The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2721
  • I think I will spend the rest of the week with improving my scores in Egg Snatchers. I'm soo bad in that episode.
  • Crap i meant to only edit one thing I had typed @gunby instead of @gumby to say both beautiful dogs,, and why is one in disguise, and i realized That i said great pic also @bernersenn , wheni meant @trishohara , sorry about that trish, Devon is beautiful. I was at work and typing quickly , autocorrect must have taken over:/
  • good luck snatching Eggs @trishohara:D
  • @trishohara lovely dog. This lovely look from his eyes.
  • thanks @bernersenn He had blue eyes as puppy. But it changed to grey/brown. Do you think Wolf's eye color will change too?

    thanks @kathy A lot to do, only 2 or 3 levels so far where I am over average.
  • @gumby @trishohara nice dogs. Still jealous...

    Very cool here, a little rain in the air, nothing too much: lovely walking day (sorry US friends who are broiling) so walked over the Bay (about three miles, a glass of wine, watched the new Star Trek movie, walked back, another cheeky drinkie, and home for @kathy favourite: pizza!
    Planning the same next week to see Jason Bourne. I'm not a huge fan, but Mr Bunny is, and the trailer looked OK.

    Anyone got the Space puppy? Haven't looked, too busy on easy Seasons levels!
  • Hey everyone, @hunnybunny glad to hear your enjoying a nice day, and I'm not only jealous that i can't have a dog, also jealous of you having a Fabulous day while I'm sweating my arse off at work lol!!
    Lots of pm's to catch up with , no flinging until my tablet chargers up:(
    OB I'll have a Strawberry Daquiri please.
    Has anyone seen @mahd ? Sure hope he's o.k dangerous area he lives near:(
    Has anyone read the book 'I Am Malala ' ? Great heart wenching true story of a young girl from Pakistan who was shot in the head by the Taliban and survived , all because she wanted girls the right to go to school , after she recovered she fought for that right!! Amazing Bravery from a young girl!!
  • No @kathy haven't read the book, but know who she is, she lives about a hundred miles from here, now. Thank God, a brave girl indeed.
  • Yes @hunnybunny ,If I remember correctly she recovered in a European hospital , forget which country , ahhh my geography bites me in the arse again lol!!
  • Caught up with messages, Tablet charged. Time to fling:D
    OB I'll have another Strawberry Daquiri please with a shot of Sunshine's Super Secret flinging potion!
  • @kathy WASSSUPPP
    @hunnybunny thanks :)
    @trishohara cute doggie
  • @gumby Waassssupppppp???? Your dogs are pretty cool too:D
  • @kathy thanks the Golden ( Nikki ) she's a very happy camper as you can tell from her picture. The Shetland sheepdog ( Tigger ) well he is just a monkey in disguise.
  • I love Golden 's @gumby their the best, and sheepdog 's also we had an awesome one that lived next door, don't know if you know that corner on Green st. ? every time any type of truck ,most big ones he would run up and down the fence and spin in circles barking like crazy! ! or another dog ,walking or riding shotgun, omg funniest thing ! lol !!
    To bad yours is a Monkey in disguise haha,, although monkeys could be fun, i always wanted one when i was a kid:)
  • Couldn't been Sunday night then the beers yesterday @gumby hee hee!! Drinking in the hot sun not a good idea!
  • Nighty night, I'm tired too. Long walk, wine, happy tired!
  • Nighty night @hunnybunny Sweet Dreams :)
  • Aww, @trishohara Devon is a beautiful pup looks like he's an Australian Shepherd.

    Nighty night @hunnybunny, sounds like you'll be sleeping like a baby after that nice long walk.

    SC #3 @kathy is a real hard one! I can't even get close to the average score yet.
    Earplugs everybody! Whhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeee!!!
  • OMGirraffe @sweetp SC #3 is killing meeee
    OB a couple Srawberry Daquiris for me and sweetp!!#
    Are you using @hunnybunny strat?
  • sorry for the late reply ,was on the phone with Sprint!
  • @Sweetp And level 9 tooo.. My structures won't fall!!
  • @kathy finally improved on SC #2, a bit more respectable score. I guess I will join @sweetp on SC #3 we can be miserable together LOL
  • @gumby let me know how you make out on level #3 i just left there with steam coming out of my ears, careful you don't get burned lol!! Good luck!
  • @kathy its a tough one for high scores but I think if you get OB to do a good sweep on the debris that helps the most
  • @gumby that is my trouble shot:( where do you aim OB ?
    I've been aiming under the bridge so he takes out the tnt..
  • @kathy, yes I have been using @hunnybunny's strat. You've got a nice score! Boy, she got so lucky with all that debris damage. I'll bet there wasn't anything left. I improved by 7K, a teensy bit above average for now. Whinnneeeeeeee!!!

    @gumby, have you tried anything different yet? If you do, let us know.
  • @sweetp I have tried many things but I like the @hunnybunny way. Also if any of my blues hit the right side tower I wait before flinging the next bird, and it usually topples. Sometimes it takes 20-30 seconds before seeing any movement
  • Oh and I prefer when it topples to the left, it does more damage
  • @sweetp Yes a lot of debris, i only had a few sticks and stones left, you have to wipe out Every little stick and stonei guess!!:( That's why i gave up:(
    #9 is awful also the structures are hard to make fall:(
    I'm just about done, spot # 9 last i checked , good enough for me, for now!!
  • @kathy I was in 9th and fell to 30th lol I am back up to 27th :(
  • @kathy, see my post in the walkthrough about where to aim OB. You'll want him to go low, into the middle of that pile on the left. Inflate as soon as you're at the bottom so that the debris has a chance to fly out everywhere, hitting the TNT and taking out most of the bottom right stairs of the bridge.
  • I hate level 1,2,3,etc etc etc Summer Camp is supposed to be fun LOL
  • Thanks @sweetp i saw your post Great score!!
    @gumby egg snatchers is another Seadons episode, level 1-15 is on the Seasons got easier forum, I just improved but 15k in 3 tries!!! :D
  • good night all..
    Nighty night @Pa
    I'm sooo tired.....
  • Me tired too.
    Good night @Ma
  • Good morning guys.
    @trishohara No, Wolf's eyes won't change anymore. Deepbrown as it is.
  • Little flinging, or contact, from me for five days.
    Tomorrow I'm getting ready for London trip. Hairdresser. Mani/pedi, ironing, packing. Cleaning house (can't go away, ever, without cleaning the house from top to toe, just imagine coming home to a dirty house.. Not that it's ever that dirty!.)
    Two days with Mr Bunny, looking at proposed new dining room furniture, the Imperial War Museum and a show: Funny Girl
    Mr Bunny leaves me on Sunday morning. Then the girlies arrive: food, drinks, shopping....
    Can't wait....
  • *gently pushes @hunnybunny * shhhuttupp!! *meant in a joking, jealous way*
    Sounds Awesome, ,uhhmm am i part of 'the girlies ' Darn postman must have lost my invitation and My ticket! ! whoh is me, alas stuck here again. .:(
  • @kathy *poof* over, you can do it, girl
    Drinks and food on me....
  • Anyone seen @pellystar recently?
    Obviously flinging to the top of the Seasons Leaderboard
    But not talking.
    Not sure if he likes nineties music as much as his beloved eighties, but this is a gem
  • Nope @hunnybunny haven't seen him,, maybe your song will make him pop in:)
  • Wish i Could really *poof* @ hunnybunny I'd surely be well "not here'
  • Nighty night xx
  • Nighty night @ hunnybunny ,,Sleep well ,Sweet Dreams..
    Will miss you, have a Fantabulous time in London..
    Pictures please:D
    @hunnybunny sleep well my long eared friend
    @rat hello
    @bernersenn I bet you've been busy with wolf :)

    Havent flung any birds today :(
  • @gumby Waassssupppp??
    Fling some birds:)
  • @kathy too tired to fling
  • @all -- Hi! Yesterday was a HOT golf day, spent the rest of the day recuperating.
    @hunnybunny -- Your London trip sounds fabulous! How long will you be there? Are you planning to see any more shows? I love going to shows when in London. Well, I haven't spent any time in London for what? 20 years??? Also love that the restaurants are no longer "classical" British, now there are a lot of really good restaurants. (Sorry to insult all you Brits, but a lot of the what I'm calling the "classical" British restaurants weren't that good.
  • @mvnla2 is been brutally hot here also, can't believe you play golf in that weather!
    @all tomorrow the 28th is ABN birthday! ! Congratulations @Birdleader on the 6th anniversary of this great site! !
    So sorry I cant find the Banner and properly edit it:( @Estar, @sweetp ?
    Anyway Thanks BL for creating this great community! !
    Nighty night all
Post in the New Forum!