New Bird Ideas? Page 5
  • New bird - Shocker - when power is activated either by touch or after set amount of time after touching something, he creates a force field around him whose radius extends from him and everything that the force field touches or is within the field is disintegrated. When activated, the bird freezes it's position (assuming he's not already still on the ground) and after field is relieved, continues on his path and has the impact of a baby blue bird afterwards.
  • - Ice Bird - from ABSpace,
    - Fire Bird - he can ignites wood and when he touch TNT - KABOOOM!,
    - Acid Bird - purple bird, his power - change on corrosive liquid!!!,
    - Stone Bird (Grey) - he behaves as ordinary rock, his power - decomposition on 5 small rocks.
    Sorry for bad english :/.
  • It would be cool if they made a dark blue bird that when you tap the screen, he shoots out a spray of water in front of him and pushes structures away. Kind of like the Obi Wan bird in ABSW.
  • I'm thinking of a bird that'll bounce on the ground (like a ball) and get some Pigs that are tough to get
  • @igor122: a basketball pig! I like that idea. :)
  • A gravity bird that switched the way the gravity affected itself when tapped, and you could tap as many times as you needed to. It would help get across long distances, and it would destroy wood about as efficiently as a pre-activated Orange Bird.
  • - Grey Bird (Ninja Bird?) - he similar to Leia (ABSW) but he uses his hook, not tractor beam.
    Sorry for bad english :/.
  • Mabey a bird that harnesses the power of lightning and explodes the fortress from the inside
  • A new version of the mighty eagle: an eagle egg! You launch the eagle egg then you launch the sardines. When you tap the screen a baby eagle crashes out of the egg and charges head-on, quick as lightning, toward the sardines, smashing everything in his path.
  • An upgrade of the white bird were it shoots three eggs instead of one

  • A woodpecker when you tap the screen it's complete destrucktion of wood
  • I think it would be cool if they had a rocket bird that could come shooting out of the sky and into the structure.
  • Green bird in ABSp: he goes in a circle around the place where you tap. Like, he goes around the place you tap like a loop on a rollercoaster and then once he does that he returns to his trajectory that he followed before you tapped. If he hits something then he won't complete the loop. I hope you're listening @Rovio!
  • How about a portal bird. Tap two spots on the structure, send the portal bird through the first portal - it comes out the other portal at an otherwise unreachable sweet spot. It's power could be similar to that of yellow bird.
  • ball bird when tapped it act like a ball anddestcroys ice, wood and glass
  • well, this isn't an idea for a NEW bird, but i think it fits in here better then anywhere else.... my brother (to give him credit) came up with the idea that....

    You get to CHOOSE THE ORDER of your birds when firing them.... then i tacked on a follow up idea.... you are presented with 5 birds (for example) , but you only get to fire 3 of them , but you can choose which 3 you think would be the most benificial...

    anyhow, don't know if anybody had already mentioned those ideas or something similar.....good luck today !
  • I think water bird will be fine. After tap it will create a big tsunami.
  • How about a "Flame Thrower Bird" that instantly Barbecues the pigs.
  • I didn't read all posts so if someone already suggested I apologize. I'm thinking a Phoenix...tap it and it turns to flame and burns all wood surrounding it...?
  • Hey everyone!! I wasn't aware of this discussion ;)
    If any one here has an idea for a bird, and can draw one up The Bloated Pig has welcomes a new bird each weekto visit the aviary :)
    Please check out Bloated Pig welcomes new visitors in the forum:)
  • Just created this account to say my idea. :-)

    What about for normal angry birds not space or anything. A bird that when you press the action button it will hover in the sky for 5 seconds shooting poisonous berries that are aimed by the mouse or for the app the finger. The bird I drew looked a bit like a whistle so I called it simply the whistling bird
  • A woodpecker bird , lol
  • Hi i will like to suggest to Rovio that,if birds can be borrowed from the next level to complete a current level, that is if the birds are finished before completing the level.
    This will create more mind challenging strategy for the player.
  • Here's one I don't think anyone has suggested, how about an Eraser Bird, you launch him and he erases part of the structure pigs and all.
  • fragmentation bombs but you need really cute looking blue birds with it :)
  • Duplicate comment, deleted by User.
  • How about a brown bird. He screams really loud, destroying all glass, pigs, and TNT within a relatively small radius.
  • A new Tornado bird. After launching it, When we tap or click screen before it hit something, it changed into a tornado & destroy wooden blocks.
  • JetPack Bird that you can control where it moves for a certain amount of time using touch (or click no PC discrimination). you could use it similarly to the boomerang bird or you could make it fly higher depending on what you want it to do
  • How about a bird that shouts to push buildings over. The power could be used for Green bird in space.
  • Sounds very similar to Obi-Bomb ;)
  • How about the TNT bird, after tapped it will make some TNT crates fall to the pig's structure
  • Crate Bird-Throws 4 fireworks on touch.

    Portal Birds-Split in 2 and create portals on despawn.

    Cloud Bird-Mega bouncy.

    Lime Bird-Switches its own gravity.
  • Sawblade Bird

    Cuts all the way through.
  • I got a great idea for a new Angry Birds. How about doing Raiders Of The Lost Ark? Lots of possibilities for different levels based on the movie. Not to mention sequels. It would be awesome. Rovio, I hope you are listening.
  • I'll bet no one's thought of this one yet.

    A Ghost Bird, when you launch him at a pig he goes into the pig and when you activate his power the pig blows up, or grows angel wings and goes to heaven.

    ps. he can also go through solid objects to reach the pig.
  • this is the diamont is the strongest's super strength is in shootin diamonds against pigs.breaks ice,wood and stone (everything). Its colour is light blue. His name is David.
  • Diamond bird's angry birds go attack is:He becomes a diamond and gets healter
    and with the help of a pusher of diamonds he gets faster. This power lasts 7 seconds.
  • maybe a blue green bird who shoots little beaks (made out of air) and in angry birds epic SHE could be like a villager and like a librarian and her name is Pecka like Becka but in bird form
  • as i was saying in angry birds epic SHE her class is villager,librarian,chemist,priest and trader and she looks like a peacock.
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