The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2175
  • Please use those earplugs, everyone! Ready...


    That Daily Challenge is not rotating! *&@+ I've got nowhere to hide from the angry mob that's headed to my house! Gaaaahhhh!

    Sorry, I know that PE 1-5 has been up there now for the THIRD day! Me thinks that something with the leaderboard scores has gotten all of these gremlins coming out of the woodwork!

    Or is it really HAL @burpie? Beat him with a stick, I tell ya!

  • The griping about the re-re-re-Challenge is what I meant by "I wish certain levels would eventually be put out to pasture." I don't think anyone's gonna want to see Poached Eggs 1-5 again for as long as they live :D
  • Yeah, I have something to whine about @SweetP…sun of a gun, sun of a gun, sun of a gun…I should have just bagged 230K on 8-20 but didn't see a piece of concrete parked in front of the sling…CRASH!. And that bird was Space Chuck so I could have directed him wherever I wanted…ARGH! (Still got 220K which is my new highscore though).
  • Btw @Kelani, just watching recording of Brazil vs. Mexico on Univision…and I thought those commentators were something earlier…now I see how they sound when they're cranked up to the max, incredible.
  • @fenikus 8-20 will drive you mad, absolutely mad
    I predicted 250k do you believe me now?
  • Hi everyone:)
    @Bonneypattycat Pattycat will be in my thoughts. .hope the surgery goes well and the doc can figure something out to have her feeling up to herself again; )
    @annifrid good luck with the driving lessons :) I too thought the same as @mvnla2 NO Multitasking lol.. but yep after @jlz666 explanation I guess after we have been driving so long it just becomes second nature. I also drive an Automatic..Manual transmission IS multitasking to much work for me. You'll do fine:)
    OB I've only read the first page. .I'll take a Pigkiller for more reading..;)
  • @fenikus are these the Spanish-speaking commentators, or Brasilian ones?

    @SweetP you just need two lucky debris pieces to break 200k. s'what got me 204k. Anything higher than that requires fasting and sacrificing something to the rovio gods.
  • Hmm I'm confused now. .think i missed a page:/
    Well anyhoo hello my fellow flingers..I've managed a few more points in beak 1 not much but eevery little bit helps:)
    Sorry i missed you @bernersenn
    Has Anyone heard from @TomPuss ?
  • @fenikus forgot to say how many times it nearly happened, the one piggy, the one piece of debris that went in the wrong direction. And my most stupid, but always repeated, mistake. Wrong bird.
  • @Kelani, Mexicanos. There's 2 commentators and one analyst. The commentators just switched -- one was babbling during the first halftime and now it's the other's turn. I hope it will stay 0:0 because they might have a heart attack or stroke if there's a goal.
  • Hi @kathy the family are here. Other than two amazing shots early this morning, hardly played at all. Managed some comments here, after dinner eaten, kids in bed, can have a ciggy
    But @bernersenn is nipping at @rat heels
    Takes the pressure off me.......
  • @Hunnybunny, still think 250K is kinda high but maybe, just maybe possible. I got annoyed with myself because it was a silly mistake -- I've been waiting for the stars to align and once they finally did, I lost focus and flung into that stupid concrete block. The Boss Hog intimidated me…got 170K + 5 bonus birds instead of 6 bonuses.
  • @kathy, thanks for the reminder on the avatar contest! Hmm...*gone avatar hunting*
  • Hey @hunnybunny enjoy the family time :) I'm just taking my time; )
  • @kathy
    Voting time
    What's the most boring topic ever discussed in the BP
    1. The Rat v Kelani "what's the most / least effective painkiller since Hippocrates?"
    2. Anything about left over bits of wood, electrical / mechanical stuff, nails, wire, and some waxy cylindrical stuff that no one can play any more
    3. Tonight's result from Russia v Korea
    Mines with 3
  • Yuck, It hit 100F / 86% humidity here today. I need to find a Canadian/Inuit/Icelandic sugar mama so I can move somewhere cold.

    @hunnybunny Go listen to your Archies record :P
  • Ackk sorry @hunnybunny I got logged out:/
    Hmm contemplating the vote lol..
  • Can i say All of the above @hunnybunny hahaha I mean of the 3 choices?
    Then again the teens have had some prtyy boring topics lol.
  • @kelani ever been to Iceland. You'd love it. Never very, very hot, little humidity, and, surprising warm in winter
  • @kelani this might take your mind off the weather and my p**s take

  • @hunnybunny, that song and video brings back so many kid memories! Oh, the Sugar, Sugar by the Archies was one of my favs waaay back then too! Sheesh, old dinosaur music, can't beat it!

    Oh, and for my vote, I'm with @kathy. They're ALL equally boring! Hahaha!
  • @hunnybunny \m/ yay! color version! \m/ :) Judith Durham looks exactly like my ipad-borrowing cousin. I need to find a way to torment her with that. Hard to believe that band's been around in one form or another for 50 years.

    Never been to Iceland, but it's on my list. I do love cold. I'd be perfectly happy living at any of the 78 Antarctic research stations.
  • I find #2 less boring, I have a secret squirrelling psyche
  • @hunnybunny Very nice. I bet there's nothing quite like standing over the caldera that will one day rupture and kill us all -If Yellowstone doesn't do it first :)

    If you're a secret squirreler/hoarder I'm going to have to take a pic of my friend's storage buildings for you. Imagine two football-field sized buildings completely packed with stuff.
  • Talking to myself here. Rather liked it, actually, now the family visitors have gone to bed
    Goodnight all
    And @fenikus please don't go completely nuts after trying out 8-20, It can easily happen
  • Ah @kelani so there was someone conversing with me. I'd rather see the, promised, washed away, garden

  • @hunnybunny I can arrange that too. Just let me go remove all that pesky soil I replaced over the last few days :P

    I'm sure it'll wash away again soon. our weather pattern will be stuck in Awful mode for the foreseeable future.
  • Aww night @hunnybunny sorry i got distracted by real life , dinner and that pesky life stuff:/
    O.k now OB its flinging time.. Please everyone earplugs in place
    Beak 1 level 16.. get ready. ..
  • WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee
    OB a PigKiller with a sharp stirry stick to pop pig bubbles.. please
  • OB, a PigKiller for me as well, @Kathy and I can cry and whine into our drinks together. I was one bruised and black eyed pig from improving my score by 12k and maybe earning a shiny new sheriff's badge. Wwwwhhhhhhiiiiinnnnneeeee!

    @sweetp, hopefully I didn't miss you, my phone isn't giving me notifications again.

    @all Sorry I haven't been around today, I've been putting in some solid work on pig bang.
  • Oohh @Lyrian I was just wondering where you were. .sorry to hear that miserable piigie kept you from a sherrif bagde :( thanks for the drink:)
  • Darn ! I woulda just had a 2 birda if i didnt rush the third shot!!
  • I've been working really hard on pig bang. Started last night actually, I was ranked an atrocious 1,100 or so on the boards, up to 289 now and not quite through yet. I really wish I had read the boards, I'd have been whining here all day if I remembered that's it's whine tuesday.
  • bleh. I'm gonna go lie down for a bit. This weather... yuck.

    til later, happy pig punting. :)
  • Night @kelani. .well @Lyrian there's still 4 hours of whining left lol..
    Go for it I am. .
  • Night @kelani

    @kathy I'm saving it up til I have something new to whine about, you don't want to waste that kind of power.
  • Lol good thinking @Lyrian. .mine worked somewhat. .I'll take whatever it gives; )
  • @hunnybunny @all @kelani -- Here's a new suggestion for most boring topic, but this is directed at kelani:
    Have you ever heard of
    Samuel Coleridge-Taylor
    Pabel Hass
    ??? : D
  • For the rest of you, I should mention that the topic is "lesser known classical composers," courtesy of HWDNF.
    And I guess @Kelani should mention if he has any recordings of music by these guys. If you know these, HWDNF can probably find some more obscure ones, whose recordings or music he actually has. He played music from those two composers at the music workshop he was at last week.
    How about
    Rebecca Clark?
  • @sweetp, indeed, my notifications are working again. I must have been a fluke that I didn't get one earlier.

    @all goodnight everyone, I'm super tired. Zeus thinks 5 am is a perfect time to get up in the morning and it's taking its toll on me. Happy flinging!
  • Nighty-night and sweet dreams @Lyrian!

    I don't know if anyone noticed earlier, but the Daily Challenge has finally changed! I hope it's been fixed, and we don't see any repeats!
  • @hunnybunny -- I've never been to Iceland, but it sounds pretty interesting.
    If you like geysers, you should really visit Yellowstone, in Wyoming. Can't get there on a cruise boat, but they do have airports sort of near-by (by U.S. standards).
  • @kelani --OK, even HWDNF is impressed, and it was my typo on Pavel, not his misspelling. However, you didn't mention Rebecca Clark?
    Will ask him for some more obscure names. As I said, those were just the not-so-well known ones he played last week.
  • Yellowstone scares me. It's way overdue for an eruption.

    edit: @mvnla2 read up. I mentioned Rebecca. :) I'm kidding, they are obscure, but NC music schools have great libraries, and I had lots of free time :P I'm impressed if HWDNF gets to play works by these guys.
  • @kelani -- I was writing at the same time as you. Hmm... This could be an interesting competition.
    Who are the most obscure classical composers you can think of?
    I had gotten the impression that most nesters weren't into classical music.
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