The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2873
  • Still here had to read @hunnybunnys hotel review. Yip Fawlty towers.
  • Oops done it again. Looks like only @kathy, @Minnie and @whatshisname left. It's a definite good middle of the night. Sandwich finished
  • G'night @Ixan57
    Nice to see @Heyyougetouttamyway' snug in his new bed:) yep I'd say he likes it! *pulls up the covers and tucks the little guy in nice and snug* nighty night lil' guy
    Nighty night @Pa ♡♡♡
    Happy Thanksgiving All! Hope tommorow i can catch up on the video's and such !
  • @hunnybunny (or is it Madame Peignoir?) Oh that marvellous review was worth waiting for! Fawlty Towers revisited. . . Antlers on the wall, ugh a big no-no. Remember Basil and the moose's head? Grotty grouting unforgivable, yuck.
    Let's raise our glasses to all the ladies who ran screaming from qurky hotels *clink*. . .

    Love your car! Yup, I have a lovely Mercedes too. . . on my bedroom bookshelves -:)
  • Happy Thanksgiving to all my US flinging friends!
  • Happy Thanksgiving to all my good American friends
  • @gumby look after grandma, or will it be a case of grandma looking after you. Lol
  • Not sure if Thanksgiving is celebrated in other countries, if so excuse my ignorance any enjoy
  • @kathy don't go feeding @whatshisname and @minnie to much turkey. They be burping all night. Nothing worse that being woken during the night with strange noises
  • Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
    @Ixan57 I'm pretty sure The U.S is the only country to celebrate Thanksgiving, the Pilgrims and Indians and all, The Indians helping and sharing their food with the Pilgrims and the Pilgrims being thankful.
  • don't worry @ixan57 @Heyougettouttamyway and Minnie won't eat to much, an be won't be taking a mouseybag to go either lol!
  • @kathy we celebrate Thanksgiving too, although ours is in October & is more about being thankful for a good harvest.
  • @Karen68 I did know that, i didn't think it was quite the same, but i guess it is really, being thankful for the food harvested ;)
    I never really think of Canada as a separate country , i don't know why lol :/
    I wonder if any other places celebrate Thanksgiving, i don't think so but i could be wrong
  • Awww Thanks @Tompuss :D Love the kitty, but i think @Heyougettouttamyway just scooted into the hole in the wall heehee!
  • @kathy Oops, Tom & Jerry situation there. . . eeek-:)
  • Lol @Tompuss.. he'll haves to get used to it with all the cat lovers in the BP ♡
  • Happy Thanksgiving all
    Certainly the Brits bought thanksgiving to the US but the US sent us back turkeys and pumpkins
  • Happy Thanksgiving @Hunnybunny , another fact about Thanksgiving i didn't know,, thanks!
  • @Tompuss @Ixan57 have watched the Charlie video, not quite what i expected lol!
    The Chitty Chitty bang bang Photo is awesome! e never saw it before in 'real life' pretty impressive!
  • @karen68 @kathy we have Harvest Festival
    Much the same, bringing in the crops, thanking god for full stomach
  • @hunnybunny hope those floods I've just seen on the news did not affect you. Mostly Lancashire but hear parts of Wales got a fair old soaking
  • @ixan57 have you ever been to
    Amazing cars
    Amazing planes
    Both worth a visit
  • @ixan57 just Welsh Drizzle here, I guess you call it dreich
  • Can someone explain to me the significance of The Fourth Thursday of November in the U.K ?
  • @kathy there is no significance at all
    This Sunday is
    Stir Up Sunday.
    The link is to the common prayer book, which has taken on a cooking significant Christmas thing
    Christmas Cake Christmas Pudding
    It’s when you make them
    As you stir, you make a wish
  • And my cake is already made...
  • Thanks @Hunnybunny , interesting, It's really nice to learn the traditions of different cultures, things i would have never known if not for meeting freinds in the Nest :D
  • @hunnbunny only car museum I've been to and that limited with car's, museum of transport Glasgow. If you ever up here it a must see if you have got time to spare and the kelvingrove museum. Both within a 15min walk of each other. Now planes, that's my forte. Well was. When younger used go a over the UK to airshows. Skydiving,gliding anything that was off the ground that was for me. Not been to the FAA museum. Now through my work, the railways spanning 36yrs worked many old traction trains including steam specials that have nearly all long gone. Never thought anything of it at the time. But now it only nostalgia. Wish I could turn back time. Cheap plastic trains nowdays, even I'm stuck in a booking office through British rail sell off. Like a caged lion still after 12yrs in a office. But still got a job and it even better now that I'm on a two day week
  • Lol JLZ that’s me on the weekend, although blonde and more wrecked!
  • Lol @Jlz-666 Priceless! Happy Thanksgiving , or uhmm Happy 4th Thursday lol! ;)
  • Thanks @Wandering Star
    OB some bananas and apples for Wandering Star please :)
  • @ixan57 we too love trains
    If you didn’t know I’m a retired police officer.
    Best day ever controlling traffic at the RAF St. Athan Air Show. Only controlled traffic at start and finish. Saw the last ever (supposed) flight of The Vulcan. Now flying again, but two Harrier Jump Jets were amazing. The ground shook your ears rang..
    And we live along the LHR to JFK Concorde route. Ten past eleven every day you could see it the sky. I wanted so much to fly Concorde. Now we can afford it, it doesn’t fly anymore. So sad...
  • @ixan57 hoping your trains are better than our Arriva local stuff. But GWR to London are grand!
  • hee hee @Ixan57 ..*squeak*
  • Isn't Thanksgiving always the 3rd Thursday @kathy?
    @hunnybunny....Truth be told?........That's pretty much my weekends as well :D
    Just off phone to Mum who has friends over for the day. Fortunately (for the turkeys) they are all British & Irish,so are having beef wellington. They all come home for Christmas,so no one wants to spoil their Christmas dinner by having a turkey dinner too early!
    @ixan57 Hi! Apologies for not replying to your bake off heads up last month. My attendance in the nest recently is sporadic to say the least :(
    On that note,Goodnight. Have some stuff to answer and final Xmas gifts to order.
    Toodles x
  • @HunnyBunny Somewhere in my gallery i have Video of the Last Vulcan flight, well not sure now if it's the last, but i have a couple Videos of it!
    and what kinds of Trains are we talking? I kinda like the train into Boston from my area, nothing impressive but I enjoyed the ride, now the trains (if that's what you want to call them) in Boston are awful, crammed in like sardines, i get major panic attacks if i take them, if rather walk, and Boston is a great City to walk in!
  • @hunnybunny 1973 when in the air training corps spent 2wks down that way. At RAF chivenor near Barnstaple. We got to fly all over the west country including a flyover of st athan. We got to fly in hawker Hunter fighter jets, de Havilland chipmunks and Wessex search and rescue helicopter's.
    What a summer, including drinking scrumpy at the age of almost 16. Glad you weren't there to feel my
  • @Jlz666 Thanksgiving is typically the Fourth Thursday off November , usually or used to be the last Thursday off November, it's early this year because it's the Fourth Thursday. usually one and the same i think.m
    How exciting that you were able to fly in a fighter jet!! Always been my dream to fly in an F-16 Falcon or an F-18 Hornet, either one would be sufficient lol!
  • Great to hear from you @jlz666 no worries. Goodnight
  • Well goodnight all, thanks for the good company and my American friends enjoy the rest of your evening. Hey wandering star thank @kathy and OB and call off the cat. @whatshisname you can come out now
  • Good Night @Ixan57 Happy we could spend some 'real' time today!
    Sweet Dreams see you tomorrow!
    @heyougettouttamyway squeaks *good night* and thanks again for the bed* and for calling of the cat*
  • @kathy rather old smelly commuter trains from here to the city. Smart fast trains from there to London. Big leather comfy seats and trolly dollies should you choose to upgrade.
    If think you mean underground / tube / metro trains, which are mainly dire, although those in London are getting better
  • Well @Hunnybunny Your fast train sounds Pleasant, we don't have anything like that unless it's interstate. yes the downtown metro smelly yucky underground Subway, i can do without!
  • @bunny pushes one of those darned @heyyougetoutofmywaydontscreechtoomuchmisspacreatures out of her way and says goodnight especially to @jlz good to see you
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