The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 422
  • We don't like excitement. We like calm.
    Hey @doc!
  • You guys have the exciting place. We are the boring adults.
  • I hear thunder...
  • I saw lightning, @rd oh come on......
  • Come on what?
  • Phone battery dying. Bbl. Be good.
  • I gtg too, bue
  • @rd -- I think AngryBoy and ABL would be interested to see the BP first page in HTML. I think you could do this by sending them a picture of it??? Screen shot maybe from computer???
  • No one gets my code.
  • My wife doesn't even see the code.
  • Oh boy. Lights are flickering at my house. Hope power doesn't go out again.
  • No. One. Gets. The. Code. (except the Admins)
  • Either way we have the same idea. The world's gonna explode.
  • Team BP is taking a day off for the 4th of July holiday. So we are having a pot luck cookout. Bring food to share with everyone. The grill will be available for you to cook any meats you bring. You must be an adult to use the grill. The bar will be open but you may bring your own beverages. We will provide coolers for the drinks you bring. If your food needs refrigerated, give it to OB, he will take care of it. No one allowed behind the bar or in the kitchen. The @team will be in and out but OB and the Blues are in charge all day. Join us for fireworks.
  • As long as it's your world exploding and not ours. :)
  • Hello @all..anybody still here???? My ipad won't open any of my AB's games!!!!!!!!!!!!
    HELP!!!!!! I saw @e-star posted this a few pages back..What is a hard re-boot???
  • Ok...I just shut iPad, all the way down and it appears to be working now...weeuuewhhh!!! I'm gonna have to learn how to do a back up of progress...I haven't a clue how to do it, any suggestions anyone?
  • I guess no one is around..I'll come back another time...
  • @AA - there have been problems with IOS devices and AB games since the weekend. Read about it in "bugs and glitches". Lots of people with problems - me included.
  • *buys a whole bunch of fire/explosionproof suits*
  • I guess I picked a fun level again. :)
  • I am surprised I don't have a hit out on me yet. :)
  • I am home. srry I had to run out so quickly..fireworks
    ..and such;)
  • ooh @rdnzlrips82 who do you suspect would do something like that? ;@pretty drastic...
    * starts pacing.

    checking windows*
  • @rdnzlrips82. No "hit" from me, but I have a good score on it already.
  • ypu always levels @rdnzlrips82 and at appropiate timing ;)
  • I gotta go check my score. brb;)
  • well for todays..I can't get there. yet cause of progress loss;(
    .and tommorrow I start at.0
    so ill probably try ti continue to improve in piglantis;)

  • Honestly, @kathy, I'll probably be there with you in Piglantis. There are a few more levels where I want to see if I can bump up my score.
  • @lesleyg. I've had the problem, too. If it happens again, this worked for me. . . Go to settings and turn on airplane mode. Then open the game. It should work, and if you minimize and go back to settings, you can turn airplane mode off after the app is going. It's happend with every AB game of mine except for Space
  • Hey @all..there's people here now... hope, lol.
    @playdbird..thank you and i'm glad it's not just me
    @doctonynyc..thank you as well! um..not to sound stupid, but how do you "minimize" on iPad? I don't think I know what you mean by that?
  • btw..if you're still here, I see you got a really great score on 1-15 the other night..i got 133360, which was slightly higher then you and by time I looked again the next day you were way up there in the 137K, or 138k range I think...nice job!!!
  • @AA when you close an app, it's not really closed. It's minimized. Press the home button twice quickly (kind of like a double click with a mouse). That should bring up a tray at the bottom of all apps running in background.
  • Thanks. I saw you score in the morning and tried for a while longer. Went to 136 and theme to where i ended up 137 (I can't remember what it is now)
  • That third shot is really frustrating. Very easy to miss.
  • OMG Doc!!! Thank you!!! I never knew that...I just did it..the double click and I have a tray at the bottom...YAY!! I can easily switch back and forth, lol!!! I can't believe how much I don't yet know about my iPad!!!
  • srry for your troubles @lesleyg :( good luck...
  • Lol, @AA. I'm so glad I could help. Isn't tell you how often I use that function. I'm constantly switching between apps
  • Everytime i want to switch AB version, I was shutting it down or closing app and restarting it to choose a different it's right there!! Thank you so VERY much and boy don't I feel stupid, lol!!!
  • Don't feel bad, there are a lot of tricks that many people don't know. There are a couple of free books in iBooks on iPad tips and tricks. The books aren't good, and you probably will know most of them, but I learn something every time there is a new book like that
  • LOL!!! I was awarded my iPad for writing a certain amount of business and it was mailed to me as a prize and it came with no manual but I know it said to learn about it go to the apple website, but I just never did, lol..I'm just learning as I go..probably should take the time to check these things out, lol!
  • we keep writing at the same time about the same things, lol
  • That's cool! Wish I could win one! None of them come with a manual, by the way.
  • I recently learned how to take a screenshot from @e-star's post telling someone to hit the homescreen and start button at the same worked nicely!! Who needs manuals when you have ABN friends to help, j/k, lol
  • I love this featutre you have taught me!!!!!!!!!!!
    btw..I have never backed up my you think it is nessicary on an iPad?
  • LOL, I tight tigers nana the screen shot trick when I wrongly questioned her score. . .
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