The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3139
  • You did a real number on him then? Anyways @hunnybunny.... Ruud!
    Haven't played The Fall in ages. Don't you just love a song with whistling in it?
  • Things I hate.

    Donald Trump (@kathy look away now), that's it
  • I think you'll find Edward Sharpe and his Magnetic Zeros had a boat load of whistling in it you contrary bunch. Some great songs out there with whistling in them Elbow and Lippy Kids which I played recently. Here's another one...

    Can't think of any about celery.
  • Which Bowie song contains whistling?
  • @BrianN a guess: The Laughing Gnome, not his best!
  • Googled…
    “I was wrong”
    Don’t let the Bunnyman hear my say that!
  • Sadly 3 months after Otis recorded that he died in a plane crash. Posthumous No 1 in the U S I believe.

    Still if it's classic whistling yer after...
  • Is it possible to do miserable whistling?
  • Wah Wah Wah!

    Phew, don't know where that came from.
    Anyway I was looking for a clip from an early Vic and Bob show(it may have been 'The Smell of Reeves and Mortimer'. In it they did a sketch where they blackened their faces and pretended to be Otis Redding and Marvin Gaye. It always started with Marvin asking Otis what he was up to
    "Oh just sittin on the dock o the bay like(Geordie accents of course) watchin the ships come in... etc.
    So it's been airbrushed out of u tube history! Gaaaaaahhhhhh! I hate the way the BBC and others kowtow to the mardy pc titends. They did the same with Mighty Boosh for the same reason. I feel a rant coming on.
  • Talking to myself I suppose. Never stopped me before.

    My dad was an inveterate whistler @desperatedan. Always cheerful, I think it was in the joiners manual.
  • I'm here as immediate as my tablet allowed!
    Been having a tough go out things, COPD and Emphysema kicking my ass hard :(
    This tablet sucks, won't hold a charge I really good look into getting a new one.
    Both my tablets are Spring products, so they are both on obsolete:(
  • I'll be lurking... Poached eggs isn't really very exciting either :(
  • Hi @Kathy whoop whoop whoop
  • *Cheers* @"ixan57 :D
  • Hey @kathy O'Lurker. Fitlike ma quiney? Not so good by the sounds of it. You're in a worse state than your tablet. Did you get all that smokey stuff from Canada? Funny the news here reported on the fires but more about the smog in New York. Must've been annoying @karen68?
  • @BrianN The Dambusters has the name of the black dog removed, rant, rant, rant
  • Hi @kathy good to see you
    OB whatever Kathy wants
  • That's how it usually works @hunnybunny.
  • The dog wasn't called woofter was it?
  • .ok I didn’t, but I tried…
  • Ashes good, Hampshire in the T20 absolutely dreadful!
  • Yeah, interesting day's play at Edgebaston, not sure who had the best of it. Guess we'll find out tomorrow
  • Big fan of Shane Meadows so enjoyed The Gallows Pole. Period drama but not as we know it. Think there's at least one of our crew who'll like the theme song.
  • @hunnybunny let's just face it Hampshire are shite. Glamorgan are worse.
  • Mind you that boundary catch by Currie was something else.
  • Really sorry you're struggling @kathy. Mind you, @ixan57 seems to have whooping cough. Get yourself out of Poached Eggs, it's so dull it's a wonder AB ever took off in the first place. Try out the new jacuzzi on the terrace. But don't share it with Tom Hanks, rumour is that he wees in the water.
  • Not sure about the declaration. But wow, what a first day. Loved the Jonny show. And the Root scoops.
  • Derbyshire are more shite than Hampshire. Mind you, they almost won this week after being 17 for 4 on 2nd innings still about 230 behind making Yorkshire bat again. That would have been on a par with Surrey knocking off 501.
  • Unusual tied game with our Durham boys, an improving team I think. Mind you it would be hard for them to have gotten worse. Problem is they keep nurturing talent through the academy into the first t3am only for England to snap them up on a central contract and we never see them again.
  • Will someone wake me up when England bat again?... Zzzzzz...
  • More to the point @BrianN how is the Scotland bat doing, not heard any comments from you. Has her cat got your tongue.
  • Not heard any comments from me? 15 on this page alone mate. Are you doing irony?... Oh you mean about the mil? Oops.
    As she's from Ilkeston she could bat for Derbyshire but she's better than that. As it really was a flying 2 night visit(think she needed to use up air miles) I bore it all manfully but thank you for asking @ixan57.
  • BTW guys if you want Kathy’s attention anything Royal or your nearest Castle or Stately Pile will have her oohing and aahing!
  • Hi @kathy this is just for you and no one else.
  • The worst of watching the Aussies bat @hunnybunny is that we've so far been spared Smith and Labuschagne bedding down for several sessions(no innuendos please). It's like going back in time to watch Boycott and Tavare play in a cryogenic chamber. Sssssllllllooooooowwwwwww.
  • Nobody north of the border has mentioned Norway yet. Perhaps they are all nursing hangovers.
  • All the castles round our way are mainly ruins. They were all built 700 years ago so I suppose they have a bit of an excuse, being castles and all that.
  • @BrianN 17 not out
  • Just ignore him, he's still hungover.
    18 not out.
  • Mr Bear 34*
  • It’s cryptic…
  • English flair v Aussie Pragmatism. Which will prevail? Paul Octopus refuses to come out of retirement.
  • Cos he’s dead
  • That would explain it. Be ironic if Koala proves to be Australia's saviour. He's hung around the Aussie squad like a bad smell for years and I've never seen him score runs consistently.
  • I was hoping the target would be 282, like in 2005. However we are OK because the target is 281 and they will be all out for 280.

    If we had Leach or a fit Moeen, I would say England would be favourites. As it is, too close to call.
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