The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2509
  • Ohhh Woodstock 94... uhmm I still didnt know that haha I'm behind the times I guess
  • Hmm as soon as I put the crown back on lol..
  • Hey @estar @kathy I'd seriously love a real life pup but *Sigh* noooope:( sadly I have to make do with these (lovely fake) ones!
    BTW I asked @dasa51 to drop in and pick up some Golgen Egg levels so please put whatever he wants in my's long deserved. I think I got a heap of help in Starwars?
  • Hey princess! Fruity? Really????.....Apple?.....
    Yep I'm watching them at Woodstock in 1994 and it's fab!
  • Like you @JLZ we too aren't puppy material in real life, I love them too much... And me (still) working and hubby too just isn't the best home for a doggy that needs walks and exercise... Also I hate the rain and I know I would feel so guilty for skipping a walk just because it rains. So i too will love the virtual one and enjoy the purrs of our Jaapie. Btw loved woodstock 94! Not sure i seen the whole thing, but we do have the CD and love the music. Enjoy!
  • But erm... Jlz... Isn't it 2:26!? Wow, you night owl! Hugs and kisses ladies, I am off to watch one more Flash episode and off to bed for me after that!
  • Nattinat :)
  • I was referring to the name of today's puppy @Estar . Not my first. And you're probably thinking about my dog Snicker. He visited Kimmie a lot late at night.
  • Yep it's now 2-30am :( why are the days so short on the weekend?
    Nighty night everyone x
  • @jlz666 I'll sure keep my eye out for @dasa51 always nice to have new faces pop in..
    and ohhhh Apple I'm scared of apple lol..but really do you think that would cure my hoodoo?
    They do say an Apple a day right hAha
    I agree @jlz666 and @Estar I would looove a real life pup but same here I'm not ambitious (read lazy) to get up at 5a.m To take the pup to pee..llol I'm lucky I get myself up in the morning.
    If I had a fenced in yard then I would not much to just open the door haha. Cats are easier self sufficient.
  • Sweet Dreams @jlz666 Ikr wouldnt it be nice if the workday went as fast as the Weekend!
    nighty Baw baws
  • Nattinattt @Estar..sorry i can't keep up lol.
  • Hi everyone.

    If you don't mind, I'd like to bother you for a moment or so about the Challenges. I keep hearing in here scores, etc. I popped over to the challenge page, saw which was being played, then went to figure out which to play (Hobbit).

    Do the challenges work similarly as say ABFriends, where we enter our scores on the Leaderboard? I did read that no powerups allowed, not a problem. After that I am not sure what I should be doing. I've read the FAQ page, but still not sure.

    I've kept quiet in here, trying to learn ins/outs of what is happening and how things work, but I really would like to play "against" others, to challenge (no pun intended) myself.

    Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. :)
  • @estar et al. I got a good improvement in my score on today's challenge, but not close to a puppy. I haven't been playing the challenges as a rule, but when someone says it's easy to get a puppy, I usually try.
  • Another question - How come by avatar doesn't show up here? I feel nekkid. :/
  • No bother @Rambleberry I'm not sure how ab freinds work . But the challenge is simply that, its like a level of the day and everyone flings to try and beat the high SCore.
    The high is the member who currently holds the trophy Before the challenge starts so therefor Anyone who beats that score gets a puupy badge. But you have to provide a screen shot for verification.
    I may not have explained it as good as mybe @karen68 is the champ and can probably explain better.
    nice to see you:)
  • @Rambleberry you need to go to and upload a picture that you want to show as your avatar. Its pretty easy .
  • @Rambleberry -- For the challenge, you just play the challenge level of the day, and enter your score on the walkthrough, the leaderboard, or maybe the challenge page.
    If you get a higher score than the top score before the challenge started you can get a puppy. To actually get a puppy, you need to submit a screenshot of your score and mention admins. The challenge page tells you how you rank compared to others who are playing the challenge.
    Your avatar doesn't show up here, because this is the "old forum" and only avatars created by using Gravatar show up here.
  • Thanks @Kathy.

    So, I am to enter my scores on the Leaderboard then? I read on the challenge page not to enter low scores.

    For ABF, what I do, is I keep a notebook, entering into it my scores as I play. Since I play the weekly tournament, I usually only enter on Leaderboard 2-3 times a week, mass entering down my list.

    Obviously that wouldn't work for daily challenge. So, how do you and others enter you scores? As you play, mass entering, etc.?

    Ah, I see, well, not that important to me to have my rambleberry ladybug show. Guess I'll be nekkid. :)

    Thank you, most of time I stay quiet, but sometimes I get a burst and start sputtering. ;)
  • laughs... thanks @mvnla2! I was typing, but you were faster. That answered my question, yes, enter scores on leaderboards. Appreciate it! :)
  • Night Pa ♡
  • Sorry @Rambleberry I got caught up flinging.. I'm happy to see @ mvnla2 helped you out ;)
    Nighty night
  • @rambleberry welcome to the BP!
    @kathy & @mvnla2 explained it well.. when it mentions low scores it just means if you have a score on the level already, don't enter a score lower than that, only enter it if you improve on your existing one.
    And if you beat the top score submit a screenshot, describe your strategy, & a Puppy could be yours! :)
    Congrats @hunnybunny, @rat, @jlz666, @Estar, & everyone else who won a new pup today! I came up about 700 points short :(
    Oh boy it's late. But it's Sunday already so Happy Mother's Day to all the Mums out there :)
    Night all!
  • @Karen68 So sorry to hear you didn't get approved for a puppy adoption. I had some extra points you could have had if only I'd known. I think you'd make a great pet owner. What does this adoption agency think it's doing turning down loving flingers such as yourself? They should be ashamed of themselves. Or maybe they think you have too many already to care for one more. ha ha ha

    Happy Mothers Day!
  • Hello guys, long time no see. First things first, want to wish all the mothers in the Nest a very happy mothers day. OB, serve them what they want.
    Then, lately not often here, why? My injures are all healed.
    Lately I was aked to cooperate in raising a foundation. Being part of the board. Before thinking about it, I said "yes". As you will know (or not) the most Bernese Mountain Dogs are dying much to young, mostly suffering several kinds of cancer. A lot of these cancers can be avoid by unselect animals for breeding when the are carrying gens that cause this disease.
    Main task of the foundation will be bringing together the knowledge that is spread all over the world and come to tests and education to potential breeders. Hoping, my doing so, that the breed again is getting healthy again and the dogs will live a healthy and happy long life.

    Again, happy mothers day
  • @Bernersenn Good luck getting the foundation past the well funded Vet lobby. They don't want a cure. They're making too much money on the disease. ha ha
    All kidding aside. It sounds like they picked the right man for the job.

    No residual issues with the hand?
  • Hi @rat nice speaking to you. And no, actual the hand is fine. In cold weather some pink areas are showing up, where the wounds were. Nothing else.
    About the foundation, we are jumping in the world of genetics. Here is the URL of the site (however, no content yet):
  • @bernersenn Is Yukon your dog and if so, is he still with you or has he passed? You really love that dog. I loved the goggles in the car. Too cute! And how do you get that much dog in the floorboard with your feet? You're right. Never walk alone.
  • Happy Birthday FunnyKuss. Haven't seen you about.
    Enjoy your trip @TomPuss
  • @Fenikus Happy Birthday !!
    sorry we've been delinquent in the birthdays lately.
    OB a bottle of bubbly please :)
    Thanks @tompuss for the reminder; )
    @bernersen ty for the mothes day wishes, sounds like a great cause you've got invloved in.
    My sisters Rottie just passed away at hmm i think he was 12or 13 years but he was sick a while and the vet bills to costly for my sis.
    enjoy your trip @tompuss. .going ti check video 's now:)
  • Loove the CCat /parrot video. .and aww how awesome they could save that hummingbird,
    the six cats mehh' lol cats will be cats hee hee. .I sooo miss my kitties :(
  • Happy Mother's Day to all mum's :)♡
  • Happy Mothers' Day to all the mothers on the nest!
    @fenikus -- Happy Birthday! Hope it was today.
    @bernersenn -- I had no idea that Bernese Mountain dogs were dying of cancer too young. Are yours still healthy? Great idea to start a foundation, and good wishes for much success.
    Glad to hear your hand is fine.
    @Rat -- You cynicism about vets makes me sad; it can't really be justified, right? Certainly MDs are for new cures.
    @TomPuss -- Good to see you. Hope all is well with you.
    @rambleberry -- For the daily challenge, I enter my scores from the walkthrough page, since I am always looking at that to see what strategy others are using.
    When an episode is new, I sometimes enter all my scores at once, since the leaderboard usually isn't up for a few hours. I enter all score, even 1* when the leaderboard is up. For a new episode, I usually go through as quickly as possible, going to the next level as soon as I have 2 or 3* (or get stuck on 1*). When the walkthroughs are live, I go through all the walkthroughs to see if I can add any info to the 3* minimum (either 3* lower than reported, or 2* close to current estimate of 3* min). While doing this I try to raise all 2* to 3*, and add the better scores on the walkthrough page.
  • Hopefully all had a nice weekend ..and all a Happy Mothers Day :)
    nighty night
  • Night Pa ♡
  • Night Ma

    @Mvnla2 ha ha ha

    As oft I do, I tried to say something so outlandish, so preposterous, so outrageous, so over the top, that it could not be perceived as anything other than a joke. The fact that even one person would give credence to a powerful vet lobby squashing cures for pets is a sad statement of the times we live. My humble apologies to M. V., the Nest, and Veterinarians everywhere. And just for good measure, Mr. Happy Shake too. For those who don't know, he is our resident vet. Barely able to retire at the age of 35 to travel the globe. Sorry Happy. If vets made more money, you could have retired at 30 like the rest of us.

    Uh oh! Sorry again @Mvnla2. I slipped back into sarcasm towards the end of my apology. ha ha ha
  • Hi guys, good morning to you all.
    @Rat Yukon is not my dog, he managed his (very risky) surgery. And it stated that it was no cancer, although everyone thought it was. What it was and how it could grow that fast, isn't clear until today.
    @mvnla2 yes, unfortunately the breed is extreme beautiful (although that is a matter of taste) and very kind to everything. Minus is that the average life expection is about 6 years
  • Hey @Rat, I have some homework for you. Can you beat this one?
  • Hello @bernersenn and @Sglouk! @Rat, are you here too?

    OB, a round of drinks for everyone please! I just got my very first puppy playing with Hobbits! And a hearty Congrats to @e-star for her new puppy, Frodo!

    Boy, @sglouk that is a tough level. Nice score! I just recently played it without going to the walkthrough page and I'm waaaay behind.
  • Woot !!Congratulations @sweetp on your first pup !!
    sorry I'm off to dreamland :(
    ob put a drink aside for me. ahh wth I'll take it now lol...*cclink * wtg sweetp 0:)
  • I really gotta go to bed though..nighty night all
    night Pa ♡
  • Gosh, I haven't done this in ages! OB, please hand me @Kathy's flashlight, thank you.

    *Disassembles Kathy's flashlight, giving it a good polishing. Checks the bulb and sees that it's burned out so replaces it, and cleans the glass face. Replaces batteries, and reassembles the flashlight. Gives it a final check, wipes down all fingerprints. Quietly slips it under Kathy's pillow. Turns on the Scentsy wax warmer and adds a new scent bar, Paradise Punch that will guide her safely to dreamland.*
  • Ma will be so pleased @SweetP.

    @Sglouk I haven't got to that level in Mirrors yet. I assume you done good? I don't really consider that a challenge. You've already got lucky out of everything you've played in years, and you want me to beat it? Not really a fair challenge but when I get to it I will be thinking of you. ha ha Now if you want to pick a level neither of us has played, I'm up for it anytime. Otherwise, you'll have to wait. I'm busy with training classes in Pig Dipper Mirrors.

    @Bernersenn Yukon is a pampered pet. Lucky dawg. I've forgotten. What are the names of your two?

    Night Ma
  • @SweetP I was busy yesterday. Did @lesleyg beat my score in the daily challenge? She boasted that she would. ha ha I did set the bar a little high for someone with that level of estrogen. *Oh no! He didn't go there, did he?* Thank goodness Mrs. Bunny is at sea and couldn't hear that. I don't need them ganging up on me.
  • @Rat It wasn't a mirror level (Brass Hog 9-17). I was surprised to be 5k ahead of you, and I thought it would have interested you to raise tour score there. Btw, there is a player who is not on ABN but who claims a 3.387M total for Brass Hogs (from the Game Center). He might end up catching you.

    @sweetp My best mark prior to my top score yesterday was 13k below, so don't despair. But I know it is hard. I am unable to improve my score on 3-10 despite a fairly long time spent on it.
  • Yes @rat9, she did by 300 pts! But you're #99 in Red Planet 5-1, so several others are within a few hundred points from you.

    Brass Hogs 9-17? Now you're confusing me @Sglouk.
  • @TomPuss are you a vet?
  • @mvnla2 Click on 2015 #2 (en)

    Don't read the previous translations/English versions - they stink (not mine). Trying to save a sinking ship.
  • Thanks @sweetp Wow was i surprised to see my battered old flashlight all shiny and Clean!! and light actually working! !
    and i slept so soundly and peaceful I actually couldn't get out of bed this morning lol..iiwas so comfortable. .i called in sick hee hee;)
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