The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 490
  • Hello @BP...seems there's been alot of excitement here today! That's quit a sling @Rd and it seems it sent @sunshine running, lol...hopefully she'll be back. I miss her ;-)
    @karen68 and @doctonynyc...Congrats on your awesome improvement today!!!
    @karen68...I liked your BB tip line up you told @burbman about a page or two works perfectly, lol..I am just know having time to try and improve some more, I had real life issues to deal with most of the day so hopefully I can get a better score here soon!
  • ABO golden egg 24. The pigs have pickaxes sticking out of their sides and they hack each other to death. They look like spiders.
  • oh those, that level can self disruct
  • I will be fishing off of the Northwest tip of British Columbia, just South of the lower tip of Alaska.
  • i'm gonna have to be leaving in a minute @rd
  • Thanks @doctony. Came close a few more times, but didn't happen
  • Hello @angryboy...I bet you loved all the excitement here today..that sling shot to the swimming pool sounded like great fun ;-)
  • yep, except the pool closed the pool in the BP Jr
  • P.S. I am working on the next list of Challenge levels tonight. Send any requests to my Forum PM box, please. Thank you. That's Forum PM.
  • @burbman do you live up that way?
  • Alright @doc. Here's your rain check.
  • @burbman..I don't remember GE-24...and I sure don't remember pigs with axes hacking each other to death, LOL..I'm gonna have to go look at that to jog my memory, lol!
  • Alright. Here's the speech.
  • As you all know, we did not get our building downtown. However, we did purchase some real estate. We made a silent offer to the owners of this block and they accepted. So, we became full owners of the block The Bloated Pig and The Bloated Pig Jr sit on. Now, because we care for The Bloated Pig Jr so much. The @team has decided to give them full ownership of the slingshot, the net, the pool and the water slide. We want them to do well and continue to succeed. So, on behalf of Team BP, we bestow these gifts to you. As a special surprise, they are all completely indestructable. You may use them however you like at BP Jr. By the way, I had the Slingshot moved to the roof of the BP Jr. Congratulations!
  • WOW, thanks @rd
  • i better add thses thing to the master control, GTG Bye, see ya tomorrow (hopefully with an update) *goes to BP Jr and goes into his labratory room*
  • Awwww! How very nice of you and @team!!! That was very cool as they will get the most enjoyment out of it for sure!!!
  • Wow, I love waterslides.
  • @karen68 - I live in the Seattle area, so the trip is only a three drive North, followed by a three hour flight, followed by a 30 min helecopter trip to the lodge. Basically, I will be in the very center of nowhere.
  • @karen, did you see my post at the top of this page? Very good tip about lining up the BB bird, lol ;-)
  • It is our honor to give you these gifts.
  • @burbman..That sounds like a GREAT fishinhg trip..I hope you enjoy yourself!!! Don't forget the generator, lol ;-)
  • oh yeah.,..also sure to bring a video camera incase you happen to come across BigFoot, lol...Those tv programs never seem to get really good footage and it's a known fact they love fish and very private out for rocks coming your way, they like to throw rocks at people and cabins in the woods, lol. tee hee!!!
  • May I have some chicken stir fri for dinner please?
  • I have a video from two years ago of two feeding humpback whales coming up between my boat and the rod tips. Mouths wide open! (Mouths were bigger than my boat)
  • Alrighty then..I guess I'll try back later...
  • Here you go @SMBB!
  • @burbman, I hear it's beautiful there, Been to Vancouver but not north of there. Sounds amazing.
    @AA, glad to have helped you & thanks. I play on ipad, but wasn't sure if tips like that work across all platforms.
  • @karen68 - your aiming tips were spot on for an iPhone!
  • @Burbman, that's great.
    Off to have dinner, back later. Cheers everyone.
  • I'm back.
  • @blah hey. What's up?
    @rd thanks for dinner :)
  • @rdnzlrips82. How do you send a PM in the forum? I've never done it, and I can't see, to figure it out.
  • Why does AB Chrome never cooperate when I need it to the most?
  • If anyone else can answer my question to @rdnzlrips82, I would be grateful!
  • Click on my @rdnzlrips82. There is an option on the right that says send message.
  • Nevermind, I figured it out.
  • Sorry @doc. I was putting the kids to bed.
  • I will be taking Challenge level requests until midnight CST.
    Note: not all requests may be honored due to some levels being on a special "no challenge" list I have compiled with the help of @BirdLeader and @AMslimfordy.
  • Let's see, what's a level that's not on my list...
  • Addendum: no web-based levels. App-based only, thanks!
  • @rdnzlrips82 -- That's really a great present you gave to BP Jr. Glad you didn't give them the secret weapon, though! I was a little worried you'd regressed to teenage for a while there...
  • @mvnla2 I was in complete control. I thought the suspense was fun.
  • {removed by user}
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