The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 510
  • Alrighty then...I think @rd had too much sleep!
  • I think y'all already deserve that badge
  • Exactly @AA. No more sleep for me.
  • it might be best to stay up tonight
  • I just stopped in to say hello and congrats to EVERYONE who received their new badges and ranks!!! I've got some score improvements to go work on ;-)
  • I plan on it.
  • Thanks @AA. Looks like I have another Badge to go for :)
  • I think they should make an "ends sentences in a preposition badge"
  • I bet I could get it.
  • Just kidding.
  • Maybe this sleep thing could pay off. I mean, I have had a lot of ideas today.
  • Maybe they could make a "talks to themselves" badge.
  • me, you, and @blaha would be perfect for that badge
  • well... @rd you've been nominated
  • :@rdnzlrips82 you totally deserve that badge ..I gotta shut so I may not be back for a while..
  • @all -- I nominated rd for the vocalization badge on the badges and ranks group. Please add your seconds, etc.
  • Thanks guys. I appreciate it!
  • So, check this out. I am already on the laptop for the night. Which means I might get the update done faster and be able to sleep again. I am pretty stoked right now. Well...
    I would be more stoked if I could beat averages on Utopia 4-1 and DZ 4. I am a whopping 4 under average on 4-1 and I can't get the bounce everyone is talking about. Kind of frustrating me. But, the last time I ran DZ 4. I had partial collapse in an hour and had to burn two birds, but I finally got a little over 100k. So...i think I am almost there. So, without further ado. *starts DZ 4 on phone*
  • Has anyone ever touched the popcorn on the Utopia planet or inside the Utopia Level Select screen? It pops. Ha! Noticed that yesterday when I touched a kernel by accident.
  • DZ 4 started
  • Evening @rd. I'm celebrating a new badge, can I buy you a drink while you stare at DZ-4?
  • Goodnight everyone
  • Sounds good @karen. Have OB set it on the bar and I will poof it here. I have had a little overdose on Super Seed Powder and tend to go crazy every once in a while. So I am sequestered to my house.
  • Congrats on the badge by the way. And I am not staring at DZ-4. I am on the laptop. My phone is running DZ 4 on my left hand side so I can touch the screen every 10 minutes.
  • Oh that's right @rd you're in isolation - you guys made me laugh earlier. Are you sure you should be drinking? I love your creativity.
  • Drinking actually seems to dull the effects of the super seed powder. So as far as I am concerned, let's do it up! Thanks for the creativity compliment. Apparently, that's what happens when I actually get some sleep. My mind has been full of ideas all day.
  • I think the last time I got that much sleep was pre-kids. Can't wait to see what's in store.
  • Partial collapse just happened. I was at 1590 for about 2 minutes. Now I am at 31490.
  • And I totally just completely botched my Ice Bird shot. Grr!
  • Sent in Black Bird for 101540. So, it is still possible. Running it again.
  • I'm off to torture myself on the challenge, good luck with DZ-4.
  • Okay, thanks @karen. I am hoping to get a lock on DZ 4 and try to improve on Challenge. I am in the top 100, but not the top 50. Hopefully that changes. I need to start getting some better scores.
  • Weird story: We have a swing that we put Maddy in sometimes. She was in it this evening. When you start the swing, it plays a few little songs and the songs shut off, but the swing still moves. Well, we put her in it well over two hours ago. The music has been off for a while. The music started playing again out of nowhere. No one had been in the room for about 30 minutes.
  • 1570 partial collapse should be coming soon
  • Partial collapse netted me 11850. However, it is still gaining points. So, I will sit and wait. Up to 11920.
  • Stopped at 12k. Sending in Ice Bird.
  • Botched Ice Bird and Black Bird shot. I was considering giving up on DZ 4. Then I went to the Challenge level. I realize why @karen said she was going to "torture" herself with it. I think I will plug the phone in and try DZ 4 again.
  • Hi, @rd, nice story in the gazette:)- I am sorry that YOUR PAT worked better for me:(. I promise it won't happen again for quite a while (I think).
    Those super seeds are something; now you know why I drink so much coffee. I think the caffeine amplifies their power. Did you have any residue on your hands when you wound Maddy's swing?:)
    Congrats @karen68 on your new badge!
  • @wanda. Thanks for the compliment. It's all good about the PAT. The first part of that quote from me is true. I am more than happy that I can pass on good information to other flingers. I liked the idea of turning the story a little...uh...exaggerated. It makes it fun around here. :) I don't have a PAT for today's level. So, I am just going to run DZ 4 until I can't stand it anymore. Right now all I have left is DZ 4 and Utopia 4-1 on my below average list.
  • and that maddy's swing thing is completely weird. Normally, with toys and things like that. They malfunction when the batteries are almost dead. My wife just changed the batteries in the swing this morning.
  • Thanks @wanda! Gave me quite a surprise, made me smile. Ha ha, Maddy's swing, funny!
    Done with the Challenge for now, perhaps forever on this level. Time for some sleep.
    Good luck @rd.
  • @rd, I know you were just kidding and everything is good with us, right? *smiling a little nervously *
    today's lotd was just difficult! Maybe tomorrow's will be better. I hope @sunshine still has a stash of super seed powder, just in case!
    @karen68 have a good night. I have to turn in soon, myself. Almost midnight here:).
  • Well @wanda. I have placed a strict limit on Super Seed Powder. It turns out too much can make you a little...uh...nutty. So, each patron will only be allowed one dash a day. It will be closely monitored.
    And of course we are good. :D The alcohol in these White Russians I poof to myself help calm the effects of the SSP!
  • @all I think we need to find @kathy a new phone! If you guys could only see what she just did in our latest Menu & Drink Conference Room. I am going to wake my kids up I am laughing so hard. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
  • After midnite here ;( work tommorrow. Ty @rdnzlrips82 :) night @Wanda @karen68 ;)
  • Night @kathy! Have a good day tomorrow! tomorrow! tomorrow! tomorrow! :D
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