The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 357
  • @AngryPerson Where is AngryBoy to tell you that you need to edit your comment instead of posting another? ; )
  • @rdnzlrips82 it wasn't me who said or threatened to kill anyone it was angryboy I think
  • c'mon! he was joking!
  • I would never do that
  • Good Night @rd...I hope you can get some much needed rest. I think I'm gonna call it quits myself.
  • Wow, the tension is still here.
  • Hmmm, I got several messages while eating. I can only imagine. . .lol
  • @angrybirdlover2214. it's. not. something to joke about) .do you watch the news? do you know as adults we have a responsibility to report threats like that? do you see kids blowing up school or bringing in guns and shooting up the schools. we are of course not thinking this is real here. but if you make comments like. that we as adults are worried what is happening in your real life "
  • On the "killing" comment, it's not just something teens say. Believe it or not, even us old folks had that saying. The teens of today didn't come up with every saying.

    That said, whether our generation, or your generation,or my grandparent's generation said things like "I could kill you," doesn't mean it's a nice thing to say. The saying "sticks and stones. . . (you know the rest)" is just not true. Words and names CAN hurt people. To make matters worse, to follow up a "let"s kill him" comment with talk of weapons, really crosses a line.
  • ty @DocTonyNYC. very well put but I don't think.they are listening
    sadly to say they may have had a good thing going but most likely just lost all support! I'm going. flinging for a bit before bedtime ..see ya tommorrow. doc;)
  • @mvnla2. lol.I just. caught that;) it got lost in middle ..@DocTonyNYC would appreciate that;)
  • top of page;)
  • I think you're right @kathy. One last thing I wanted to say is that if nothing else they need to respect the rules and the wishes of @team. If they don't like the rules, they can have different rules in their own forum. I'm sure that they would be furious if/when people violate their rules. (I'm half tempted to sneak over and take a joy ride on one of their scooters, but I wouldn't do that because I respect their right to set their own rules.) I have nothing against the teens, but they need to try to see things from the perspective of other people.

    Okay, I'm done. Back to Piglantis 2-15. I improved by almost 5,000 today! But, in the last two hours, I managed to improve by a whopping 40 points!

    Goodnight @kathy.

    Goodnight @lurkers.
  • I saw it immediatelty and it totally cracked me up!
  • did u actually tell the admins?
  • We don't always need to be notified by @team. I'm really unhappy with a lot of people here right now. I'm too tired to figure out who did what and what needs to deleted and all this garbage right now. But seriously, we like the BP, we think it's a good idea, but this is just plain stupidity.

    Some from @team can you give me a page number to start at tomorrow? I'm not gonna shut down BP but I'm gonna talk to some people.
  • Hi @amslimfordy. Even more than what was said, I think there is serious backstory here. You might talk with @kathy.

  • @kathy has part of it. I have the rest. I have chores to do beforehand. There will be a PM from me in your inbox tomorrow. @AMslimfordy
  • how could there be history? i'll talk to them...
  • @DocTonyNYC. I couldn't have said it better myself ..too bad they don't have respect or care enough to see what you said.
    and yes @angrybirdlover2214 the admins are aware and not happy. if you didn't. notice. on the first incident today. slim was here for the big BOOM so.if. you think you just opened a forum. ..and. are not being watched. Hello!! and then. on top of it all come back. into BP and act up ..ha! you're all done kid! srry. I tried to help but all any of you have done is been. disrespectful.
  • to tell the truth,they were quite ticked because only they were going to the BP jr. they want ADULTS to come...and the slightest thing ticked them off
  • i have been disrespectful?!?
  • I really am going to bed. Goodnight @rdnzlrips82 and any one else still around.
  • @AMslimfordy I was out for the afternoon/evening and came back right at the end. I will forward the necessary email notifications in case they get wise and edit.
  • @Amslimfordy I will give you page # this. is all just. teenagers foolish behavior again
  • No @ABL2214. I believe your hands are clean of what happened here tonight. No worries on your part.
  • they are nice people....
  • DocTonyNYC and I have been here teens. have been in and out. I know already. angryboy has edited some comments. but if your. quick@rdnzlrips82 you may catch the. last. few.pages.

  • @kathy no day off for me tomorrow. But there will be no updates.
  • @rdnzlrips82 are you kidding me!.. read the pages for the day! all of them
  • @kathy all I have to do is forward the original email notifications to slim. They don't contain the edits. Just PM me where it started and I will figure out the rest.
  • @kathy I will look into it all then. Let me handle the PM to slim. Okay?
  • The only reason I didn't notify him sooner is that the method him, BL and I use to communicate showed them both offline.
  • I'm out!
  • Angryboy has been editing comments? Wow, is all I can say.

    And I wouldn't really say they've been in and out. Rather, at least one of them has been in both places. After being chatised by one of them, I just decided to leave rather than engage. When it appeared he was gone, and I came back, like magic he was here again. I suspect both windows are open, and he can't bear the thought of not participating in every single conversation.
  • Ok, guys, I'm tired and cranky. I'm sorry for any role I played in this (though I really believe I was very nice all day).

    I will chat with you tomorrow.

    Good night.
  • @doc no worries friend.
  • one last. thing @rdnzlrips82 ..don't let angrybirdlover2214 fool ya! you. weren't. here. so when you do review comments take in account what doc..mvnla2. and I have to say. and I thonke I have a good enough rapport with slim that tommorrow after you speak. with him I will. also give him my account of the story firsthand. with DocTonyNYC

    not sure you know thag partn.that's kinda the beggining of this whole thing'
  • just let me say DocTonyNYC last comment is dead on target...
  • goood night all:)
  • Hey guys, what's happening around here? Me causing trouble again? Oh man, i'll tell ya something, my profile's shared for 2 guys (me, and my college mate), so there may appear some kind of confusion ;).
  • I have not been here for a long tine because I was in BP Jr.

    What is this "killing" comment about?
  • @MUFC Hi! Did you know 'in fact' that the guy that wrote those posts aren't 'me'?
  • @MUFC I dunno what kind of problem caused by this guy but, i heard @Angryperson said "I'll kill you" or whatever is it...
  • @PF1234, I don't know anything about it! Can you tell me what happened?
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