The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2180
  • @kathy, thanks. #2 didn't play it yet. Sniffed a little on the first 5 levels, the others will follow. Now I've got this rank of honour, trying to hold it
  • @bernersenn Glad you got your rank of honor back. I just distracted the @Rodent in B2 for you.
  • Holy S**t @Kelani. I didn't see that one coming. You get to sit in the big chair for quite a while with a score jump like that this late in the game. Great score.
    @bernersenn, You I'll see later.
  • Huh @bernersenn you haven't played Beak#2 yet?
    Lol @kelani those are pretty funny too!! I'll have to look back somewhere to see where you got the snake thingie..
  • @kathy, no I played 5 games (out of my head, didn't even look at the comments). As said, first trying to keep mr. @rat of my back
  • @Pa @Kelani you guys talking bout Beak 2 ? I'm just starting my second pass..
  • Ohh @bernersenn o.k so I'm not behind as i thought ;)
    Congrats on holding #1 in B1 for this time. .but ive a feeling once @rat9 get to feeling better weeell.. you know. ;) I'm just happy to be in the top 10 ;) maybe another day i will look for more points in B1 .
  • @kathy, I have the same feeling, how come?
  • @Rat Neither did I! I first thought Beak gave Space the DCB bug, but #38 and #34 are just some bizarre-scoring levels. Still, it's not much considering the +15k easy-peasy points waiting for you: +5k on #38 and 10k on S22.
  • @Kathy yah, I just got an unexpected score. It almost broke @Rat's profanity filter! :P

    I think the 'Snake' one was part of the 'AngryBirdsNest' list. You keep flinging, I'll hunt for it. :)
  • @kelani congrats also on Beak 2 top score but as i said to @bernersenn once @Pa gets to feeling better. Weeelll... just sayin :/ enjoy while you can. .;)
  • K @edited omg it keeps coming up and i keep editing @kelani sooooorryy .. but i never mind..
    You keep looking for the snake I'll keep flinging (hhee hee the plot is working)
  • @kelani, thanks my friend for your filter. Now I got the feeling that I will get @rat's full attention. As @kathy said, when he's feeling better, together with the first theme, that's bad news.
    For now, it's done, I go to bed. Good night to you all
  • Good night @bernersenn sleep well my friend; )
  • Lol @kelani that's It!! Aww man your Not gonna wash My car. .darn.
  • @kelani quacky things
  • @bernersenn goodnight, good, very good flinging
  • Awwww @hunnybunny how cute:)
  • Bunny chirps, quacks, and hops off to bed.
    A bit of flinging, perhaps, just before shut eye
    Good night all
    Happy and productive flinging :-)))))
  • Failed to reach average in the challenge. But had great fun with a Facebook chat with my 3 sons! One in Croatia, one in Yorkshire & one on Merseyside - sibling teasing works long distance too! Just popped in to say Gngb @all
  • @mumsie you just blew my next comment out of the water. Who cares I made 4k on some silly space egg level, the just before bed shot. I bet you are happier than me.....
  • Now I am really to bed. Ain't no more lucky, this time of night, shots for me
  • Nice shot @hunnybunny sweet dreams ;)
    @Mumsie nice too see you glad you can have FB with siblings; )
    Nighty night to you also.
  • (pops in to survey latest leaderboard developments…rubs hands together with an evil grin on his face and mutters to himself: Eeeexcellent…)

    WTG @bernersenn, @kelani, @hunnybunny
  • That's right @fenikus ..hee hee @bernersenn @kelani @hunnybunny. .;) yeppers gotta watch those flingers...
  • I don't like the sound of that...
  • * takes a little stroll through the Aviary *
    " psst gather round my feathered friends , let's have a little chirp know who feeds you all. .and provides you shelter..ahhh yess yes I know you miss @angryboy but he send his love.. and wants you to do exactly what i say:) " chirpp chirlpp chirp.."
  • @all So... I just scored 188300 on #27 of BI 2, and it probably would have gone higher had I let it keep running (keep your pants on, it's totally not a legitimate score). I tried to screen shot it, but the numbers don't show on the picture. Apparently, there is a spot you can hit that makes the entire planet undergo existence failure. I force closed my game so it wouldn't record the score, but I did think you all might be amused.

    Ps: sorry I haven't been around, I've been totally wiped out these past couple days.
  • @Lyrian If it's repeatable on other platforms, then it probably is legitimate. You should post everything you know about (whatever you did) it on the walkthrough. No sense in you missing out on a high score if you don't ha...wait a minute. That's my #1 level. Nevermind :P
  • @kelani nah, I don't think it's actually supposed to happen. While I have done it before, both times my game was in the process of crashing. This is just the first time the game actually was processing the numbers involved. I think it's a glitch, because my game wouldn't crash if it was legitimate.
  • @kelani see, what I think happened is that those piggies bought that canister on the black market and didn't realize that it wasn't a simple power source and they got the weaponized planet cracker version.
  • @Mumsie -- I generally play golf once a week, sometimes twice. The weather here has been great for golf, IMO, but it is starting to get hot, and I really don't do hot well.
    I can't believe how many days in a row you'll be playing golf. I would be a total basket case. Forget about getting up the hills, I would have trouble getting into a cart. You are using a motorized cart, right?
    @soccerplayers -- Did you know that the U.S, which everyone thinks isn't that interested in soccer, bought the second most tickets to the World Cup, after Brazil?
    Not sure if a couple of you are actually physically in Brazil or just mentally.
  • Sorry for leaving @all. SWDNF said I fainted dead away after saying a few profane words at my computer screen. I've been asleep (comatose) ever since. I had the strangest dream, nightmare really, that @Kelani and @bernersenn were ahead of me in Beak Impact #1 and #2. It sure is funny the way the brain works while you sleep. lol
  • @kelani I thought that space Terence was army Terence, he's already in green and everything. I guess because camouflage feathers are too hard to grow. I will report it though, thanks for the link. I have no idea if the game will remain stable enough to actually log the score. I might test that if I do it again, I just don't want to because I like to check my board score total vs my in game total to make sure I haven't typoed.
  • @kelani @Lyrian @mvnla2 could this be like one of those glitches like anchors away type of badge..?
  • @kelani Thanks again, this time for the link to rovio. I did post in the bug/glitch forum here. The funny this is, I almost glitched it again. Just as Terence hit the canister my game stuttered for a second, then continued as usual. I'm pretty sure it's not my phone causing this, because it's only a couple months old.
  • @kathy, I don't know what that badge is, but I doubt it's feasible to turn this into a badge, as my game crashed the first time it happened, and seemed to be crashing the second time before I forced it close in the task manager.
  • Okey dokey, bug submitted to rovio too. Let's see them try to figure out this one! Though I swear if they tell me it's an intended behavior, I'm gonna post my score. I do have a screen shot of it.

    *edit* hopefully you guys don't have rules against double and triple posting *edit ends*
  • Ooh @Lyrian I see uhhmm I forget which level the anchors away badge was in but it was a glitch thing almost similar to what you described. Sorry my life is crazy atm.. don't mean to keep popping.
  • @Kathy no, this sounds like it crashes the game, so probably not something one would want to encourage people to attempt. Could ruin all their scores.

    edit: @Lyrian naw, they'll email you in a few days saying they've had no other reports of it, and tried but couldn't replicate it :P

    edit2: @Kathy Anchors is in Pig Dipper S-15
    edit 3: I've never gotten that badge :( Can't get it to work on PC.
    edit4: Level was wrong. I fixed it.
  • No worries @kathy, I read back and saw a bunch your posts. I bet you are glad to be home.
  • What do you @Lyrian by 'hopefully you guys don't have rules against double and triple posting (argghhhh I hate my phone))) in Bp we don't care if you quadrupole but on site they care..
  • Did i mention I Hate My Phone! !!!
  • Yes lol @Lyrian I am glad to be home; )
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