The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 359
  • s'ok @rdnzlrips82 I am.just playing. aroung with space, eagle..kinda boring..
  • I threw my first Space Eagle the other day. *shrugs* I don't see what all the fuss is about.
  • ya today is ky first day with the sardine can kinda dissapointing ..
  • I wonder how many people are going to flip out when they see us downing the SE?
  • Hi Ripsy and Kathy :-)
    Don't worry about me flipping out on the SE... I don't use them and don't want to... maybe when I have done all the levels off all the AB games I am going to try. But in the mean time my nephew likes to throw the cans and watch the SE/ME

    How are you guys doing? I am just taking a day of relaxation and hope to make some progress on Piglantis... stuck at 1-11?!
  • How was the cookout @e-star?
  • We had a great time, it didn't rain, so that was nice. Food was great, company (Nephew and 2 friends) from the States where having a great time. They loved our house... we collect so much stuff, so it's like visiting a museum for them hahahaha...
  • they stayed till 11:30PM, so I guess you could say it was a succes :)
    Also the rest of the family got along good, so no drama's (like there are usually... real family can be so much more maintenance, it's seems you virtual family are more easy to get along with... maybe because I can choose my virtual once and the real life once you can't LOL)
  • Sounds great. we went to a fish fry at my wife's uncle's house. The boys played in the Slip & Slide and had a ball.
  • You can play Slip & Slide overhere today in the garden... everything is so wet, it slippery enough to slide on hahahah
  • Lol. So what did hubby make to eat?
  • Me and my mother prepared the meats (way to much, hamburgers, shaslicks, spareribs, bacon, chickenwings etc) hubby took care of the service of the drinks and veggy's... my father and uncle did the cooking on the BBQ... had way to much to eat, so I guess today I only want a cup of soup and I am done :)
  • Shaslicks?
  • ehhhhh
  • meat on a stick with veggies in between?!
  • Kebabs here in the states.
  • Has hubby had time to show you the instagram photos? Shall I nudge him a bit?
  • Ahhh Kebabs, right :)
    I forgot to ask him about the pictures... I will ask him later to show me
  • They are adorable. I took a couple of good ones yesterday.
  • Is it safe?
  • trying to sort out some pictures to send to the family. After that I hope to have some Piglantis time :)
  • hahahah Doc yes it's safe.... I am here, when I am here there seems to be no trouble (accept the time I blew up the kitchen, but that is ages ago)
    How have you been Doc?
  • Pretty good, @e-star. Thanks for asking. You?
  • I spend a few hours reading the comments and although I sometimes miss a lot of stuff due to the timezones, I seem to stay clear of any troubles here at the BP :p
  • Was not much fun here last night, and reading through the last couple of pages is surreal. Let me say, first, that I was probably oversensitive about the "edit" issue (although I admitted that yesterday). . . .
  • Hey @doc! Sorry about everything yesterday. Apparently some people don't get a lot of attention at home, so they come here.
  • You're a lucky woman!
  • Ding. Ding. Ding. @rdnzlrips82, I think you hit the nail on the head with that comment!
  • I am doing great, haven't had a lot of time to fly some birds lately, but other than that, life is good!
    We had a family BBQ and the son of my aunt from the States came with two of his friends and we all had a great time. Most of all, they had a great time at our house and that makes me happy... like to make people feel at home when they visit us and apparently the did, so I am pleased
  • Sounds like fun, @estar. BTW, you probably got several notifications of me mentioning you. Did some major improving in Poached Eggs because of you. Thank you.
  • I admit I am still stewing about everything. I was hoping to get some much needed rest, but I had to do research and write up a report. Another 3 hour night for me.
  • Hopefully I can repay the favor and some of my comments will help you in Piglantis.
  • I could have been in bed by 11. Instead it was 3am.
  • And I know you don't nap. . .
  • @doc, we all have those days when the little things can bug us the most :)
    @ripsy, I know.... so sad though... I played outside with my friends when I was young. But then again we didn't have internet and a mobile devices or computers and when we did have a computer I was only allowed to play on it for a hour or so...
  • I'm sorry about that. Again, if I hadnt have been so touchy, it may have saved you a little grief.
  • @estar. I see it like this. I'm pretty patient and easy going, and I can take a lot of poking. For some reason, it was a little poke that drove me nuts--but it was little things building up. Cliche for that? It was the straw tht broke the camel's back!
  • @doc, I noticed, thanks for that... that's what makes it all worth it... love to help :)
    Hope I don't need the help, because if I do need help that means I have played the level for over a hour and can't make average and I will have to check the walkthrough pages :p
    But thanks in advance for leaving strats if I get stuck!
  • hahahah @doc... that's a cliche I didn't know just yet, but I do get the meaning of it :)
  • AA made an interesting observation last night, and I think she's right. She thinks these levels are as tricky as DZ. Not all of them, but to get really high scores there are some tricky nuances.
  • @E-star, @DocT, @rd Good morning to you all.
  • Good morning @wrw01!
  • @wrw01 Hi! Goodmorning Pops, how are you doing today?
  • @DocT Are you having a good day so far? Plans, activities...
  • @E-Star Grandaughter doing great today. Just arrived back from church and waiting for Space D-4 to self destruct...long wait...weeks...
    How about you? Read your posts, nice party you both pulled off.
  • @Doc, I know, I am still stuck at 1-11... did break average, but place 70... been at it for a long time now, so place 70 has got to be fine for now... otherwise I won't finish making video for a really long time
  • @wrw01, today I am going to try to fling some birdies, I will write to you tomorrow and send you some picts :)
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