The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3056
  • @Desperate-Dan I was watching Leylah beat Osaka (wow!) & flipping to Felix during commercials. Now watching Felix. Enjoying myself for sure!
  • Oooh my first page change in forever. Sorry @kathy. :)
  • @hunnybunny Watched The Courier tonight. You’re right, excellent film. But it rook me back to 1962 and the fear we lived through then. I am even more impressed with Cumberbatch than before.
    @karen68 What a match with Layla and Osaka!!! And Alcaraz took out Tsitsipas, interesting day of tennis ;-)
  • You owe me @karen68. I set you up for that crown. I have to say, Osaka's game has gone a bit flaky this year, she's had problems for sure. Women's title very difficult to call. Can't say same about the Men's. But what a day for Canada! You must be exhausted.
  • Alcatraz took out sissypants!? What kind of a sport is that?

    Well well @karen68. You are clearly a worthy Princess. The nicest patron of the BP. However that's the second time you've had a go at ernor63. He must be a real bad egg. We should get admin to take down his scores. I once nicked a trophy of his with a 0birder.Karma.
  • @kathy there is a crown conspiracy going on. Keep your head low. Watch out for the snipers.
  • Ah, Ernor the Arrogant
    His best ever comment, when asked why he didn’t share his strats, went something like this
    “Your stupid little threads have no interest to me. Three good flingers, of whom I’m one, have a private place”
    Bet he read the ABN Strat if someone beat his score
  • Loving the tennis scores, I can’t watch it here
    Must be on some bloody channel we haven’t yet subscribed to
    Come on Raducanu and Evans
  • Karen looks good with Princess Crown
  • Don't you mean 3 good tossers? Can't understand why even if a person is very good at this game it makes them feel somehow superior to other people. We're flinging birds at pigs and blowing stuff up for goodness sake. Get a grip I say.
  • Amazon Prime have the US Open in the UK. Watch the test match @hunnybunny. It'll take the edge off any insomniac tendencies.
  • BTW I must look out for more ernor's comments. Pure comedy gold.
  • Even his avatar is funny. Looks like Alice Cooper's head in a microwave.

    Think he may have read "How I cultivated modesty and became the most humble man on Earth"
    by Thanos.
  • Also @hunnybunny, be careful about praising any princess other than @kathy. Her loyal henchman known only as Princess Wingman (alright sometimes @ixan57) will be after you.
  • Wow. Emma Raducanu. Thought she was going to get the double bagel. If she plays Ash Barty in Round 4 that could be dynamite.
  • Yes, she'll get blown away.

    So you thought my introduction to The Fall was boring @kathy. Hope you find this equally boring. Best song about footie ever.

  • How sad 40 years on we still have Marble Millichips at the FA.
  • And how accurately MES predicted how the game would be taken away from the working classes and taken by the corporate /corpulent fat cats.

    Here's another Fall track before bed time..
  • I like the way Mrs Smith cracks up in this video. I don't think this is the best way to win @kathy over to the Fall @brianN.
  • Er, not Barty as it turns out. Emma's going all the way folks.
  • It's impossible to be ambivalent about MES. Love him or hate him. As for me I shall continue to play the 'odd' tune or 7.
    When asked about the ever changing lineup of The Fall he once said... "If it's your granny on bongos and me it's The Fall".
    Speaking of grannies, you off grid again @kathy?
  • Hope Twiggy didn't make that tennis prediction.
  • Could you get her to predict an England batting collapse in the 4th innings @desperatedan? We might just have a chance.
  • Hmm, not a single taker for the Challenge today. Don't bother folks, it's pants.
  • Don't say that @desperatedan, you'll upset @sweetp. Anyway I consider that a challenge.
  • Ah yes, he has a twin brother also in AB Space somewhere. Didn't it also feature in the Challenge a while back?
  • Consistently hitting 120k but don't know where the extra few hundred points are coming from. Must be something to do with asteroids hitting the ground scoring more po8nts than when they collide.
  • Looks like I'm bottom of the leaderboard.
  • Or, from another angle, top of the leaderboard. How sad that you only managed to get to #5 overall on this extremely annoying level. Congrats @brianN , great score!
  • It's angry birds @catsnbirds but not as we know it.
  • The comeback queen Leylah has done it again I see @karen68. Another big scalp. Hoping Emma's going to join her in the last 8.
  • I see no pigs, I see no birds. Not even a marmoset. What is the world coming to?
  • But you have respectably just fallen shy of Rat's score. Which is the correct etiquette in Space when one can't get the pup
  • Well that was weird. Normally when you finish the level if you have over 1k on the scoreboard before all the eggs are added up you've done well. But something made my score jump up over 5k Unfortunately it wasn't one of those occasions where I'd scored 120k.I ended up with 115600.So 125k should be possible. Just no idea what caused it.
  • Er, double egg count? You're getting into Eddie territory here. Did I ever tell you he is innocent?
  • Think I'll have a go at the challenge today. Looks like fun, though watching Red getting sucked into that giant Dyson© and disappearing with a bloody red pop is a little disconcerting.
    Early attempts suggest I may be able to provide you with that low score you crave @desperatedan.
  • Well, who said “India has no tail, their bowlers are crap?”
    And “We could win this, other than Jimmy Anderson, everyone can bat”
    “This wicket is going to get faster and faster, no chance of bowlers having a good day”

    Anyway watched Tenable and Tipping point this afternoon...
  • Go, Raducanu, go...
  • Yes let's talk about the tennis. Emma we love you!
  • almost missed page opps! At least I know the Crown is in good hands with @Karen68 :D
    I'm not off the Grid @BrianN and I didn't say your introduction to The Fall was boring, just not my style.
    I had a surprise visit from my daughter yesterday, had a nice day, but I'm exhausted today..@Hunnybunny I remember that post from The Arrogant, I was particularly taken with he changed his profile saying to Kathy I Don't share strats here because everyone use my strats and no ones else leaves strats worthwhile, something to that effect.i don't remember the exact words but willing the same lines, but directed at me!
    And I agree Karen , he left because none of us were good enough, worthy enough to be in his presence ;(
  • Is Alcatraz still in it? He takes no prisoners. (Is it a woman?)
    As you can see Reuters comes to me first for my tennis info.

    Think we need Count Dracula to open for England. He's good with a bat.
  • @DesperateDan and all good luck with Red's Mighty Feathers , I'm surprised that's a challenge level, I seem to remember is really hard to get to the real levels?? @Karen68 isn't the first part of it not even for scores¿
  • You said something was boring. Can't remember can you @kathy?
  • Does Emma play cricket? We could do worse.
  • You got me @BrianN .. no I can't remember Lol, and I don't keep it'll with tennis sooo.. refresh my memory please, I'm to tired to read back :( Pretty Please...
  • Are you thinking of the Egg Defender levels @kathy.
  • And Who is Emma??? Jersey first Eddie now Emma? I presume she's Innocent too??
  • Refresh you're memory about what? I've forgotten.
  • No Red's Mighty Feathers, I thought the first few levels were just for stars?
    Oops gotta go Dave is Back with laundry
  • That doesn't sound at all boring.
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