The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 360
  • @wrw01, DZ-4 is a test of Rovio I think... just to see how long we Addicts can leave the game open without flingin the birds :p
  • @wrw01. No plans for the moment. Didn't sleep well. Woke up and had coffee. Fell asleep again on sofa, and I am now waking again. Could be one of those lazy days!

    1-11 was a level I hated. 1-12 is very tough, too, though.

  • @E-Star Have you had a chance to make any videos for ABO Ham Em High, Mine and Dine, and Birdday Party?
  • @E-Star DZ-4 always gets stuck at 3070. Cannot get past that number.
  • I have never had full destruction on DZ-4. I can't tell you how many times I've left it running all night. The best result was the first time I let it go. . .

    Speaking of self destructing, @estar, wait til you get to Piglantis 2-4!
  • I'm sorry, meant 2-2.
  • @DocT Today will be one of those lazy days...great weather in NE IN, play AB and sit on the deck later. We need days to do nothing, empty our brains and just relax.
  • LOL @wrw01. I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, I've had too many of those days in the last few weeks.
  • @Doc... you trying to scare me?! ow no... I was hoping live as a video maker was going to be a little bit easier after 1-11... but reading you post... makes me want to run back to the Big Setup hahaahah

    @wrw01... yes my schedule is... piglantis... last part of the big set up... ham en high.... Mine and Dine... Birdday party... and of course every update of seasons in between... I really want Seasons to be the one I keep up to date... I feel sad I lost my place of 34th of the 2,745,521 players... I am currently 1,527th... so I really want to make some progress on Piglantis and take back my place in the top 100 of Seasons total
  • Well, @friends, I'm off to flinging at my latest obsession--Piglantis 2-15. Not gonna be happy until I break 120.
  • @wrw01... I mean my place in the GameCentre, but you probably got that already
  • @doc no worries. They have been given plenty of opportunities. but last night, lines were crossed that CAN NOT be uncrossed. I sent Slim a report. He will sort it out. The edited comments don't hide anything. If anyone has received email notifications, they contain what happened.
    @wrw01 how does the day find you. Youthful and energetic?
  • Good luck Doc, nice to have seen you today!
  • @estar. 2-11 and 2-12 were really hard for me. I won't say any more than this, the right side of 2-12 is difficult and a lot of the L factor comes into play.
  • @DocT Know what you mean.
    It appears the months of July, August and Sept will be like that for myself and just enjoying the "down time" at the present.
    Looks like 3070 has locked and it is time to break up the 5 little pig's party then back to the Big Setup and the score improvement project to get above average.
  • @rd Yes it does and thank you for being so @E-star is picking herself off the floor with uncontrollable laughter.
    I feel like a mil bucks today. Lost 5 pounds of sweat working in the attic yestesday in 90 degress outside.
    How about yourself today...plans?
  • @estar. You will bounce right back on Game Center when you finish Piglantis. Even if you had terrible scores, which I know you won't, you would bounce back up.
  • Thanks, @rdnzlrips82. I appreciate what you said.
  • *tries to whipe of the smile across her face and pull herself back on her chair* @wrw01 ehh... so you are feeling good today hahahahah LOL... right on the money on that one... I did laugh uncontrollably hahahaha

    @doc, thanks for the confidence in me :)
  • No problem @doc!
    @wrw01 I was planning on having a day off from duty today. However, I am waiting for Slim so we can.sort this mess.out.
    Hey @abl!
  • @wrw01 I too lost some weight chasing the boys around the yard at a fish.fry.
  • On my Android DZ-4 starts slow then gets partial collapse after an hour. I just get impatient. even if I am running it while doing other things.
  • @E-star That wit of yours I know only too well.
    @rd My hat goes off to you. Read the posts. Well maybe they will get back to you so the whole day will not be lost for some private time for yourself.
  • @rd Kids are 24 hours a day and a lifetime. We have three and know from first hand knowledge and experience. But I would not trade the experience for anything on this earth or in life.
  • Thanks @wrw01. I am patient. The day is still young, maybe a bath and some family time later.
  • I love my children dearly. They make it all worthwhile. Apparently we have our next photo shoot for little Maddy next weekend.
  • @rd Sound great. Kids and family do bring a different perspective and value to one's life. I am with you in the end it is all worthwhile.
  • @ripsy Good luck on the sorting out, I wish there was something I could do for you :s
    I can only hope the day only gets better and you end up with a bright smile on your face... give my nephews and niece a big hug from auntie E*... going to go scuba diving

    @wrw01, I will write to you soon my friend and enjoy what life brings you today!

    @all I am off flingin some birdies, I will try to stop by later tonight
  • @E-Star talk to you soon.
    I to am off to the Big Setup.
    @rd Have a good day and enjoy and then value whatever it brings your way.
  • @e-star the only thing you and the rest of the @team can do is be supportive like you always are. You guys always know how to put a smile on my face.
    @wrw01 I am just blessed. :)
  • Have a great day @everyone that is going flinging. Good luck.
  • Thanks Ripsy... going to need that :p
  • oh myyy! ! I.just woke up from a loong nap anyone here?
  • Hello @kathy!! I just dropped in ;-)
  • OB may I please have some of @sunshines Melon Homemade mozzarella salad;)
  • hi @lesleyg how is your day going AA?
  • practicing with SE. running out though..I went from 32 to 15 quickly ...
  • Hey @kathy & @AA what's happening?
  • It's pretty good...quit rain and dreary but a good day for AB as it's no fun to go out and about when it is down pouring.
    I haven't played yet with SE. I don't really get into the ME either. I tried him on a few levels in the beginning because I used to play on my Android and thought I was missing out. When I swithced to iPad and got the ME...I was like, "what;s the big hype, lol"..I may eventually try and do them..someday when I'm finished getting above average on all version of AB's.
  • Hey @rd...good to see you ;-)
  • That is my stand on the SE, ME & MD too.
  • Well I guess I should be honest and say, it started out TERRIBLE!!!..I was suppose to have a huge contract signed today..I mean huge..and it fell through...quite sad really. It could have made my year ;-(
  • I really wanted a day off, but I have to be around for a meeting.
  • Good to know I'm not alone, lol..I think a few people feel that way but to each is own..some people really enjoy them.
  • I am sorry to hear that, @AA.
  • Thankfully, Ed Wood is on one of the movie channels, so I am happy with being on the couch.
  • over 31K..gone..just like *poofed*away...
  • srry to hear that AA
    @rdnzlrips82 when is the meeting? you have all the innfo right need nothing from me.or @DocTonyNYC?
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