The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2171
  • @kelani, I just scored 130160 on #33 with a 2 bird. It is doable, just keep at it.
  • @Lyrian I have a high dpi trackball I use for graphics and music composition, but it's in storage. The one I have now sucks, but I tweaked the driver to make it a little better. If that fails, I use my left hand to brace my right. Old woodworker trick. :)

    All our distractions are gonna ruin your cake :(

    edit: showoff :P
  • Oh yeah @hunnybunny I forgot he did that voice lol
  • I'll get it now that I know the aiming point on PC is a few pixels above the ice cube. On ipad, that shot would completely miss.
  • (((((Estar))))) hi glad you enjoying a relaxing afternoon♡
  • Lol sorry i read wrong. .I Hope you had a relaxing afternoon? @estar
  • @hunnybunny, agree with you, this games takes a lot of the battery of the Ipad
  • Ackk I'm so frustrated.. picking up a few points but not enough. .to much rinse /repeat;(
  • @Kathy Beak2 has much less of that.
  • @HunnyBunny Me telling you good night didn't subliminally make you sleepy? Can't blame a guy for trying to protect his territory.

    Hi, bye again @Estar.

    Atta Boy @Kelani. You're wearing #33 down.
  • @hunnybunny is @ollygod going to join us?
  • Wow !! Watching Nat Geo wild..@hunnybunny Is this a true thing. . In Dumbarton U.K dogs were jumping off a some bridge ..uhmm trying to catch the name..Overton? And the dogs for over 50 years have been impulsively mysteriously jumping off?
  • Ohi think it just said Scotland maybe @jlz666 would have heard of it.. it's says 2006 for the year this documentary was made. .
  • @kathy ollygod invited, whether he turns up or not I don't know
    Dumbarton is definitely in Scotland. I've never heard of the jumping dogs
  • It's a very strange phenomenon @hunnybunny if its true:/
  • lol. Show @Mumsie that link. After @JLZ's England vs Scotland joke-thing yesterday, Suicidal Scottish dogs would make great payback.
    "Scotland: Even dogs don't want to live there"
    "Were they English Bulldogs?" etc..
  • Those people should be tossed over the bridge and see how they like it.
  • @hunnybunny thanks for the link.@kelani apparently they think it Is Due to the minks scent and the Dogs not being able to see over the wall and they just leap off following the scent:/
  • Ya I saw that! ! Why the hell would you take the dog back there without a leash!!
  • Why oh why do i watch these shows? :(
  • Later in the article it says they're just chasing mink urine. So it's not a death ray from an underground alien base or any of those other theories.

    edit @Kathy don't worry. I'm sure it won't be long before NetGeo Wild succumbs and starts showing crappy 24x7 reality programming that has nothing to do with animals or the outdoors. It's only a matter of time.
  • Yep @kelani read up lol..I said that; )
  • Anything is better than reality shows
    Other than Strictly Come Dancing (called Dancing with the Stars in the US, but it's not a patch on our much better original) I am hooked on that.........
    And I did toy with Americas Next Top Model til what's her name went completely bonkers
    Tyra Banks?
  • Well @hunnybunny it's not a reality show is called
    'Worlds Weirdest Animals' its a series documentary of different part of the world each week all about different animals. Sometimes it shows lions inn the serrengetti those are my favorites
  • One week it was called 'happy hour'about certain monkeys on a resort beach sneaking up and stealing tourists drinks lol..
  • @kathy my last was directed at @kelani and his comment. We have Nat Geo over here, I know it's all good animal / planet type stuff
  • Oohh @hunnybunny *note to self* read;)
  • Should have @mentioned kelani I suppose. My bad. Sorry.....
  • Aha I missed the 'edit'
  • @kathy @lurkers goodnight happy flinging
  • Nighty night @hunnybunny;)
  • @estar I still can't navigate easily or for that matter at all to the ABN avatar contest.I click on 'all forum' it's not listed I did 'search'it brought me to 2013 closed forum. .is very confusing and I must think if I know what I'm trying to find and can't find it then I must assume that any newbie will not be able to find it either or even know there is such a contest..,I've mentioned it to slim once or twice but he didn't seem to get what i meant. . He after all probably doesn't understand 'Kathy speak'lol..
    I think @mvnla2 also mentioned it is confusing ..
  • @kelani the interruptions didn't ruin my cake, the weather got me this time. It's so darn humid here that the cakes stuck and fell apart when I tried to get them out of the pans, so we are having parfaits (that is how you spell that, right? My phone doesn't think it's a word)
  • awa sorry about your cakes @Lyrian but parfaits sound good and yep I think that's what there called.. my phone didnt accept the word either:/
  • @Kelani I thought you'd be taking advantage of my hiatus and FIFA for the rest to pull ahead of us. It doesn't look like you're flinging either. ???
  • Looks like Brazil Won @bernersenn ?
  • Well, EXCUSSSEEE MEEEE!!! I see you have been busy @Kelani. I thought you were just chatting with @Lyrian.
  • Uhmmm *meekly* hi @Pa :/
  • Well, I suppose I could call them deconstructed strawberry shortcakes, that sounds all chefy and modern. Either way, they will still be tasty. I think our phones aren't accepting it @kathy because it isn't an English world per se. My phone doesn't like Spanish either.
  • Mmm @Lyrian either way they sound yummy.. and made with love it's the thought that counts :) I'll be right over..uhmm in about 12 hours lol:)
  • Hi @Lyrian
    What's the matter Ma?
  • Hiya @rat! Come on over @kathy. I've got plenty of cake.
  • Lol @Lyrian I wish i could; )
    Nothing wrong @Pa I tend to shrink when people
  • OM Giraffe these levels are so all over the place scorewise.. hit the same exact spot and it could be a10k difference! !
  • I'm sorry Ma. I looked at the leaderboard. Kel has been busy. He's 80 points ahead of me. Guess I should have flung today.
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