The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2525
  • All sorts of thoughts went bouncing around in my head @Mvnla2. But I didn't write them down. Wow! My filter worked for a change. So instead, I'll just say congratulations on your 5 year anniversary.
    I celebrated 3 years last month.
  • @hunnybunny This has your name on it! (You are an epic bunny, aren't you?)

    Epic bunny's adventure:
  • @tompuss good vibes, fingers crossed, "praying to a God I don't belive in" @kathy knows that one...

    You took my breath away, when you revealed that, and what I was going to post seems a little meanless, now.

    But I'm sure that a strong woman, like you, wants everything to stay the same.

    So, I love Epic Bunny. Not that I've ever played AB Epic. But an amazing Bunny.

    We just came home from a matinee performance of The Jersey Boys, a meal and a little drinkie after. One of my favourite songs, and the lead in the show sang it to perfection
  • @Tompuss My Love, thoughts and Prayers are with you♡♡ Hang in there , your in good hands and you are strong!! looking forward to hearing the good news. .love ya hun♡
  • What an amazing Nest!!! so intricate, whoever coined the word 'birdbrain' obviously has no clue as to the real meaning I'd like to see them try that!
  • @TomPuss -- You got the news every woman dreads, but I know you'll come through OK. I've had several friends go through this, and even the simplest kind is not easy -- operation followed by physical therapy. Some have gone through chemo and radiation and come out fine on the other end. It's amazing how strong and resilient women can be when needed. I know you can do it, whatever the verdict.
    But I certainly hope you get the best verdict possible.
  • @TomPuss -- Loved the weaver bird and Epic bunny! I'll have to watch the weaver bird over again when I can play it with sound. Hubby listening to stereo.
    The guy who builds the best nest fastest clearly gets his pic of the females. Love how they try to tie knots; some working and some monumental fails.
  • Hi @mvnla2 I'm just lurking ,thought I'd pop in and say hello:) hope all is well?
    I agree those weaver birds are amazing,the little one is funny ,i felt a bit sorry for him but he will learn;)
    I'm off to listen to my book...have a good evening
  • @rat and any other males who are lurking -- Please give your support to Tom Puss; this is not just a female thing. It's cancer and it affects the entire family.
    My apologies for implying you saw this and didn't post, if in fact you haven't seen it yet. After all I just saw this, and the BP has been pretty quiet lately. It just struck me as strange that all the post were from women.
  • Hi @Kathy -- All is well. I survived another recital at my piano teacher's. Actually did OK. The first two recitals were real disasters, but the last two have been fine. She calls them master classes, but she's the master, and it just means that after you perform, she helps you play it better.
  • ooohh @mvnla2 Believe me i remember the days of my piano lessons, my teacher Mrs.Studley, was A master, she taught me well but yes it was tough, i always thought i did well at my recitals, but yes afterwards she would teach me how to do it better lol.
    i admire you for keeping up with it as an adult, i did until i was in my late 20's but then family, children daughters used to enjoy my plunking at the piano when they were young but at that point i had no time to pursue getting better.
  • Hi @TomPuss. I secretly hope Mrs. Rat goes thru chemo again. Not really. ha ha But when her hair grew back it was very curly salt and pepper. It looked great. All the best tomorrow. Nothing but good news. Btw, Mrs. Rat was very positive throughout the process that she would beat this thing. I think her positive attitude helped her body fight it. Good luck.
  • @all Heartfelt thanks to you all for your good wishes and PMs, it's great to have such lovely friends. . Basically, I feel positive but rather shaky as op day approaches - I'll be so glad when it's over!
    See you soon!
  • @tompuss as you would say
    Stay strong!
  • @tompuss sending lots of strong positive thoughts your way. You have the full force of the flingers here behind you! :D
  • @TomPuss -- Best wishes for tomorrow, the day after, and the future.
    I have always liked the egg pudding, not quite creme brulee, that they offer after an operation in the US. Goes down really well, and calms a queazy stomach.
  • @Tompuss I'm on my way to dreamland and your in my prayers♡ Deep'll be fine, i feel it in my heart♡

    Night Pa ♡
  • Night Ma

    OK Everyone think "benign" and project your thoughts towards @TomPuss.

  • @TomPuss -- Thinking good thoughts about your health.
  • Good morning @TomPuss. I hope this finds you back at home and happy. If your medical system is anything like ours, you're still waiting for the surgery results. But don't worry. It won't help a bit. All my luck headed your way.
  • Prayers with you @Tompuss ♡♡♡
  • No party for "ABN is five today"?
    OB get out the best champagne, the secret store of the very best stuff.
    Streamers, balloons, and if @jlz-666 doesn't mind too much, the men in her garage.
  • Whoa it took me an Hour to get in here :/
    Happy Birthday ABN!!
    Ob I'll have some of that champagne phase, It is Cristal right?
    * clink* Heres to @Birdleader for creating this amazing community☆☆☆
    Ty BL !
  • @kathy not just me then, I couldn't get in to ABN either
    Cheers @admins I've been flinging for three years and a member for two and a half, and this site keeps me flinging!
    off to bed now, hope everyone on the other side of the pond has a fabulous flinging day
  • Sweet Dreams @hunnybunny nighty night
    oh and ty, i thought my browser was down! glad i got in for the party lol, even if it's just me, Hey leaves more Cristal for me haha
  • @Kathy -- Don't drink it all, I'll have a glass and toast ABN on it's 5th birdday!
    Another toast to @TomPuss for a speedy recovery, and heartfelt wishes to have the strength to make it as speedy as possible. Just remember, physical therapists are your friends, even when you think they are torturing you. Go to physical therapy as long as you can, and protest when they try to kick you out.
  • I'll toast to that @mvnla2 ! * clink * @tompuss hope all went well and you got the best news, will save some Cristal for you and have another toast to your return and speedy recovery ♡

    Good night all .
  • I though maybe Bird Leader only had a five year contract.
    Was it just coincidence that the site went dark on the five year anniversary for everyone? ha ha
    Welcome back Nest. Here's to another five. *clink*
  • Oh did it happen to you to Pa?
    I didn't try to get on until around 4:30 -5:ish It wouldnt load, but earlier in the day it was o.k
    Maybe it was All those puppies lol!
  • Whoo hoo!!! I got an anniversary present from Rovio. They sent me an e-mail removing me from my throne as the King of Space. They say my scores, and I quote, "cannot be obtained with regular gameplay". They couldn't have paid me a higher compliment. I guess they didn't like it when I accepted their challenge on twitter as the #1 Angry Birds Space Player. Ha ha ha ha ha
    OB, give me a pigkiller...and you better make it a double.
  • Your Kiddin' Pa!! some one should tell Rovio to have a look at ABN boards! !
    Even My score was Higher than that guy on Twitter! !!
    Ob I'm at work ,so disguise my drink lol.;)
  • How bout a coffee With
    with a double shot of Baileys and a turbo shot:D
  • Pa maybe the shining star can contact her contact at Rovio?
  • No kiddin' Ma. They as good as said I cheat.
  • Ya!! That's not right Dagnabit!!
    see ya after work, gotta go before i get caught lol;)
  • @Ma You better stop using the training I've been giving you. They'll say you're cheating next.
  • I'm gonna search Twitter for that tweet, then I'm Gonna Sqwaaaak a tweet in return! !
  • It was an e-mail @Ma.
  • And Done!! I tweeted my tweet lol!!
  • I know Pa, but i found the original tweet with the challenge and replied ,check it out
  • They made the @admins look like fools. Rovio knew immediately that my scores had to be bogus. That I've been the biggest "TROLL" in the nest for a long time and never challenged. Well, according to Rovio anyway. ha ha ha ha ha
  • @Ma I tried to find your tweet but I'm not smart enough to find it.
  • Click on the upper right corner, and you'll see your name
    see where it says 'following'? click that you'll get a list of people your following.
    ma k e sure the star next to my name is clicked (maybe be different for apple devices)
    click my name, then click' all tweets' you'll see all my tweets.
    maybe @mvnla2 can help i think she has iphone
  • I'm gonna get busted ,gotta go. I'll check in at break.
  • There's not a star next to your name @Ma. It's a little padlock.
  • @all Still in hospital, but feeling better after coffee and a couple of ciggies in the garden! Hubz is visiting right now. Thanks to you ALL again for your support and wishes. . Yes, I'll have to wait a while to know if I'm to get further treatment. . What I'm looking forward to most is to get home and wash my hair with proper shampoo - it's like a Birds' Nest (haha -:)) after Betadine, yuck. .
  • Sorry to hear you're still in the hospital @TomPuss. Get home soon and wash that hospital right out of your hair.
  • @TomPuss Glad you are feeling better. Hope you escape the hospital soon to your home shampoo haven!

    @rat So, Rovio's problem seems to be with Pig Dipper, I imagine the clitch on S15 that The Nest capped at 170,000. You are still on top of most of the other leaderboards. Which is, of course, where you belong.
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