The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2110
  • I now have four totally free months before going to college, but I'm probably gonna get some summer job or something as I'm not willing to sit at home doing nothing at all for such a long time.
  • Anyway, good night everyone :D
  • Points...where at? I can't find any! Waaahh, waaahh! Ermm, make that whiiineeee...whiiineeee!!!
  • Oh, hello @annifrid. Sounds like a good plan, getting a summer job. That'll put some extra cash in your pocket, so don't forget to have some fun when you're not working! Hope you'll get to stop in a bit more often, and keep on flinging! Have a good night, and sweet dreams!
  • Good night @annifrid rest you deserve it.. take a couple weeks off to yourself then yes a part time job would be good. .congrats sweetie.. good job!! Nightly sweet dreams
  • Lol @Sweetp you can whine better than that. .And points? What are those. .hmm points let me think.. don't think i know what that means it's been so;)
  • I Had 76k after first shot on #17 BUT Guess what happened on second shot?
  • @kelani get DCB I get MFAWP !! ( Marmoset Flying Away With Points)
  • Another Car accident inn front of my house!
  • It looks like a lot of flingers are now finding more than 70k on their first shot on BR-17. Didn't you say 70k was as high as it went @fenikus, @Kelani?
  • Show em how it's done @Ma.
  • I wish i could Pa lol.I don't know how i got that much. But I'll keep try ing,) how ya feeling?
  • Grr. I tied my #17 145k score twice. Yawn. Not gonna happen today.
  • @Rat I average 55-60k 65 if that TNT raft blows. I don't know what the hell y'all are doing.

    oh Rat, when you said the bird jumped in the boat- which boat? there's 2 of them. :)
  • Don't be growling @kelani I'd love to tie my previous score right now! !
  • Hahaha I just posted that and beat my score lol And Yours @kelani !! Hee heee!!
    Brb scuze me while i hit the board! !
  • growr...

    glad someone did. :)
  • Whew now i feel like I Didn't waste my whole night. Only 1k+ extra but hey 1k a day keeps the Yoshiki away; )
  • Well, @Kathy since it's not Tuesday, I didn't want to whine too loudly and get barred from here! I wouldn't want to scare OB...he might think he's being attacked and fling that butcher knife at me!
  • Hrm. My list of levels I never want to see again is starting to grow. Ofc all my points are hiding in them. hmm..
  • Nah @Sweetp that's why this forum was created; ) whine away OB would never hurt a fly.a pig well ya but not a Sweetp like yourself;)
    I gotta get some sleep.. Happy Friday everyone! ! WOOT!!
  • I Want a Kitty !!! :(
    Night Pa ♥
  • Iove Robert he's so handsome. .I know i better give him back I'm getting attached:/
  • Good night @All
    Moving on up @Ma
  • OK Ma, you're starting to get cat fever. Better give Robert back. Really, it's for you're own good! The bunny attack seems to be over anyway.
  • @kelani, @fenikus, about the dog. No, they will not replace the tooth, since she is already 8 years old. How did it come? We don't know. In her mouth there was nothing to see. Her face got swollen under her right eye. So the eye was half closed. That's what we observed. So, went to the vet, he talked about a 'root canal inflammation'. He has removed the tooth, cleaned the mess under it and sent us home with AB for the next 14 days. The removed tooth had a rotten inside. The swelling will be gone during the next 7-10 days. She's fine now, east normal, showing no pain.
    What flinging concerns, keep on flinging. That #14 will bend, no matter what. After that, #6 is on the agenda. Two fine levels, designed especially for us, I think.
  • Had to post this, even though we're on holiday:
    Just had lunch in a nice little restaurant on the Plaza Colon, Calpe, Valencia, Spain
    @Rat I'm just hoping that the one word in Spanish has a totally different meaning from English....
    (And that your "procedure" went OK. Haven't read back, so no idea)
  • W..w..what w..w..word @Hunnybunny? I'm trying to be better. I got hacked. Someone's using my user ID. I'm medicated. I'm ill . Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket. I'm ill. And I'm ascared.
  • @kelani, when you are trying with the white bird as second, where to with bombbird?
  • @bernersenn on which level?

    edit: sounds like your dog had an abscess. Glad you got her to the vet, those are not fun.
  • Weird. At the same time @Bern sent me the above message, a TV program came on talking about Dutch company Mammoet, which I now know means Mammoth! :D

    I also learned if you leave Rio open for a week, at some point, your pause and reset buttons stop working.
  • #14, @kelani. #14 is the only thing that completely obsessed me. I'm glad that the thing I think or even sometimes say don't reach this PB. And yes, it's not funny, that thing with our dog. Her right eye is half closed - pressed by the swell. And, to speak about mammoth - I coukd take a huge step by succeeding this level. About 'mammoet', it's incredible what they can lift. On earth, but also on water.
  • @RiverRats I think the predicted cyclone may be dissipating. My thumb seems OK. So I flung a few this morning at some of the levels I should have been able to improve. I played for three hours without getting a single point. I didn't get enthused. Most are spray and pray at this point. Not a fan. Level 14 is a good example. I'm probably still going to occasionally fling at them, but I have to be in the zone to accomplish great flings. It takes concentration and an attention to detail. I'm not sure I have it anymore. I was away too long. My venture into Seasons and Rio were to prove to myself and others that I could compete somewhere other than Space. I think I accomplished that. But my forced absence at the River has killed my desire there. I truly enjoyed the competition though. And met a new group of great flingers that I hope to play with again in the future. You too @fenikus. ha ha I know the 2.6 million mark will be hit soon, just not by me as I expected. Good luck to all.

    Sorry about your loss @Kathy. Robert was a good cat. I know you miss him already. But it's for the best. He was starting to snuggle his way into your heart. If you hadn't let him go soon, you never would have been able to. He's still available for short visits when you need him.
  • HOLY marmosets, I just made the luckiest ever #14 shot for a 1k improvement, and may have a whole new strategy for this level. brb. gotta try that again.

    Total Score: 2,599,300 lol. Figures.
  • @Rat -- Glad to hear you're able to fling again. Both the flinging and lack of concentration could be a side effect of the anesthesia. It takes a while to completely wear off, hopefully only the part affecting your concentration will go.
  • @All If someone can find me the shot on #14 that does max damage to the right, but doesn't hurt the left boat, I'll give you a new high scoring strategy.
  • @kathy, that I missed. Sorry for your loss, I know how that hurts. Hug
  • @kelani, come on guy, share it with us poor players (@rat and myself)
  • And yes @Kelani, you can destroy everything in the small boat with Matilda. Everybody knows that.
  • Aww @Rat, another touching "retirement" speech. I know how tough it is to do something when your heart is not fully in it. But give yourself a pat on the back, you did very well…4th place is nothing to sneeze at!
  • @fenikus then why is nobody doing it?
  • @Kelani because entirely destroyed small boat (including 5K x 2 for marmos) will bring you 25K. When TNT partially destroys it, you get 20K. Do the math.

    Edit: 1-birder is the way to go on this level.
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