The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 474
  • Oh my! Look at this! It appears that I get to wear the tiara this time around. I look stunning in this thing. Where are my flowers?
  • Grrr on the challenge @rd.
    Don't like the snow.
  • P.S. I am officially trimming some fat off of the header to make it a bit more organized.
  • LOL @karen68! I got extremely lucky on this level. When this level came out, I was really starting to get into AB. My weakness on these winter levels is those stupid bells.
  • @KATHY!!!! We changed pages sweetie! *pulls on Kathy's arm* Come on.
  • FYI @karen68. If you are here with @kathy and the page changes. Make sure you bring her with you. Sometimes she doesn't catch it and usually gets upset. Just pull her by the arm and she will follow. She told me this a couple of weeks ago.
  • Can't even begin to tell how my day went this is how it ends ..I have 2kids anc
    .their dad sleeping on my (bf' sleeping in chair downstairs.
    Bf sleeping ( thank God) I just wanna go flinging :(
  • Oh my. @kathy! *hugs* Here, have a drink. I made it just for you. *slides @kathy an extra strength Pig Killer*
  • Ty.;)
    .ouch arm hurts... lol.but. at. Least I made it;) ty @rd;)
  • Oh. Now I didn't pull that hard did I? Sorry. I am just excited to see you.

  • Mmmm..ty @rd;)
  • Woah awesome @rd games can really help you in life
  • I agree @harrystar. Tomorrow, I plan on using my new skills learned from Amazing Alex to make breakfast without lifting a finger. LOL!
  • All is well extra strength PigKiller work wonders;) what. arms hurt here.

    -* siiippp*
  • @kathy If you keep drinking, you might be lucky enough not to feel your legs. :D
  • Hey! I am only 40 points away from being able to put my boxers in a suitcase. Yay!
  • @rd pretty cool idea Lol
  • I have always enjoyed watching chain reactions in amazing Alex and on tv
  • Yeah. They are kind of cool. When I was younger, I used to set up dominoes all over my house.
  • Hey @harrystar. Have you heard from @iamMighty lately?
  • updates finished. I believe I will try to get some sleep. Have a Bird-Tastic day.
  • @rd no not really at the moment
  • Hi everyone, how is everyone today?
    I just finished Piglantis, so I am in a bright and happy place :)
    Still want to do better, but I will upload my vids on part 2 in the next couple of days

    OB can I have some Crab Stuffed Mushroom Caps and a Eggnog Punch? I hope you are using a substitute for the eggs in the eggnog... wondering what it is?
  • Hey @e-star! Good afternoon! Can't wait for the vids! OB think I'd better have some eggnog as well. Kill or cure?!! Finished partying at 4am...ouchy:(
  • @E-star Good afternoon to you
    @Others in the US Good Morning
    Nice to hear about the videos. Have not started that level yet.
  • @jlz66 Good morning to you.
  • @JLZ666 4 am, thats this evening right? haha Hope you had a good time!

    @wrw01 goodmorning and hi my dear friend, how are you doing today? Ya still working on Piglantis? or did you finish it and need to go back for averages?
  • @E-star So good to hear from you..been a while.
    I am still working on ABO getting above average scores. In Mine and Dine now. This will take some time.
    I went into Piglantis and played around but did not pay any attention to scores or 3 stars.
  • @wrw01 good morning to you
    @e-star morning,afternoon or evening?!! Who knows what time zone I'm in right now,just know it hurts!!
  • @jlz66 4:00 am if you are in the US that was 2.5 hours head hurts just thinking about it...
  • @wrw, it has certainly been a while, good to see you still fighting the good fight :)
    ABo is next on the list, but you know that already :) Still at Ham em High I think... or was it the big setup... the grey cells are deteriorating LOL I think I have been underwater for way to long!

    @JLZ ya floating in outer space?? haha, for me it's morning, but I guess a lot of folks overhere think it's afternoon hahahah
  • wrw that would be something, but she is somewhere around my timezone... give or take one hour :)
  • @e-star Nope 4am uk time:( it's 12-30pm here now so think I can write off Sunday! Think I'll fling some birds if I can steady my eyeballs!!
  • @E-Star I did not look on the map, thanks. Anyway where was my head, I thought she may be in the Central Time Zone of US. I need coffee.
  • OB can you give wrw some coffee please, and pore one for me too :)
  • @jlz666 Oh just have another drink and start the party again and celebrate Sunday for Sunday...

    In real life its is coffee and toast time for I and the wife who just awoke.
  • @JJZ Yeah I knew you ment 4 am UK time, but I ment, the current time isn't USA time... because in that case you would have slept for only 2,5 hours... that would be something :)
    Ah well, that's what sundays are for right?
  • OB two big 16 oz. to start the day, cream and a little sugar, please
    @E-Star thank you
  • Give her my regards wrw and enjoy your morning toast and coffee :)
  • @wrw01 I have the map... ehh no... the list of the map as a bookmark. That's why I knew ;)
  • @E-star Thanks kid, you are always so kind. Will talk later.
  • @wrw01 oh lord no! Sometimes hair of the dog works but not today! Having said that the eggnog's going down ok;)
  • @wrw talk to you later, I have to go to the store for some groceries, so I will be back later to.

    Sorry to leave ya alone @JLZ666, but I am sure there will be other patrons coming by real soon :) USA is waking up soon.
  • Did anyone happen to get the license plate numbers of the Mack truck that hit me this morning?
  • @ripsy: Whatttttt?? Everyone okay?
    Just got back for the shop... damage report?
  • It's an expression @e-star. I feel poorly, today. Very sore and stiff. My bones ache.
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