The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2113
  • @fenikus hm. what do you mean by 'a certain way'? I'd think anything falling on a bird would score points.
  • @Kelani, and how long does "in the zone" feeling/capability last when it's induced like that? Also, why is it called "in the zone"…guessing something to do with basketball.
  • @Kelani…Jungle Escape 29. Check it out when you have some free clock-cycles. Vast difference in points on shot 1 depending on *how* Matilda gets hit.

    Edit: shot 1 not being the "money shot" described in walkthrough comments that will get you most points on the level, but simply taking out the whole left most structure.

    Oh yeah, and I noticed you conveniently skipped over my question re: BR-13…so that's how it's gonna be now, eh? :-)
  • Hhowdy my fine feathered flinging friends; )
    Been Having charging issues today with tablet so not had much flinging time; (
    How' goes the battle? OB I'll have PigKiller please to heck with those marmoset put them in a stew!
  • @fenikus I'll check it out now. Tired of being spanked by these river levels. :)

    Sorry, I missed your #13 question. Short answer: NFI. Theory: when the stone balls blast the TNT beneath the stacked stones, the blast wave jolts them. In the structure directly above, when that falls to the left, sometimes a block gets bounced to the right. Beyond that, I don't know if that block knocks them off, or the block hit coincides with the jolt, or if the jolt itself does it.

    edit: I have no idea what I'm supposed to be seeing on #29 :)
  • hi @Kathy new avatar, I see? I'm about to post a wanted: 20 points ad on Craigslist. :P
  • @kelani Are You Kidding You only Need 20 points to hit 2.6 and you can't get them?
    You too @fenikus !!
  • Omg that's crazy! !
  • @Kathy yep. Unless I get lucky in one of those 'PC-scores-suck' levels, they aren't gonna come easy.

    Whoa, there was a private plane crash 10 miles away from me today. I wondered what all those sirens were for.
  • @Kelani, I'm trying to remember the shot. Oh yes, throw bloated Matilda approximately at the intersection of the higher palm and the higher plank. If done right, you can destroy most of the left side. But even with visually the same result, I've seen scores vary by as much as 5K.
  • Oh no @kelani I hope it wasn't fatal:/ although Plane crash usually is :/
  • K I gotta lot of flinging to do
  • @Kathy, let's see…I'm 1,740 points away right now but just successfully distracted @Kelani to go play another Rio episode, heh-heh.
  • Hee hee @fenikus I saw that haha ;) good luck.. may we all reach the RatPack goal time will tell; )
  • @Kelani, on BR-13 did the big wooden crate on the middle platform break on your high run?
  • @Kathy yeah, I'm pretty sure they're dead. Around here, if you can't find an airstrip or an interstate to land on, you're pretty much screwed.

    @fenikus I got ya now. You see that in Space too. A 5,000 point pig and its 130 point bubble can give up to 6,100 points in some situations.. I've always felt slow crumbles score higher than a quick blast. My theory is points for bumps and scrapes exceed their damage, so they end up worth more than the block's value.

    When that stuff falls on Matilda's head, you see numerous points pop up. I just caught 340,120,120,30 with one 500pt block.

    That was fun. Now back to work :P

    edit: re: #13 I have no idea.
  • @Kelani, what drove me crazy when I was investigating JE-29 is that I got the most points when Matilda was not being pummeled as much and just rolled the certain way without displaying those low points graphics.

    Re: BR-13 -- whatcha mean you don't know, I thought you had the screenshot! How did you make that superimposed trajectory image in a walkthrough then? Cough it up!
  • @kelani, @fenikus and @Kathy -- Well, I see there is some life in the BP after all.
    About randomness in AB: There is definitely some randomness / pseudo randomness in all AB games. Surprised it extends so far as location of reset button.
    Would love to know of any specifics you find, kelani. The implementation of "randomness" varies from game to game, and from one device to another. For example, there are now several cases of frequent self-destruction observed on Android, but not on other devices. I have looked for self-destruction for ~100 resets on one day and not seen any, but on another day it happens fairly frequently (~1/20).
    There is a lot of discussion of randomness in AB in the Self-Destructing and Unstable Levels forum. Some of the discussion is in the old forum, and some in the new. A summary is on p.1:
    Intentionally or unintentionally on the part of Rovio, the dependence of self-destruction on restart number (demonstrated on 1/14/13) has changed, possibly more than once if you are using the latest game versions. On 1/4/13 some interesting, repeatable behavior related to scores and number of resets after logging out of game were reported by an un-named member, click here . The score for self-destruction appeared to be a function of the number of level resets made after exiting the game. I verified similar behavior on iPad.
    Although this complete dependence of self-destruction results on restarts no longer occurred when last checked, some dependence on restart has been observed (12/13) on ABO Short Fuse (26-6 and 26-12).
  • @fenikus I have to use a unplayed level shot to superimpose. That's the only screenshot I got for that one. When you're in THE ZONE, ya don't pay attention to silly things like 'scores' :P Why're you so obsessed about that damn box, anyway? :)

    It'd be neat if AB games could store and replay your best score shot. I may have to suggest that feature.
  • grr. I know Fox didn't just preempt Cosmos with this nascar crap.
  • @mvnla2, very interesting. I knew self-destructing/unstable levels forum existed but never really checked it out until now. What is the ABN stance on levels that are manifesting instability on only certain platforms, i.e. only on Android? Are scores obtained that way allowed?
  • @Kelani, so you're saying the trajectory shown on that BR-13 image may not be the actual trajectory you used to get 174K? (otherwise you'd have a screenshot from where you clipped the trajectory from). I am obsessed with the box because I'm stuck at 171K and see no way to get more w/o that box breaking. But I also don't see that box breaking, ever!
  • Btw @mvnla2, I hear coding may have changed in Rio High Dive with the latest update that contained Blossom River. Reportedly some of the early levels don't have those huge explosions anymore. That may be related to Rovio attempting to fix enormous amount of glitches in HD.
  • @fenikus I doubt it's perfectly accurate, but it's the correct one for the 1-birder. For me, OB inflation was more important than trajectory there. Like Sir @Rat said, there's a high shot, and a low shot, and the low one brings you heartbreak. OB's impact location in the screenshot is what I was trying to nail. I assumed people would find that easier to copy. btw, I may not have mentioned it there, but in retrospect, my inflation dot on the screenshot may be 1/2 a bird low.

    My gut says the box probably survived. All I noticed was the pile of stones fall, and everything else crumble to dust.

    Those high dive plank-edge explosions are hilarious. When I played through it a 2nd time and checked the walkthroughs, I was amazed at the point differences from using those.
  • @Kelani, I perfected the BR-13 shot to the point I can get a 1-birder in 1 out of 5 tries. My trajectory is way higher than yours though so since I'm stuck at 171K, I wonder if it matters *how* you get the tower to topple.

    It's weird but sometimes I get a whole slew of wooden planks thrown to the tower with great force and it doesn't budge. Other times, a gentle nudge from a single plank will make it fall like a house of cards.
  • @Kelani, the person that mentioned removal of those sick explosions uses android tablet. I tried HD-4 on my iPad and it's not happening there either. Can you try on PC at some point?
  • @fenikus yeah, I wasn't sure what Rat meant by high and low. I've been trying it on ipad and can't get a 1-birder at all. I can barely hit the same spot i did on PC.

    lol. another distraction? :P hang on I'll check it.
  • @fenikus look at @bernersenn 's photo of the HD-4 sweet spot. Can you see aiming lines there? I sure can't :P
  • @Kelani, I picked HD-4 to test because it's the easiest one to pull off. Previously, when you cut that that cord holding TNT barrels with YB, 3 out of 5 times you'd get the left structure to blow up like mad. I think I tried about 50 times, it only collapses now.

    Edit: So forget his screenshot, that's for the second shot.
  • @fenikus hey! I improved my score on that one. I remember posting some observations on the height of the TNT at explosion time having some effect. So far, same wimpy explosion, same level, every time. On Shot #2, low on the underwater pillar, I did get a nice bounce from the above-water stuff. but no amazing airtime.

    edit: the pillar still gets yanked towards the bomb blast, so i think those may still work.
  • Oh yeah, @Kelani…if anything I'm helping you instead of distracting you. Your own theory is that when you play obscure levels from other episodes, it helps "reset" overplayed levels. I'm doing everything I can to get you over that 2.6m hump, can't you see that :)
  • @fenikus your altruism knows no bounds :P

    Yeah, it looks like they just made it so the TNT doesn't explode at that "lower" point that used to blow stuff sky high. From my post:

    Low: (The middle of the stacked TNT barrels is level with the stone plank just above it) means everything falls into the water.

    Lower: (Middle of the stacked TNT barrels is 1/4 inch below the stone plank) means you get the debris flying into orbit.

    OH HELL YES. on #2 the pillar definitely still works! Just blew everything off the screen. 25k score boost on PC.
  • Well good for you! I think I'll stop "distracting" you now…lol.

    I have nothing as exciting to report; the most interesting thing that happened tonight is that on BR-19 Terence went all the way through the tunnel and continued all the way through to the TNT. Big boom but no 1-birder.
  • @Kelani @mvnla2 @anyoneElseBored:

    A trivia question: what are those pillars in HD made of?
  • What pillars in HD what where @kelani ? Im bored to tears.. going to bed:night night
    Where's Pa?
  • @fenikus I believe in my theory, but it didn't work. I'm getting repeating scores on #12 on PC AND ipad. That never happens.

    I love it on #19 when Terence does a u-turn and goes back under the lowest tunnel. Never had what you just reported though.

    I thought the pillars were river stones, or hockey pucks, or something. What are they?
  • Never mind..
    Night all:/
  • @Kathy the destroyable pillars all through high dive. Look like fossilized fruitcakes stacked on each other. aww. you left. nighty :/
  • @Kelani, I thought @mvnla2 would jump right in and try to figure out the pillar question. But she disappeared after that one post. Who is the master distractor here? Where is she on the LBs, maybe she's planning a coup from the shadows? BP press should send some reporters to investigate.

    The pillars are made from magnets. How do I know this? Note how pillars sometimes seem to bend and break only to miraculously straighten themselves out.
  • @fenikus huh. That's different. It kinda explains the weird snappy behavior. Where'd you hear that? If those were NdFeB magnets, they wouldn't budge!

    With so many people joining the river each day, I keep expecting some weirdos to make a sudden appearance in our neighbothood.
  • I didn't hear it anywhere. But when I see something break apart and then is pulled back together with some invisible force, I'm thinking magnets.
  • Well, I'm off to bed. I get a sneaky suspicion that we'll wake up to @bernersenn finally cracking the #14 riddle, breaking 2.6m, and taking the top spot...
  • Yeah, he probably will. Ah well, better it's one of you than some random jackass.

    I'm gonna eat and pass out. Level #12 has beaten me into submission once again.
  • Good Morning OB - Americano to go please - have cleaned the bathroom, washed two lots of laundry (or at least the washing machine did!), vacuumed the house (don't know why as all 7 gkids are coming over the next couple of days!!!) and am about to go off to golf - may try to escape from the seven under 8 year olds and their parents by coming in here to sit quietly in the rocking chair but don't hold your breath as the iPad will probably be appropriated by the 18mth old as soon as he arrives! Must dash!
  • @fenikus @kelani -- I have a reputation for being a "popper." Last night I was reading a book.
    Anyway, I think ABN has allowed the scores that are only available on a specific platform on the grounds that they probably would happen on other platforms if you were patient enough.
    Rovio did fix the exploding dolphins in the latest update. Haven't heard about the explosions being fixed. Sounds like you're saying they are still there. I don't think they happen all that often. If you're asking what those pillars are made of, your guess is as good as mine. Perhaps there is a random number that turns one block into an explosive. : D
    If you're looking for me on the leaderboards, don't look on the first page, maybe not the second either. My goal is to be above average on all levels, but that becomes less and less likely as more people enter scores with PUs, even though they aren't supposed to. I've never been able to keep up with the legitimate top flingers. If I still have any top scores, they were all flukes.
  • Hi and bye @mvnla2 -- for your next "pop-in": How can you tell more and more people are entering scores obtained using PUs?

    After a decidedly best day of the year weather-wise yesterday, it's hot and muggy here in CT today. Had big plans for a day in the wild with dogs, but can't handle this humidity. Perhaps I'll fling a few :=>
  • Good Afternoon Fellow Flingers!! Just a quick pop in to say
    Thanks Again to All our Veterans ;)
    Hope everyone is enjoying the day♥
  • Oohh and i see none have reached the target goal..I thought for sure @kelani @fenikus one of you would have by now! ! I don't think I'm getting Any more points Anywhere:(
  • @fenikus You said the magic words: can't handle this humidity. Above 75% RH I get congested, headachy, generally crappy feeling. That's when I hide in my cool, 30% RH basement wood shop.

    My only consolation is the deep south and southeast Asia have it much worse.

    @Kathy nope, no points. 2.6M is quickly becoming our white whale. If I don't get anywhere today, my last shot is the levels I have a high score on. At least on those I KNOW PC can score high.
  • Hello guys, work is done, start to fling now. Alright, that asks for something to drink. So, OB, a round for the attendees here. Today I nominate #14 as the one todo. We'll see.
    Thanks @fenikus, @kelani for the nice words about my flinging capacities. For now, I am curious if they are back.
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