The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2420
  • Brb gotta switch laundry
  • @Kathy they use Gorilla glass 2 or 3, I think. Each new version gets thinner. iphone/ipad could be more prone to cracking for any number of reasons. It could be the case is less rigid, or the glass isn't supported in enough points to distribute the stresses from being bent or dropped, and maybe the thinner bezel puts more stress on it.
  • Ohhh I see @kelani ya is probably the 'bezel' yeppers haha noddaclue..
  • @Kathy the bezel's the border around the screen. On mine, the glass goes all the way to the edge., so if you're holding it in one hand, like btwn your thumb and index finger, all the weight is focused on that spot. The bezel underneath the glass is decently wide (just over thumb width), and that helps spread that force out, but on some devices, the bezel is very thin, and the glass isn't well supported.
  • Oohh I see @Kelani.. yes i get it that's why when i get a screen saver I always get the ones that cover the whole thing not just the 'usable screen' so the 'bevel ' is the black part around the edges?

    Edit I never noticed that it wasn't even all the way around on my phone the bezel is thinner on the bottom when holding sideways 'duh' lol it's thinner on the sides lol
  • Gotta go take a showa bbl
  • @Kathy yeah. I thought the glass stopped where the black part (bezel) started, but it doesn't. it's like a glass tabletop. The thinner bezels in portrait mode would be a lot of stress if you held it there.
  • @kelani @kathy @rat -- I've had my iPad and iPhone for several years. No cover for iPhone and no cracks. iPad has an Apple cover, and a minor crack on edge of screen, not in the part with image. Both have been all over the world (well some of it). I think Kelani's record breaking stuff is at 6-sigma.
  • @mvnla2 your one of the rare people that haven't cracked an iPhone screen for sure I only know that one guy at work. There are 5 other guyz all with cracked screens even after they get a new one , within a week it cracks
  • @mvnla2 lol. that's the first time I've seen that term used in casual conversation :)

    The chemical bath used to make gorilla glass is why your minor crack has remained minor. Those screens still do tend to crack easily, though. It's by far the most-requested repair on those devices.

    I think Funikus' screen also has a crack running the length of it.
  • btw, apparently the ipad glass is 1.8mm thick, and no screens are supported anywhere except the bezel. So if you press hard, it'll bend. Too hard, it'll break.

    Lots of people complaining about the thinner glass makes tapping sound like you're tapping a drum, or a plastic canister It is definitely louder than the mini.
  • What about my Nexus screen @Kelani ? I have a screensaver on it also.
  • @Kathy I can't find the thickness, but the Nexus uses either Corning Fit Glass, or Gorilla Glass 2. which is the "older" version. It's like 10-20% thicker. GG2 is a bit softer than GG3, but is less brittle, so it's 40% more likely to scratch, but 10% less likely to crack. Not a bad trade off, esp if you have a plastic screen protector on top of it.
  • @Kelani -- Of course, they could actually make the windows out of sapphire, bet they wouldn't crack then. (I'm talking about clear, commercially grown sapphire.)
  • @mvnla2 that's the new screen material I was talking about that's coming soon. It's made of manmade sapphire/aluminum oxide/corundum, whatever. 4x harder and stronger than Gorilla Glass, but adds $20-25 to device cost.

    Here's an article:

    Uh oh. Maybe that won't happen so soon after all:
  • I can't wait til they find a way to make screens with wurtzite boron nitride, carbon nanorods, or some other superhard material that's (supposedly) harder than diamond.
  • Hi my fellow flingers... I just wanted to show my face and let y'all know I didn't fall off the face of the earth LOL... I just have been busy with the SWII update finish ups and upload the unlocking of the character videos on request of @mvnla2 , @kathy I normally don't upload videos of SWII on my own YouTube, but unlocking the characters with limited swaps (yes one has to use swaps in order to unlock the level) is a hard to do and given the fact I could buy the characters unlimited swaps I was able to play around with them without having to think of losing precious swaps. This was others that don't have a lot of swaps can use the best strat to gain the best amount of points needed to unlock the level. Probably all mumbo jumbo to you, but figured I would try to explain what they were doing on my YouTube... also SWII is mentioned in the title, but because the title is so long, it probably won't show.
    Anyway, this week it was the Seasons update and like I am beginning to suspect, the cycle of good weeks and bad weeks of the pitb ... this week is a bad one :(

    I did skim the last few pages and @TomPuss hee hee, so great to see love for a fellow Dutchie singer, I love the songs of Carol Emerald!

    @Mumsie I know others have said this already, but I do want to add to the ... noooo don't update to iOS8 campagne hahahahaha, haven't heard one single good thing about it, all kinds of troubles and nasties. And I do the same thing as @Kelani I want at least a couple of months or till the 2nd or 3rd update after a major one... than they had the time to work out the issues.

    @kelani You got yourself a KelAir!! Sweet, I hope the case comes soon and you will be able to enjoy the staywithyoupad for a long time. I too never have had an iDevice crack on me, like @mvnla2 I take my iPhone everywhere and even my iPad has traveled to different places. I am not overly cautious with it, just a plain case, it did drop 3 times or so, but no cracks on my screens. On the other hand my brother and his wife... wow a totally different story, I can not count the times they have had a screen replaced! But that has something to do with the 7 year old who has permission to use it (IKR?!?!?) and them being clumsy and careless with their devices.
  • Hi @Estar :) I get notification cuz i am ssubscribed to your you tube , it always makes me smile to see notification no matter what it is lol.. that one just confused me si haven't played Sw2 yet but it looks interesting:D sorry your Pita is in the 'on' cycle hope it passes soon to the 'off'
    Gotta change my battery:/ new phone next week hopefully:)
  • @estar wavey :) Sorry the pita's been evil to you. :( I know I owe you a PM, and it's first thing on my list as soon as I get all these computery things done. Busy week!

    Case came in today, but I haven't even had time to put it on yet :)

    They make stuffed animal cases you can put your device in, so kids can play with it without destroying the thing. Might be a good gift idea :)
  • @kathy :)))) I know you are and the notification indeed didn't have SWII in it... because the program I use to edit and upload them directly on to my YouTube has the insane idea of a maximum characters, so I need to upload them with a shorter title and go to youtube and edit them... a pita for sure. I must admit, SWII has grown on me while helping the guys when a update lands (because it has a bird side and a pork side it is easy to work on the videos from two angles), but haven't really play-played it for scores.
  • @kelani I know... I am running back and forth to my PM box, but no Kelmail for like everrrrrrr hahahaaha, nah, as I say to all my friends, there is no obligation between friends and there is no such thing as too late... just take you time and write when you feel like it. As for the stuffed animal case... great idea, but not for them, as I mentioned they are careless and I just know that when they take the pad or phone and use them they will take off the cover and well it never comes back on again... lost cause ;)
  • It is cool that your doing that @Estar and it gives me hope that if i Ever do get around to playing it I can follow your footsteps hee hee at least will give me a clue wth to do haha:D
  • Whoo Hoo!! Mississippi State(#3) just beat Auburn(#2). First time MSU has been in the top five EVER. After beating Auburn, they could be ranked #1. And they have a fairly easy schedule the rest of the season. Whoo Hoo!!
  • [[[hugs]]]] Kathy, sorry to be a popper, but skimming the BP and catching up on PMs has taken it's toll so it is time for me to head over to the couch and do some flinging and dunking.
  • Before you go @Estar, could I get you to remove @Romo from the nest. He keeps beating me in Beak Impact. lol

    Edit: I mean he must be cheating right? All his scores are in the top seven in both parts. Who does he think he is? The Rat? LOL
  • @estar yeah yeah. no obligation. Whatever :p Believe me, I'd much rather be rambling to you than dealing with silly tedious home stuff! Busykel tends to turn into grumpykel, and nobody wants one of those around. :)

    btw, I forgot to thank you again. your strategy got me another puppy this week :)
  • @Estar You do know I'm joking, right? He's a great flinger and I love the competition. Just wish I was feeling better so I could show him a thing or two. I'm barely keeping my head above water.
  • And now that @CousinKel has his own Air iPad, he's going to be coming after me too. Or at least that was the reason he kept giving for not being in first. He might change his tune now. ha ha ha ha ha ha
  • @Estar-That trip to the Netherlands changed to a week in the Caribbean. Your safe till next spring.
  • Bye @Estar

    And a belated congrats on the puppy @Kelani. WTG
  • @estar I'm stupid. The 2nd puppy wasn't you. I was thinking of today's challenge. I didn't get puppy #2 from it, but your video got me a 5th place. It was Seasons YotD 1-7.
  • @kelani -- You confused me by calling it "sapphire-based" glass. It is not a glass, it is a sapphire crystal. Sorry for going technical on you.
    Are those other materials also transparent?
  • l droped it when i was running
    i learned my lesson ;D
    night @all
  • Sorry I popped also nightly night @Estar night @AEX10 ! Sorry bout your cracked screen; (
  • Hi @Pa I'm still flinging away in pig bang.. just trying to getting in top 100 for now. .I think I've come upon the luck levels :/
    OB I'll have a Space PIgKiller and a side of crispy ears please:)
  • @mvnla2 some of the boron nitrides are, the rest are nanomaterials, so I'd imagine they're clear when used as a coating.

    Going technical is fine. I was too distracted to remember that sapphire is a crystal :)
  • Why On PB level #20 are the last 50 scores end in a '5'? I have 16350 and there are sooo many ahead that have 16, 355 ? I thought scores could only end in '0' ? Anyway that level stinks @Kelani could you check that maybe a special rule ss made cuz its a repeating score level and how did that high scorer get that score there's only so much grass you can hit. This Level will keep me out of the top 100:/
  • @Kathy I think on some old levels, you could get 5 points for something. Maybe the grass tufts or the eggsteroid. I don't remember exactly.

    Even though you get the same score over and over, I can't call that a RSL. The game's not doing anything sneaky to force a repeating score on you after X number of attempts, it's just a simple level with no variation (no collapses or anything moving).
  • @kelani sort of - @kathy when space first came out there was a bug that gave scores ending in 5. They fixed it with I think the first update. That's how old some of those scores are.
  • Thanks @Karen68 and @Kelani. Seems on that level the only way to get above 36350 is if you still had the egg to get.I don't so that's the highest aachievable score there is:( everyone below #38 has 36355. Actually Kelani is the first one above that score
  • Go me :P I think I did get the egg. That was back when I didn't know what I was doing, and was scouring walkthroughs.
  • Go figure @Kelani a newbie gets the score!! :P---
  • @Kathy That was in the pre-newbie days. If you poke around, you'll find lots of bad strategy comments posted by not-yet-member-kel
  • Lol Kel no worries I'm sure if you poke around you'll find lots of 'newbiekathyposts' hee hee I'm running into my newbie self all over the place in pig bang and am quite embarrassed to say the least:/
  • I even made a few "this strategy gets 3* but an awful score" posts, which at the time I didn't realize nobody cares about. :)
  • OK, I just about had a heart attack.

    The weekly powerball numbers just came on TV, and before they said them, I just rattled off 6 numbers. the first 3 were right. :D
  • Lol @Kelani but did you play ? And ya I realized quickly nobody care about 3* lol they were all after the high jeeez did i look like a newbie but luckily in the Nest everyone is helpful and nobody judges :)
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