The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 477
  • I have to finish these pork chops and feed everyone. I will be back a little later, hopefully with a better score on lotd :).
  • I GTG, see ya tomorrow
  • Jurassic pork. Lol.
  • Hello @wanda ..if you do come back to see this and Thank You very much for thinking of me and for your congrats to me as well as @kathy and @rd from a few pages back ;-) We are finished with dinner so I have a little time to visit with my friends here ;-) hope everyone had a nice weekend!
  • Evening everyone. @AA I am in awe of your accomplishment on the LOTD! A nice weekend for you!
  • Hey everyone. I am here but I am going to be on the patio getting some work done. If you need anything, just holler. I am trying to get everything done early tonight so I can get some rest. I have a big day tomorrow that I have to mentally prepare myself for. So I will hopefully be getting some meditation time in a little later.
  • Hi @rd. Good to know you're around if we need you :)
  • Thank you for choosing a level that is not impossible. It's a fun level and I was able to actually improve my score. May try some more tomorrow.
  • Thanks @sparty83!

    Okay, I finished project #1, now on to our update.
    P.S. The BP Jr. Description Header is finished and it looks marvelous. Now they just have to post it. Which they probably won't until tomorrow.
  • For those interested, and those that actually read page 1 daily, I will be trimming yet more fat from it tonight.
  • New BP Jr Header is posted.
  • P.S. I am available for regular chatter if you would like to discuss anything.
  • here? what?
  • regular chatter here?
  • Like, "Hey @rd! How's your day going?" That type of regular chatter.
  • Hey @rd! How's your day going?
    i gotta go
  • That's pretty regular then.
  • My wife is currently watching Beverly Hills Nanny. The voices of these people are completely annoying me and distracting me from my work. I want to throw my laptop at the television.
  • @mighty! Where have you been, man! I was about to send out a search party for you.
  • Haha. Didn't log on at ABN for two days. just took a small break I guess. How have you been?
  • Busy. Real busy. As long as I get finished at a decent time tonight, I plan on sending you some more ideas and some news.
  • Very nice work done at BP Jr.
  • oops. Already beat me to it.
  • Thanks. I hope they like it.
  • So how have you been @mighty?
  • Sorry. Wi-Fi problems. I have been fine and had a nice weekend too. Rains have been going here there.
  • Are you guys not moving to groups? Why?
  • sum it up. We can get busy at times. If it gets busy in a group, some comments may get pushed out of the way real quick and some comments might go unnoticed. Since we like to know what people say, we want to stay in the Forum.
  • It was a @team decision. I stated our case to Slim & BL and they agreed. So, here we started; here we stay.
  • Ok. It was good here anyway.
  • What about you? Are you working on something?
  • Just the regular updates. Working on the Food & Drinks right now. Then i should be able to post, tweet and facebook. Then I plan on sending you a PM about some thoughts I have.
  • I am really tired out of nowhere. I had a little motivational snack and it made me quite sleepy. grr.
  • alright @mighty. I just sent you a PM with some new ideas. Enjoy!
  • Hey everyone!
  • Good morning @all :). @angryboy- Hi, if you're still around :).
    I have to head out early today so I wanted to pop in for an iced coffee to go, please OB? Thanks!
    I tried the lotd and yikes! I can't get any higher, so maybe I will just work on averages on AB and wish everyone luck on today's challenge ").
    @kathy, if you stop by, I read your comment last night :). I need to practice my whining, I think. I wanted to stop here at the BP, but suddenly every wi-fi device I have went nuts. I hope you all had a good evening here.
    @AA Hi, my friend! I missed you last night, too :(. Maybe things will work out sometime today.
  • i'm here @wanda, hello
  • @angryboy, how are things at the BP jr? I haven't been by lately.
  • its good
  • I'm glad things are going well for all of you teens :).
    @angryboy, when does your school start? I noticed all of the back to school sales already! It's way too soon.
  • late aug. IKR i saw them start in june, the salespeople dont really think about stuff like that
  • Good morning..I can't stay..just popped in for a coffee and pigmuffin to go:) yuck..Monday :(
    hi @Wanda ...angryboy. have. A great day!!
  • I can't even think about school until the middle of August :), @angryboy. We always start the week of Labor Day-that's when school started when I was younger, so I stick with it.
  • Hi and bye @kathy:) Have a great day.
  • page change!
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