The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2392
  • I can't ;D some day maybe?
  • I don't know what to make of that @Kelani. You're just showing off now. We know you know everything. lol
  • Well that's also my minecraft username
  • It's OK @AEX10. We can keep a secret.
  • Agent (blank) X 10
  • It looks like you're zooming in on the answer @Kelani.
  • Don't Tell ;)
  • Every man wants to be a secret agent when they're young. Ha ha ha
  • @AEX10 muhaha.
    @Rat I don't know everything. I just know how to find everything. :)
  • Oh yeah @kelani your secret weapon:
  • OK @Kelani. How do I hook up my new router when it doesn't have a coaxial connector on it or my modem?
  • Well good night everyone *yahn* I'm geting sleepy ;)

  • @AEX10 google is a good place to start, but it's only one item in my bag of tricks.

    @Rat that question doesn't make sense. routers don't have coax. modems do. you use a cat5 cable between them. which router did you end up getting, anyway?
  • @Kelani Is it smarter or more economical to get a combination Modem/Router or keep them separate? Any suggestions on type or brand?
  • @Kelani Believe it or not, my modem doesn't have a coaxial connector. Nor does my new Net-something 650 router.

    Edit: My old router had a cable connector on it.
  • Well good night @StealthyCat ;)
    Bye @Rat
  • Guess ;)
  • @Rat I'd keep them separate. Most cable companies give you the modem free, or for under $5 a month. So you can use their free/rental one, which they will replace when it dies. If they charge over $7/mo to rent one, it may be cheaper to buy one. Routers, it depends on your needs. You just have to see which model of the month sucks less. You can get a good Wireless-G for $30. Wireless-N for $80. You can't really go by brand. I gave you a link for the one I bought a few weeks ago. It's top rated, but it's little brother was yanked from Amazon because of too many customer complaints.

    Here's what I bought:
  • Meow?

    @Rat Netgear 6500? Looks like a rectangular UFO? As for your modem, unless it's for Verizon FiOS, DSL or something, it has to have coax. Was it given to you by your cable co?
  • Ok I really got to go to sleep :)
    Night @all
  • Zzzzzzzzzz...
  • I have a Belkin it's good has a fast Internet
    Connection. cheap too.
  • this Plunder Pirates game is annoyingly addictive. Although it is fun to invade lots of people.
  • Ha ha ha ha ha ha Geez, am I stupid? I've had two routers hooked up to my system all this time. No modem. I wonder how that worked? @Kelani, my other device is a Cisco Linksys E1000 router. I thought it was a modem.
  • @Rat that's what you have hooked up NOW, and it's working? There has to be a coax coming out of somewhere.

    edit: unless you're using that new wifi telepathy thing.
  • Disregard the previous message @Kelani. I wasn't feeling well so SWDNF tried to hook up our new router. Bless her heart. She told me it had no connection for the cable. And I believed her. When I looked just now, I found that she was trying to replace our modem with the new router. ha ha I've got everything I need. One modem. One router.
  • @Kelani And as far as renting a modem from the cable company, No way. I'd have paid for that thing ten fold by now.
  • @Rat lol. bless her heart, indeed. Can't blame her too much. Those devices usually do look pretty similar.

    edit: except depending on brand, modems usually die after a few years. Cable co. replaces for free unless you bought it. So it's a crap shoot.
  • Good morning this side of the ponders and sweet dreams to those on the other side of the pond. I have the morning off and thought I would catch up on BP events. LOL thanks for the laughs @Kelani not sure if it is you great way of inventing stories or you actually did talk to every cashier (believe me, me and hubby are nutters and probably could have done the same, so not that far of a stretch for me to think that you really did)... but thanks for that lovely insight on the USA cashiers in your neck of the woods. But did you at least tell them that the persons (as in me and Hubby, so not one dude or a strange Dutchie girl alone) were at the register 10 minutes ago and had a "cheer up the cashier" fun time and came back within 10 minutes (bakery is just up the same road)?? That would make a huge difference for me. I too would not trust an out of the blue treat too... not sure I would call the police or chuck them away instantaneously, but yeah... even this trusting Dutchie doesn't trust an out of the blue stranger wanting to do something nice for me :)
  • Ow and Mister @Rat no worries about mixing me up with the ferocious haunting my every revist #!@!@$ hahahahahha when I am finally done (Still stuck in my least favorite, or for the time being least favorite, episode Piglantis) I can start all over again :((
  • I see we have got a secret agent amongst us... @AEX10 If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?? Because I thought you were just above the legal limit to comment in the forums, on other occasions I have the feeling you are slightly under and when I turn around you say something that would put you in your late teens... So besides the fact you are a secret agent by nickname, you are a bit of a mystery to me ;)
  • Sorry I missed you @Estar. I was installing the new router. And now I think it's time to lie down and day-dream of sleeping.
  • You don't have to feel sorry Mister @Rat I just popped in at the wrong time. Seeing you are posting a comment I can assume the router is working? In that case, job well done and time to hit the hay and maybe.... just maybe... catch some shut eye with real sleep? I really hope you Mister Rat! night night
  • To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub...
  • Well Shakespeare off you go and maybe I will drop in tonight after work. Have to get ready soon... ahhh just 4 hours and I am off again, kinda nice :) Did have to work extra on Friday and this morning off is because of that, but still... I do love taking it easy in the morning and this way I can enjoy te result of my extra work day twice :)

    Bye bye birdies!
  • Good night, good night @Estar! Parting is such sweet sorrow, That I shall say good night til it be morrow.
  • I shouldn't have looked. They're going after another of my top scores in the daily challenge today. Oh well, another one bites the dust. I only have thirty-two top scores left in Space people. Have mercy! At least I didn't leave any breadcrumbs. They'll have to beat me with their own strategy. lol

    Actually, I looked for my strategy and was surprised not to find it. I'd put it up now, but I'm not positive how I did it and don't want to mislead anyone. Sorry.
  • There's something wrong with my Rovio account. All my Epic, and what's worse, SW2 progress (I have a permanent Vader bought) is lost forever if I don't get it to work. It logged me out, and now keeps saying my email address doesn't exist. Which is a lie, it definitely does.
    Any ideas what should I do or who should I ask?
  • *rushes in' sets baskets of earplugs on all the booths and on the bar..ooh and one by the door*
    Have a fantabulous WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee Tuesday everyone. .may the power of the Whine be with you!
    *poofs off to work*
  • Ooohh no @Annifrid sorry im at work I didn't see you there. .I think I've heard of that happening to others not sure. I would ask @admins maybe someone there can help good luck hun:(
  • @annifrid I'd open a support ticket with Rovio on

    It may take them a few days to get back to you, so I'll see if I can find out anything else for you.

    @estar what a pretty avatar change, and why does no one believe me? Of course I asked all the cashiers that question! :( I don't get what's so unusual about their answers. They're pretty much what one would expect.
  • @kelani I can only speak for myself, I never said I didn't believe you! I just kept the verdict in the middle... cause in the past you have made a couple of very juicy virtual news stories that I loved reading, so I know you have a magnificent imagination and great way with words. So hence me being in dubio if it really happened that way or not. But like I mentioned, me and hubby are known for doing the same, so I totally can see it happen.
  • Ow and thanks for the compliments @kelani I switched this morning as I looked outside and saw my garden starting to look like autumn... summer is definitely long gone, so it was time to switch out the sandy beach and I had just the thing for this season in my wardrobe closet called Gravatar from last year :)
  • btw I needed a coat today, so it's officially cold here. yay :D
  • @Kathy @Kelani Thanks for trying to help :) I tried to sign in again after a few hours and suddenly, it works!
  • @annifrid yay! Glad to hear it. I found a few possible reasons why that happens, but they're long and boring, and you fixed it, so...never mind. :)
  • @Kelani I believe ya. Btw, I purchased a Netgear N750 router just like yours. Not on purpose, but I think your earlier technical discussion with @Ficus?, @Finkus?, @Funnomorekus?, @Fenikus (yeah, that's it) about it's little brother being toast got stuck in my head somewhere. Plus I wanted to make sure I had coverage in all the rooms. I think my house is slightly larger than @Estar's. lol Although I kinda wish ours was smaller @Estar. It would be easier to talk to SWDNF when she's in a different room and if my senior moments get any worst, I could get lost.

    Anyway, thanks for the info on the routers guys.
  • Thinking of @Fenikus reminded me I've had a trash talk deficiency. I thought you were going to come to Space and "Whup" me. @HunnyBunny and I came to Rio and whupped up on you. I'm still owe us!
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