The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2548
  • Hi all @mvnla2 your trip sounds wonderful with exeption of the couple minor hiccups ,sounds like Greece is a Fabulous place to see, I have a cousin who went there on vacation and didn't find back lol, this was years ago, she did come back at some point married to a wonderful greek man they have 2 beutiful children (she is italian)
    Sad for the refugees yes heartbreaking really, but as you point out no political talk so I'll have to stop at that. Sorry you got laryngitis hope is clearing up, at least you can 'talk' here:)
    Yes @knichy we are quite tired of the talk of Tom's balls, roflmao, as well is been a year for crying out loud, let's concentrate on football 5-0 so balls or no balls they just play haha.
    I really feel bad about your loss of progrsss, as mvnla2 pointed there are a few really good backup tutorials and its pretty quick once you've got it down.
    That's all for me ,except it is Whine Tuesday and Pig Days is hard 4-6 is giving me anxiety
    OB I'll have a long island iced tea please ,holding on to summer a bit longer today it was a balmy 60° haha compared to yesterday 's 40° *sigh *
  • @Estar @all -- New Seasons' update is great. Just ignore the addition of bird coins and new power-ups!
    My heart sunk when I opened the update, but I think it is still possible to 3-star everything without power-ups, and the new levels are very inventive.
  • Oh well, it's just a game, right! I backed out my two unsure scores and dropped from 29 to 30 in MW. But I started AB Space on my sons ipad and got through (3-star of course) 40 levels in 90 total minutes of flinging with a few slight improvements on my high scores. Must be all that real estate compared to a 3" HTC broken phone.
    Why not Whine Wednesday! Where I am, we call it Terrible Traffic Tuesday, there is ALWAYS an accident or something, and minimal alternate routes.
  • @knichy Please tell me you've been able to recover your files in Rio, Space, Mirrors, and AB Original. It's too early for a scary Halloween story.
  • @rat9
    Never too early for a scary Halloween story. Negative ghost rider, that partition is completely corrupt. Tried data recovery mounting on PC and pretty much everything imaginable. I always considered the ABN Leaderboard to be my scoring backup.

    You can PM me on the side if you want to discuss credibility.
  • Lovin the iPad Mini! I've already 3-starred Pig Bang and Cold Cuts, but not all the egg levels, so when I finally get to update I'll get MW opened up.
  • @kathy remember your comment on Seasons Abra-Ca-Bacon 1-7. I said I never tried that 'evil level' when point hunting in my 'Seasons just got easier' forum. It's today's challenge. No one got close, other than Commex. He smashed the top score. No idea how he does it!
    Mere mortals can never compete....

    Haven't read back, but will look at @mvnla2 holiday report soon. Busy doing some genealogy research. For a charity. No pay!

    Happy flinging all...
  • @knichy I think it's perfectly acceptable to leave your scores on the boards as you did achieve them, and it will also give you a goal to reach those scores.
    @hunnybunny figures lol, yes i do remember asking you about that 'evil level'
    I've since been torturing myself in Pig Days:(
    Hi @Pa :)
  • I gotta try to do a back up now, so i can update, tried yesteday but figures the computer room is The Only room in the house where wifi doesn't work:(
  • @Kathy - Yeah, my plan was now to go back through Space and MW and go for high scores, I was just 3-starring everything first time through and picking up some solid points when I got in a groove on a level.
    I can't even get the phone to factory reset and reactivate, luckily it is not my phone for coms, just my "angry birds phone"
  • @Kathy - you have a computer room! Maybe you should reroute the wifi router to sit in there. LOL my father in law has the same problem.
  • Noo you don't want to factory reset ,i don't think, but you'd lose all your stuff
    But if it's just angrybirds phone well you've already done that. Sadly i have a 200$ android asus tablet and use it for nothing else but Angry birds tired of the liitle phone screen:/
    Well backup complete apps updated ready to fling
    OB drinks on the house for all!
    And ya like the idea of 'Whine Wednesday ' and so it is aid it shall be!
    *sets out baskets of earplugs on the bar and the booths, the table by the door
    Welcome to Whiiiiinnneee Wednesday everyone and thanks to @knichy for the great idea:)
    @team hope you don't mind but i know you won't lol;) miss you guys, we need more birthdays!
  • I'm fairly adept at MCS, I mounted the partition on a PC and attempted recovery using some creepily good recovery SW - I could see a couple of data files but they were corrupted to the point of loss. SD card was done too. Maybe I got a very localized EMP?

    I have a B-Day next month, the big 100/2!
  • @knichy that's the problem We don't Have a modem, We got a,smart t.v which worked fine but then....the Mom.. (owner of house) decided to upgrade service, which turned out to be downgrade then the smart t v and the free wifi went *poof*
    We have a birdday forum you should add your name
    O.k really * gOnE fLiNgInG*
  • Hello @all. Good morning to you all.
    I got a question. Did you see the new Seasons? First had to go through all these testgames, testing the powerups. After done that, the normal games are looking horrible. The actual game is in the middle, surrounded by icons for all those other things. It was possible to disable powerups, now also that option is gone.

    I'm curious about your thoughts about this.
  • @bernersenn -- I'm totally enjoying the new Seasons! Don't remember what device you play on. I'm on an iPad Air 2 now, and I just ignore the coins and PU icons. Might be more of a nuisance on a smaller device??
  • No @mvnla2 I use the same Ipad as you. And yes, the games are pure fun. Want I meant is the (to my opinion) overkill on extra items on the screen. But ok, it is just an opinion
  • @mvnla2 we did Eastern Mediterranean three years ago November (30th wedding anniversary) and never saw rain, or even a cloud. You never can tell. But it's a lovely part of the world. Even though we did the bigger shop, bigger islands, it is really interesting. But the bigger the better as far as sea sickness goes! Little is not good.
    Glad you enjoyed it
    As you know, we go in ten days, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, our normal this time of year, but hoping to see Seville and the Alhambra Palace in Granada, two places we've never been to before.
    @bernersenn I agree, Season is annoying with all those unwanted icons and power ups, but the new episode is my kind of flinging: lots of explosions, tnt, fling all the birdies for maximum points...
    @kathy @knicky I fling on iPad Air2 backed up to iCloud. Never lost a score, not even before iPad Air2 on my ancient old iPad 2nd generation

    Happy and point making flinging all.

    Good night xx
  • @all - I sorta got sucked into the fling thing when I loaded AB onto my wife's old cracked phone which turned into my wifi-only "tablet". the nest was discovered when there were a couple of levels I couldn't figure out, and I just wanted to know what the 3-star threshold was. Next thing you know, I'm reading strats and watching walkthroughs, even making a few suggestions on the rare occasions when my observations were unique.

    Even though I am a hard-core SW guy with some serious CM @ work, I honestly never even thought about backing up the phone for the scores. I never had a smart phone so the only reason for a backup was for pictures and contacts. Since it was no longer a phone, the contacts and messages were all obsolete, and all the pix long since uploaded.

    Lesson learned! I am going to build a RAID 5 SAN with Hot Swap Spare for my next home computer and get a smart phone that will auto backup daily over the wifi.

    Fling on, gnarly ones!
  • @knichy -- You'll have to tell us all how to do it. Not sure what a RAID 5 SAN or Hot Swap Spare are, but -- is it possible to automatically backup an iPad onto a Mac?
    Your experience with AB and ABN is pretty much what all of us went through, although probably earlier.
  • To tired to type..night all
    Night Pa.♡ talk tomorrow
  • @all Just missed an important anniversary - October 21 2015 - "Back to the Future 2"!

    Marty McFly and Doc Brown visit Jimmy Kimmel:

    What the movie got wrong about 2015 (use the slideshow):

    What it got right:

  • Mornin' Ma. I got me a puppy in the Space challenge today. I can't remember the last time I competed in the Daily Challenge.

    Back to the Future is a classic @TomPuss. Great casting. Thanks for the blast from the past.
    Here's another blast from the past in the form of a trivia question for the patrons of the BP. During the opening credits for Gilligan's Island, a US flag can be seen in the harbor. Why is it flying at half mast? Extra points for the month and year they filmed the opening.

    I'm jealous Mrs. Bunny. We don't have a lot of cruises over here and it's a bit of a hassle to fly over there to go cruising. We still do it. but not as often as we'd like. That may change soon though. SWDNF is getting close to retirement.

    @knichy A software guy who doesn't back up his programs? Now that's funny.

    Hi @bernersenn. Glad to see you've been stopping by the BP lately.
  • @Rat
    When I tested the level a few weeks ago, I almost got top score after a few tries (38k+ score with one remaining pig), and soon after I got 2nd place overall, so I predicted that it would be beaten. It does not come as a surprise that the King Himself did it. I will now try myself this evening, but I am unsure I will have enough time.
  • Hi @rat nice to meet you again. I cannot play the Challenge today as I didn't complete all those obligated extra games. Argh
  • @tompuss loved your back to the future!

    @mvnla2 I back up everything through iCloud. All my apple devices just recognise each other. Surely iMac is included? My laptop is dying, slowly, painfully, so iMac (the big beautiful expensive) is next on my list of things to buy. Mr Bunny not so sure on that...

    @rat You can cruise from North Carolina, surely? Well not exactly from there. OK you have to drive to get to Miami or Fort Lauderdale, for the Caribbean, a short flight to New York or Boston for New England and Canada in the fall, I've no idea on a flight from North Carolina to Vancover for the Alaska cruise,or LA for Hawaii and South Pacific (one day I'm doing that) I'm guessing two flights, through U.S. Airline hubs.
    We have two London airports which take you more or less anywhere you want to go. But some of the flights are long, tiresome and darned expensive if you don't fly cattle class.
    I guess the grass is greener on the other side of the BP

    @bernersenn it's a decision on the challenge: should I play through loads of levels just to get there (in my case ABo and Star Wars, which I've played the least) and fail miserably / win puppy, or not?
    Although I seem to remember my first win was a Rio doggy. I played through loads of levels, played to well gone midnight, Mr Bunny not happy, and then jumping around like a mad woman!! No comments, please ...
  • @Sglouk I couldn't resist flingin' a few this morning when I saw the challenge was in Space and that you had recently bested my score. I was doubly motivated to get a puppy. But now you found the time to beat my top score again. he he Well at least we both got puppies. WTG!
  • Oohb ohh @Pa i know I know, it was 1964 ,and Kennedy was assasinated!
    I Looveed that show, every day after school iooked foward to it remember when they changed the opening theme song, from 'to the rest' to include 'the professor and MaryAnne;)?
  • Congrats on the Puppy Pa
    And ty for the trip 'back to the future ' @ tompuss :)
  • @Hunnybunny -- Don't fly through LA to get to Hawaii or the South Pacific. Not sure if you meant you wanted to cruise from LA to Hawaii, but don't even consider it (not even sure you can). Ok, my grandmother took a boat from San Francisco to Hawaii, but I think that was before flying was common for ordinary people.
    I'm sure there are faster ways to fly to either place from London.
  • @Hunnybunny -- Just checked -- You can cruise from LA to Hawaii, but you spend 9 or 10 days "at sea".
    @Rat -- There are cruises from S. Carolina; guess none from the North?
  • @mvnla2 whilst I love visiting different places, especially for the culture, art galleries, gardens, I'd be perfectly happy cruising the Pacific Ocean to Hawaii (when hot and sunny) for eight days! Doing nothing, laying round the pool, dressing up in the evenings, "G&T madam?"...

    Good night all, hope you all get to take your dream holiday, one day
  • @mvnla2 Cunard boats do it four days...
  • @hunnybunny -- Each to her own, I guess. I can't imagine surviving 4 days at sea.
  • @rat9 oh I backup my programs. Jesus saves, so should you, right? Just never really thought about the phone. Especially since it was a non-phone. Contacts auto-backed, pix regularly backed. Never took the phone gaming seriously enough to even have it cross my mind that I may lose it. Lesson learned.
  • Any DIY-ers have suggestions on how to hang a Blink-182 autographed surfboard on my son's wall before he gets home from a sleepover?
  • I guess I was asking for trouble when I said I've never lost progress as it's happened :( My iPhone 6 has been an issue from day 1 With crashing when low on power and wifi. About 2 weeks ago it was crashing daily. Yesterday it gave up completely. Wouldn't turn on,Apple sign constantly appearing and disappearing,keyboard freezing,you name it. When I was on I couldn't get wifi at all. For Apple users,the wifi slider was a grey screen that was frozen to off. I contacted support and we went through absolutely everything including resetting everything,hard close blah blah blah and eventually restoring back to an old ios8 (I was on ios9) Luckily I last backed up to iTunes 2 weeks ago but ultimately everything I've done on my phone from then was lost and that includes messages etc and my progress in the new seasons update :( Thankfully I'd put all my scores on the leaderboard but some were top/high score and now I have to start again and try to achieve them once more *sob* I hope everyone can trust me in my scores on the board as I now can't provide screenshots. I had taken screenshots but have lost all the photos. As I type the phone is playing nice but I'm losing power at an astonishing rate but I don't know where from. I'm seriously reluctant to start playing seasons again until a bug fix comes out. I found the game continued to crash on me and I don't know if that was from the game or the sick phone. Don't really know what to do? If it crashes again today I've to take it into store tomorrow. I guess I shouldn't have all my business,personal and gaming all on one device as I'm lost without it. What a nightmare.
    @bernersenn I didn't get to thank you for your reply in the walkthrough yesterday as everything hit the fan shortly after. I won't be able to improve on it for the moment but thanks anyway!
    @knichy Its only a small loss but from now on I'm keeping my mouth shut lol!! I'm no DIY expert but heavy duty picture hooks and string/wire? That way you can put it at any angle you want.
    So basically I'm going to lay low for a wee while and try to sort this bleepin phone out. To quote a Scottish word,I'm absolutely scunnered :( Basically pig sick and fed up looking at the damn thing.
  • @jlz666 Nooooooooooooo say it ain't sooo:( oh my dear i feel for you♡♡ really i do,
    I'm having issues to now after updating seasons the only level i can open in pig days is level 3 ABN birthday, odd huh? @admins not sure where to report this, is there some connections in the app that's related to the Nest, dumb question i know, but odd that's The only level that will open, others close the app.
    Ob drinks on the house today, and anything @jlz666 wants ..anything :/
    And i forgot to add Of Course We (speaking for myself) Trust you. The first time I lost progress long ago I asked BL and Slim they both said is o.k to leave my scores, after all I did achieve them and it would be a goal, target mark to work for, and of course along the way,if i couldn’t reach it or if i beat it I would change accordingly,
    Good luck hun:)♡
  • @jlz-666 Welsh expression "what do I think of iPhone 6: Porthcawl"
    Porthcawl is a town, it rhymes...
  • My issue with update is fixed, i had to turn on wifi and play one level, seems to have fixed it now i can play offline:)
  • I wound up using brushed nickel curtain holdbacks. Bigger than coat hooks or robe hooks, a little judicious bending and I got the perfect 4" standoff so it rests back against the wall and enough lip to keep it from slipping forward. No flinging, son took his ipad on a sleepover ....
  • Sorry @knichy i missed your question, not that i would've been any help in hanging, no idea what a DYI er is lol, good you got it hung hope he likes it;)
  • Morning all. @kathy , a DIYer is a "do it yourself"er. @knichy , I'm impressed with the solution, not only an easy on easy off for the board, but something that looks good too! Was the son impressed?
    @jlz666 No!!! I'm so sorry! Who could have imagined 15 years ago how attached we would be to our electronics!?!
  • @jlz666 Aaaargh. My personal opinion is that as a long-term user with an extensive history of providing strategies and assistance to other flingers, with additional high-scoring history, you could be taken at your word. but I am not the fling-king.
    Didn't want to do the picture hanging kit, even though it's only ~20 pounds, because it would put holes in the surfboard. Not that I'd use it as a surfboard, since it is an autographed limited edition.
    @catsnbirds - it does look pretty nice and yes, he was impressed. Since I put it at an angle, I wound up needing a small support bracket a the tail end to keep it from sliding, and wound up bending an unused curtain rod support and it worked perfectly. Vise Grips Rule!
  • Sounds like a good solution @knichy. I was stumped because I assumed the surfboard had fins.
    Don't forget duct tape. It rules too! ha ha
  • @rat9 took the fins off. I HAVE duct tape (aluminum), duck tape (cloth tape that most call duct tape, but its not), and what we call "mach tape" (the stuff we use to tape sensors and pods on airplanes the should hold stuff one up to mach 1), but wound up using friction tape (messy stuff) on the inside of the holdbacks to help negate gravity. Still needed that last support. if I can figure out how to post a camera pic (phone camera broke) I'll put one up. with any luck I'll get one of the feline friends in there, it seems cats are very well accepted here.
    Bottom line, the boy thinks its pretty (***) cool!
  • Hi all ,sorry to be quick, trying to get an early bed, thank @catsnbirds, ,lol duh i should have been able to figure that out Do it yourselfer haha, it was late and i kinda missed the context anyhoo ty
    @knichy happy your son was impressed :) very innovative on using the curtain rod hooks,soory i wasn't really following what you were doing, my apologies, I'm pretty much a DYI' myself just never heard the term.
    And of course would love to see pics of the kitty's yep almost everyone here is a cat lover, well actually can't think of anyone who's not:/
    OB we need to adopt a cat!
    Hope Noone minds I'm putting out earplugs early cuz I'm off to an early bedtime,
    Have a wonderful evening all and a Fantabulous Wwwwwwihhhhhiiiiinnneee Tuesday :)
    *places baskets of earplugs on the bar and the booths, and one by the table next to the door .
    I'll start with Pig Days uhmm most all of it lol, but especially 1-2 comicon and 1-13
    Whhiiinnneeeee! !!
    Night all

    Night Pa♡
  • Ma! No cats allowed in the BP. The walls have ears.
  • @rat9 Hey! What do you mean no cats allowed!!! I'm sure BP cats will peacefully coexist with your large family in the walls, and with the birds in the aviary. Ahh, the joys of a virtual pub!
  • Your right @catsnbirds. My relatives said they can coexist. So if cats come into the BP they will move in with @catsnbirds at your house.
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