The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2555
  • @SweetP not friends versions, Wii U has an "Angry Birds Trilogy" game out with several episode's worth ABO, Rio, and Seasons. Not really sure how scores are gonna stack up, anyway. playing with the Wii U tablet is touchy, it tends to release without warning. Also - the backgrounds have some animation added, leaves and grass moving, that kind of thing. Looks cool to a non-flinger, but messes up aim points for the purist who may "pull back until the sling just touches the tip of the second blade of grass". if the tip of the grass is moving it makes that kind of precision tough.
  • Right then, @kathy @bernersenn @sweetpea @rat we are missing a few of the "BP crowd take the leaderboards by storm" crowd. But how about it? Seasons new Advent: "Ski or Squeal" Perhaps @pellystar may like to join!
  • Oops and @knicky if you can get that update on whatever weird platforms you play on..
  • Sounds good to me @hunnybunny :) The BP team strikes again:)
  • whadda Ya say @Pa, @bernersenn, @fenikus, @kelani and and a couple new teamates , @knichy, @pellystar ,@sglouk, hmm I'm missing someone i think, @hunnybunny, can you think of anyone else ?
    Not likely fenikus or Kelani will join us but hey We Do have a team, @karen68 interested?
    And any lurkers that would like to compete ? @burpie, that's who i was missing. .
  • @kathy I'm in.. I love the Advent Challenge. Even though the top quality flinging tends to drive the averages waaaay up!
  • @Kathy -- I'll at least try to compete in the Christmas Advent levels. Haven't been doing the challenge of the day for a long time, but will try this.
    BTW -- Glad to hear you're feeling a little better.
  • Woohoo @karen68 That's 3 girls for the BP team, 'ahem' guys anyone up for it? And oh well if the averages go up, others will just have to try harder lol;)
  • Alright @mlvna2 Yay 4 on board so far Woot!! No worries it's all in fun.
    Thanks I'm feeling much better, still a bit of discomfort, just have to get used to it , and adjust. Before long I won't even notice, so I'm told and hoping:)
  • Sorry Team BP. You'll have to storm the Advent leaderboard without me. I'm still on the sidelines watching @Sglouk take over Space. I still fling the occasional bird just to prove I have skills but I have no staying power. I'm down to less than an hour a week and even that's painful. Whaaaaa!!!
  • :( awww @Pa sorry to hear you not up to flinging, I'll fling twice as hard to fill in for ya♡
    Edit : did i say that out loud haha..;) Pa read your notification; )
  • Read what notification Ma?
  • Never mind Pa..Pm ;)
  • O.k Team BP on the mark tomorrow, whoever wants to hop in Grab a sling and start flinging :)
    So far is just us Girls; )
    OB Drinks on the House for the Team for the Duration of the Advent, I'll add some Christmas drinks to the menu soon:)
    Nighty night all
    Happy Flinging:)
  • Night @Pa
  • Night @Ma
    You found your heart.
  • Goodmorning to you All.
    @Rat9 sorry to hear about your pain going on. Awful man.
    @kathy @hunnybunny what team are you talking about?
    When you're talking about playing this Advent Episode together, I'm in. (as I am each year).

    About @fenikus wrote him a pm 2 weeks ago, didn't get an answer. It's weird. The only thing I notices was that he isn't active for 4 months already.

    @Kelani I will sent him a pm as well.

  • God Morning all:)
    @bernersenn remember when we all played Timble Tumbler, and then Blossom River? All of us who visit The BP, It was such fun to all compete together and cheer each other on for higher scores. that's what i mean by Team BP:) Hope Fenikus is well ,wow 4 months is a long time.
    Sorry @tompuss hope you will join us also, i was just trying to think of those who flung together back then, but of course we'd love you to join in the fun as well:)
    Have a Fantabulous Flinging Day everyone, happy flinging:)
  • @kathy as said, I'm in. It brought lots of fun playing these Rio Games together. And... i think cheering up will be strongly needed, cause in the past years my scores were awful.
    Yesterday, the game started perfect for me. (#1 till now)
  • Hey @kathy, @bernersenn, @all I would've been delighted to join you on Advent but. . . I'm still on iOS6 and can't get the new Seasons -:( Had such an awful time upgrading from 5 to 6 (specially because they removed YouTube and Google Maps/Street View) that I haven't budged since! But the day will come when I'll need a new iPad. .
    Have to say that I played lots of Rio during the recent dark days. I love getting the gold coins! So I spent some on opening Feather levels. My most favourite episodes are Timber Tumble and Blossom River - yes, those were the days!

    Huge bear ((((hugz)))) to @all:

    Aren't they gorgeous?

  • Hi @tompuss nice to meet you here. It's bad that you can't play these games together with us.
    Nice bears, just a tiny larger then ours.
  • Representing the lurkers, I'm in the Advent Challenge! (I may be a lurker, but I'm a loyal one ;-)
  • @catsnbirds welcome our first lurker
    @pellystar where are you, I'm sure you lurk!
  • Woohoo we are getting great team:) @catsnbirds Im happy your joining us, yes you are a very loyal lurker :D
    Sorry you can't join us @tompuss; (
    Congratulations on #1 @bernersenn
    I'm at the dentist now, will check in later!
    Go Team Go! !
  • @kathy Dentist? Horror, just to hear this word. Awful, scaring, brrr
  • @bernersenn don't read back, @kathy teeth stories make me shudder, and I had loads of dental work done last year
  • @hunnybunny thanks for warning me. I won't scroll back.
    @catsnbirds nice to have you in the team.

    Team: it is a pity that we are living on the east side of the pond, so time difference will will be a (little) issue.
  • @hunnybunny
    I am not sure I understood your request: are we supposed to participate to the Advent Calendar challenge, or are we supposed to play levels earlier so as to reach a respectable scores and make the challenge sufficiently hard so as to avoid a puppy parade per day?
  • @bernersenn I'm trying to catch you!
  • @hunnybunny that is ok, it's all in the game. Most fun for me is to get overclassed by MY strat
  • @sglouk long explanation
    Seasons Advent is a tradition. One episode per day. ABN is keeping the tradition, only releasing the leaderboard on the day (although Rovio will let you pay your 79 cents to open the lot, shame on them, it's a recent - 2014 - money making device)
    I expect you know that
    You could keep back scores to win a puppy, shame on those who do, but that is not what I meant at all.
    There used to be a "BP Team" certainly me, rat, Kathy, bernersenn, and Fenikus and Kelani who do not fling anymore. We'd find a new level, play and play, storm up the leader boards, and try to be the top seven, eight, or whatever. We did it, more than once. I'll look for some leaderboards to see if we are still there, or thereabouts.
    Care to join Ski or Squeal?
  • @sglouk @hunnybunny if tradition holds, the puppies take a break during the Advent Challenge. They deserve a little time off. :D
  • I played the first level of the advent while I was waiting in the doctor's office Mrs. Bunny. But I didn't post my score. I didn't want to bring down Team BP's average since I wasn't in it for the long haul. That's a tiny bird and an even tinier sweet spot. I could barely see Red. How are you suppose to line up what you can't see?
  • Yes @bernersenn Ouch is tie word:( take @hunnybunny advice don't read back:/
    @karen68 I believe your right, ,the puppies get a rest during advent. Perhaps ,maybe @sweetp or@Birdleader can note that on the challenge page so flingers aren't expecting a puppy ¿
  • @karen68 I've checked, you're right. Can't quite work out why someone made a fuss last year about time zones, and they are now a day behind. I'm blonde of course....
  • I suppose I could be considered a lurker these days! I'm in @kathy! Wish I'd dropped in earlier I made 4th place in day 2 but have already been knocked back to sixth! Doubt I can improve much - though have just managed to sneak onto the leaderboard with a paltry score for today's challenge! @rat I know you think I'm just a soppy brunette and are not much given to being fussed over but (((((huuuuggggsss)))) - pain is the pits! I agree about the red bird being tiny - I wish my imaginary giant screen I got OB to put up last year was an option!
  • @all finally ordered a new android phone. should have 64Gb worth of AB GameSpace available soon!
  • @karen68 @hunnybunny
    Ok, thanks for the precisions. I am lurking on ABN since around one year and a half only, but almost never play Seasons, except for a few daily challenges when I suspect that (i) it won't take too much time to complete all the levels prior to the challenge level (ii) there are good enough odds to get a puppy (I got one twice, I think). So i did not even know that Advent Calendar levels were a tradition from Rovio. I noticed it was the case last year with the On Finn Ice episode, but had not realized that it was not the first time. I did not know either that puppies were on holidays during that time (although it makes sense). So, I am unsure I will efficiently join your team since I have a limited amount of time for this (and I am actually enjoying to play Space, as you know), but I will do the test on one or two levels, and let you know then.
  • My Thoughts and Prayers for the victims and Families in San Bernadino:(
  • Thank you @kathy. I live just over in the next county (Riverside) and it was pretty scary for a few hours knowing they were on the loose after the shooting. I'm so glad they were found and gunned down.

    Now on to better things! I'd like to join you and @hunnybunny and whomever else is, for the Advent challenge. Hopefully I can keep up with you all, as I've been struggling with my flinging lately.
  • Hellooo @mumsie! So good to see you again. You've been sorely missed, especially OB and the Blues.
  • @Sglouk will be a great addition to Team BP Coach Bunny.
    And inviting him to play on Team BP could slow his hostile takeover of my Space Kingdom. It's good to be the King. Long Live the King. lol
    Go Team BP!!!
    Good luck beating our past performances. Ten of the Top Ten this year? I think it's possible.
    Go Team Go!!!
  • My new phone should arrive today! Then I may have the latitude to enter some challenges. Finally!

    @SweetP - I have two matching pillows, just no pix. I think my bro has that very blanket. My dad is in PA now, but used to get a lot of woolrich items when he travelled back and forth to ON
  • @hunnybunny is your screenshot an invitation for me to increase my ranking in Brass Hogs? I would like to... But I can switch to Ski or Squeal also.
  • @all -- I've been playing the advent levels, but can't say I've contributed to the BP team.
  • @all @sweetP -- The events in San Bernadino are very distressing. Who are these people? How did they get this much ammo and these many weapons, not to mention bombs? Why did they do this? My opinion, not yet backed by facts is that the woman was a terrorist, and converted her husband.
  • No worries @mvnla2, your still part of the team either way ,goes without saying:)
    I'm not contributing much either:( so many top flingers I their gong wild!! 'Ahem ' no name mentioned @bernersenn lol..congrats on Top score ,your officially team leader :)
    We will get there, The 3 P's is the k ey
    I'm off to bed Whoo whooo is almost Friday!!
  • Ditto @mvnla2! Who are these people ? Radical Islamists
    Where did they get the weapons? They bought the guns Legally, as far as the weapons, (pipe bombs and etc..) they made them in their garage, a neighbor Now says she saw them at All hours of the night in they're garage, if she had only reported it who know,
    Why did they do this? Because they want a caliphate and everyone to follow the Kuran and its teachings (to the extreme) and kill the infidels (anyone who disagrees)
    And it's been Almost cetain they were radicalized, lots of facts point to terrorism.
    before i going any further i must go to sleep.
    *sigh * Why can't everyone leave everyone else to their own beliefs ¿
    If everyone could just Join ABN ,play AB and take their frustration out on cartoon piggies :(
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