  • Good night @Kathy I hope you have a happy pillow walk! :)
  • Page 1, Facebook & Twitter updates are finished. I am going to hop into bed. It's been a crazy day. Night Everyone!
  • Hey everyone! I had a great day today!
  • hello @all! quiet night
  • Hey @angryboy. How's it going? Played Bad Piggies in ABo?
  • it's going well. yes, it's hard with the retina problem though
  • Oh ok. I can't wait for ABSW. I think it's going to be really interesting.
  • me neither, nov 8th is SO close but yet SO far away, hope it's as good as the movie
  • I just want a tiny sneak at the game-play.
  • maybe they will soon, the official trailer
  • Hmm. It's really quiet here at the BP today.
  • very quiet...
  • this can only mean one thing.... @kimmiecv left early
  • Heehee!!! Gah haven't even gone to bed yet!! Just got back from taking bro in law to airport! :D
    Hardly any pages changed!! But I'm baaaacckkk Tomorrow good night @angryboy and @iamMighty :D. Kiss kiss ;)
  • Hey @kim. Hope your brother-in-law had a nice flight. Night.
  • Morning @everyone. I am working at my sister's shop today. My workload looks pretty fun. I am researching vintage comic books. After that, I am cleaning some of my personal Buddha statues to sell.
  • hey @rd! sounds (kinda) fun
  • It is fun for many reasons:
    A. I am out of the house
    B. I get to listen to music while I work
    C. I get to look at old comic books
    D. I get to be here while doing all of it

    Not fun:
    A. I am selling my old Buddha statues. (My nickname through out high school was Buddha. Everyone in town called me Buddha and people would always buy me Buddha statues for my Bday and Christmas.
    B. My wife doesn't like them because she thinks they are Idols. I don't think they are. They are just statues of a happy fat guy. Which is me.
  • that sounds fantastically fun! well, much more fun than school
  • Anything is more fun than school. :D
    You doing alright, buddy? I haven't spoken to you in a while.
  • that's true! i'm doing good, just a hectic week/month. hrm, it has been a while.. 50k/pg.1000 is coming soon
  • I am glad you are doing well. Get used to the hectic side of life. As you get older, it gets more hectic. Then you throw in getting married and having kids and it just zips by in a whirlwind. That's when you find yourself sitting there wondering what just happened. :D That's what I do anyway.
    I am pretty stoked about 50K. I can't believe how fast they are coming. Especially with @kimmie involved!
  • oh dear........
    @kimmiecv can get us there fast! we should have 50k by Wednesday
  • I had fun chatting with her and @penguinlover the other night.
  • Ohai. Never noticed this place until now. Looks like a nice place to chat and whatnot. ^_^
  • @jakeisquite -- Welcome to the Bloated Pig! It appears to be a somewhat quiet morning (morning in CA, at least). Wanted to make sure someone welcomed you.
  • Hello there @jakeisquite! Welcome to The Bloated Pig. I am rdnzlrips82, co-creator of this Forum Discussion. We encourage you to read through page 1 to get a feel of what is going on here. Since this is your first time visiting us, you get a free beverage of your choice. If you would like an alcoholic beverage, we need to know how old you are. Enjoy!
  • welcome to the bloated pig(BP) @jakeisquiet! please remember to read over pg 1.
  • I was getting there @mvnla2. I had a customer at the shop so I was helping them.
  • @jakeisquite -- Be sure to read the first page to find out what the BP (Bloated Pig) is about. Drinks and food for first time visitors are on the house (should really be @team telling you all this, but they seem to be otherwise occupied ATM). You can order anything from the menu (or not on the menu) from OB (bartender) or the blues (food).
  • Sorry @rd and AB, if I stepped on your toes. I knew rd was at work and AB at school. Since I offered free food, guess it should go on my tab.
    @jakeisquite -- Check out the ABN members' map and self-destroying levels while you are visiting the forum. Enjoy, and GL flinging.
  • I am always lurking as well. It's like my new hobby. Sometimes it's more fun than being here. :D
  • No worries @mvnla2. I am working. But I am at my sister's shop and internet usage is part of the job. The food and drinks are still on us. But you can buy me a drink. LOL. :D
  • so your stalking us @rd?
  • Ok, rd; thanks. OB -- Please get rd a drink of his choice.
  • nah it's cool @mvnla, LOL @rd!
  • @mvnla Thanks I'll give those a look at somepoint. Finished 3 starring ABo recently so working on rio now ^_^ Food and drink can wait till later since I'll be around for a bit
  • LOL @mvnla2! I am joking. I have plenty to drink.

    @angryboy Stalking is such a strong word. I consider it "Protecting My Investment." Plus, I like to see what people are saying about me when I am not here. :D
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