The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3051
  • @brianN you have ruined my quiz. Never thought of that. I will rephrase. Which 2 parts of the body have the same name and are not identical . I. E. feet, legs, eyes, lungs, kidneys etc.
    Congratulations on the crown the Princess will be happy. On your head be it.
  • Well @ixan57 I fell off my ladder years ago and split my heel bone. I can tell you my feet are not identical. So I'm saying feet? (snicker).
  • Jesus @brianN i will hand over quiz night to you. You un - technically got it.
    The answer was heel. Heel in the foot and heel of the hand.
    I give up.
  • It's the magic fairy dust that comes from wearing the crown. BTW quiz night usually consists of more than one question. Come on @ixan57, what's next?
  • Tell you what's keeping me awake at night these days. The way TV shows and films are supplantng iconic male characters with women.Arthur Conan Doyle must be turning in his grave. Lucy Lu as Dr Watson... really? I love juicy Lucy but I'm not having it. Recent TV series suggesting Sherlock had a much more talented younger sister?! Noooo. Just call her Shirley and have done with it.
    Capt Marvel suddenly develops a pair of thruppeny bits! (Cockney rhyming slang my American friends)
    Jodie Whittaker Dr. Who?
    There are many more examples, and before I get accused of being misogynistic I like strong independent women. My wife is really kickasss (Well she kicks my ass anyway). What's not to like about Scarlet Johansson bouncing around in figure hugging leathers sorting out bad guys? But Black Widow is a female character. Would we accept Bradley Cooper doing the same and calling himself Black Widower? Well you ladies probably would.
    My point is it's pure laziness on the part of TV and movie makers. If you want to make shows strong pioneering women make the characters original.
    What next?... "The names Bond, Jane Bond"... Stuff that for a game of soldiers.
  • Here's one for the Brits.
    My wife has told me to clear out. She's fed up with my obsession with Only Fools and Horses.
    "OK, I'll get me suitcase out the van."
  • I don't get it
  • It's a line from the opening song.
  • Slightly paraphrased.
  • Think my favourite line was when (totally against his better judgement) Rodney takes his uncultured brother Del boy to the ballet. When the lead male comes bounding onto the stage Del turns to Rodney and in a big loud voice says "Who's the woofter with the big packet?"
  • No work tomorrow! Yay! Jumps up and kicks heels. Even better the wife and kids are away for the weekend! Double Yay! Jumps up and does double somersault with pike and half twist and kicks heels before landing gracefully. Wish I'd filmed that.
    You can call me Princess Chillzilla. Probably just me tonight, never mind I shall entertain myself.
    Step 1:Put suitable tune on jukebox...
  • Step2:Crack open a bottle of wine.
  • Good win for Glamorgan in the one day trophy final. That one kinda crept under the radar what with T20, The Hundred, and the Root/Adamson v India test series.
  • Well @karen68 @sweetp, still no joy with the downloading screenshot situation. Any other suggestions would be well received.
  • @BrianN, I think your pictures you're trying to upload are larger than 2 MB. Please see the FAQ page:, then scroll down to The New Profile System and look in the Albums paragraph.
  • You are correct @sweetp. The download in question is a photograph of a screenshot (you may remember me talking about the print screen feature of my old steam powered pc not working?) and it is 2.88mb.
    So is there a way round it? And why does the error message talk about exceeding 80mb's?Thanks for your quick response BTW.
  • Step 3:Put on some Gothic French noir. Season 2 of The Crimson Rivers starts tonight on More4 here in the UK. You won't like it @kathy, it has subtitles. On the other hand @hunnybunny, based on the content of your jokes you might like it. Series 1 hard dark religious undertones and quite a bit of sex.

    Speaking of Undertones, they still have mad Saturday nites playing in Derry(minus Feargal Sharkey of course-last I heard he was doing really well on the business side of the industry, got an OBE for services rendered to music) Anyway here's my personal favourite...
  • Ooh la la! Plenty of dark religious undertones, nay overtones. Not much sex, but you can't have everything.
  • Hope The Hundred final is better than tonight's eliminator. What a damp squib that was. Worst game of the whole series... by a mile.
  • @karen68 has been quiet lately, think it's about time we caught up with her owlish frolics.
  • Hey @kathy, they're ganging up on you in the challenge. Can you hang on?
  • By my reckoning I'm responsible for 19 out of 23 comments on this page.
    Step 4: shut mouth and go to bed.
  • Looks like you may keep hold of that trophy @kathy, just.
  • The Undertones. Now you're talking. This is incredibly fast, they knock about 15 seconds off the vinyl version.

    What a band.
  • Let's make it Undertones night.
    Purveyors of Perfect Pop.
    John Peel RIP
  • And back to the Bard of Salford

  • Better get some kip, night all.
  • Bangin' tunes @desperatedan. I'd have stayed up longer if I'd known we were having an Undertones night. Even without all those brilliant songs any band that references Subbuteo in a lyric is all right with me.

    As for John Cooper Clark his poetry now features in the school curriculum in England. The Sopranos used to feature a really cool tune at the end of each episode and Evidently Chicken town pops up in almost the very last episode.

    Love that line Beesley Street :'where the rats have rickets and spit through broken teeth'
  • Thanks @karen68, @sweetp and also @ixan57 (why didn't I try your suggestion 4 days ago!) Trimming the edges off the photo did the trick. Just call me Roy Cropper.
  • Definite puppy up for grabs today guys. But if you call it a runt @desperatedan the K-9 gods will be against you.
  • I see there's a new reality TV dating show for people with handwear fetishes. It's called Glove Island.

    I've got too much time on my hands this weekend haven't I?
  • Can only get to level 23, grrrrr.
  • @BrianN, yaaay! Glad that issue is resolved. LOL
  • @BrianN Huge Sherlock fan! And can’t bear anyone messing about with the stories! I listen to Sherlock Holmes Magpie Audio ,readings by Greg Wagland. And for watching, love Jeremy Brett. People go on about Basil Rathbone, well he’s good but again the stories aren’t respected.
  • Have no idea if this pic will work

    Me and Sherlock in Meiringen.
    Lost a lot of weight since then, TG, but got older too!
  • RIP Una Stubbs, a.k.a. Mrs Hudson.
  • Can't see the pic @tompuss.
  • A woman comes home, late, after a night out with the girls
    She creeps up the stairs, not wanting to wake her husband
    Goes to the bathroom
    Creeps into the martial bedroom: four legs sticking out the bottom of bed!
    She knows where her husband keeps a club, in case of burglars, and clubs the two of them to death
    Walks back down the stairs, pours herself a large gin
    “Darling your home” says the husband walking in
    She nearly faints at seeing him
    “Your parents visited tonight, so I put I put them in our bed”
  • A man comes home, rushes his wife up the stairs and into the bedroom, and turns off the light
    She is aghast
    “Look, Darling, my new watch lights up in the dark”
  • Cool picture @tompuss, is that near the Reichenbach Falls?
  • Hey @hunnybunny, you're back then?
  • I kept saying "No comment" during my police interview.
    Probably why I didn't get the job.
  • @BrianN I've been out for 2 days, had 50 missed notifications, more than half from you Lol!
    I can't possibly catch up tonight
    But good news, tomorrow is Sunday and we are having a hurricane, so pajama Day :)
    Firing up the new Laptop :)
  • You've been out for 2 days? Have been smoking skunk again? You must catch up, so much has happened since you've been away.
    Hurricanes.Such fun. Are you going out in your pygamas?
    Can you send me your old laptop, mine is older than yours.
    Do I sound demented?
  • Hey @CaptRec did we scare you off with our madness? Now that @hunnybunny has returned maybe you could tell us what @ixan57 meant when he said you would know about body parts. Are you a doctor or a serial killer? I know both are quite popular in California. (Don't mind me I'm harmless).
  • If you're a doctor maybe you could help me with this fatty deposit on my inner thigh. Not painful, just aesthetically unattractive.
    If you're a serial killer I'll hand you over to @desperatedan. Or @hunnybunny, she likes The Killers.
  • Our Polish neighbours have been going mental with their loud music tonight. Had to go round and complain. Seems quiet now, time for bed methinks.
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