The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 990
  • Ooh Echooo echoooowowowww ;)
  • Evening all! OB I think I'll forego my usual evening scotch in favour of a glass of Cristal, thank you!
  • Darn I keep getting kicked out of ABN again!! :/
  • @kimmie shining up your tiara I see!
  • Sorry @penguin was distracted by pm's!! I'm sooo sorry to leave after just meeting but its 3am my time:( cheese prob not a good idea:(
    Ladies gotta love & leave:(
    @kathy @Kimmie ((((huuugs)))
    @penguin can't wait to hear your evenings story when I wake up lol!!!
  • Hey @karen68 how's your weekend going?
  • Oh oh oh Page Change! Looks like your right @karen68 ;D hahaa
    Darn well @JLZ666 I'm feelin the love back atcha!! Have a fab pillow walk and hmmm I'd be sleeping dreamy with my belly full o cheese!! LOL :D
  • I'm good @kimmie, it's cold - there was frost covering everything this morning, & it's raining, but so far an ok weekend. All this talk of JLZ & her sandwich is making me hungry. How are you doing? Did you change your avatar?
  • LOL @karen68 yep like a couple weeks ago!! :D. Only in forums though, heehee that was funny! Man I'd really like your weather but erm not snow unless it came to visit for maybe a day or two then went away again! I'm more into rain thunder and lightening! :)
  • I'm getting less observant in my old age. Oh well. Are your babies doing ok - I know they have their rough days.
  • Yeah it's mostly Tig but he's doing great! Just gotta make sure he takes his meds! Sometimes he gets sneaky and Spits his pill out little monster! ;) thanks for asking, I'm going to take pics of Boos new Halloween outfits and see if I can post them in my album! :D
    How are your kids doing?
  • Oh boy, pets in Halloween costumes, too cute. Can't wait to see them. The kids are fine, my son has a cold, can't believe it took this long for him to get one, normally everyone gets sick within a couple of weeks of going back to school. My daughter's good, she's loving her drama courses & they're doing Shakespeare in English right now which she's also really enjoying.
    Do you think they'll decorate the BP for Halloween?
  • Hey @everyone srry I'm a popper.tonight
    .trying hard on ham'em high gotta get out of the desert
    *presses A1 please listen great song*
  • Sorry your sons sick :(. Being with other kids does that doesn't it! It's great your daughters doing so well In school! As to the BP well wouldn't that be the coolest thing ever! :D. I'm hoping when I take the pics it's not to many of those mega thingys so they'll post! Guess we'll see and they are really cute! More fun dresses than actual costumes! She's got way more clothes than I do! SPOILED is my Boo! Mom, Sis all of em get her stuff all the time and then there's me heehee ;D
  • I understand so very well @Kathy I swear it the one I did the worst in for ABO scores!! I just wanted avgs and to get the heck out!!
  • Oh @JLZ66 ill tell u in the morning wen I wake up lol gn ttyl
  • I hate it..the desert getting delirious. !!
  • Hi @Kathy nice 2 c u again :) how's ur night going?
  • @kathy, have some Cristal - it makes everything better :)
  • Oh @Kathy I hate the desert and I was sure it would never ever end!! I'm in my own h e double l right now with those stupid boomer birds!! 4 of em and I panic when there's only one but 4!! Oh noooo it's awful! @Kathy don't forget to fill your canteen when you head back out there, you dehydrate and hallucinate really quickly!! :((((
  • Mmm. Nice glass of Cristal ;) ty @karen68 ..
  • My broswer not working good ..hey @penquinlover:)
  • Yep @Kimmiecv filling my canteen with. Cristal LOL ;)
  • Oh good thinking!! Hahaa that will make everything look rosy!! ;D good going @Kathy and @karen68 nice to put it out there for her!! Hahaa
  • @penguinlover good night nice to see u:)
  • Alrighty I'm going back in!
    Heywheres angryboy haven't seen him all day? He still mad (
    @angryboy if your lurking ((((hugs))))
  • Hi @Kathy dats nice 2 hear ;)
  • Oh good night @penguinlover, I thought you'd already turned in after your late night last night! Sleep well and have fun tomorrow :)
  • Ill pop back later ..*poof*
  • Oh darn I'm confused! Hey again @penguin thought you went to bed to be ready for tomorrow?!
    Bye @Kathy good luck!
    @karen68 and @penguin I'm heading to T&T again! Will lurk on occasion but if I miss you ladies, well have a fab pillow walk and hopefully tomorrow we have more time to chat! :)
  • Good night @Kathy thx I'm still up mom said I can stay up lol bai ttyl
  • Hey everyone i went shopping i got a new i pod cover also i am wearing my fav shirt today @kimmie can you guess what it says? its something to do with Angry Birds
  • Oops OMG I meant @kimmiecv I can stay up mom said I could stay up but I hope we get 2 chat more 2morrow I can share my virtual grapes lol
  • Heyyy @Harrystar6 I want an angry birds t shirt so much I have an angry birds bracelet anyway how r u doing?
  • Oh pooh did I miss you @Harrystar6? Do tell me what your T says!! :) and an AB one! Hope you see this and let me know!
    @penguin it's no matter, I read everything and I figure out what you mean! :)
  • @Kimmiecv ;) I'm still lurking :) why do you keep saying T&T?
    Do you mean s&t? Hey @Harrystar6 cool what's it say? I am not good guesser! :0
  • Hmmm what would @Harrystar6s T say??? Gotta do with piggies I'd think!! Hmmmmm.......
  • It's trick or treat In seasons @Kathy sorry I've gotten used to the short versions of everything! Half of em I can't figure out! LOL
  • Darn it I think @Harrystar6 pulled his famous popper move on us!! :/. Whaaaa I wanna know what the T says!!!
  • Haha @kimmiecv I think he did sneaky @Harrystar6 lol his t shirt is probably an angry birds space 1 lol
  • I wonder where @CCJolly is she's probably on her pillow walk 2 lol
  • Our @Harrystar6 started the whole popper thing! @penguinlover, I would answer him right back but he'd already popped in and then immediately popped out! So I started calling him a popper and now anytime any of us pull that move we call it a popper!! LOL @Harrystar6 is famous for that term!! :D
  • Oh you should know that ccjolly is a he! ;D And a very funny he I might add!!
  • Oh @kimmi Lol haha u crack me up :) dats funny so if I pop in and out u would call me a popper lol
  • Hello @. How's the desert now you have Cristal in your canteen!! ;D
  • Yep @penguin you'd be a popper too! :D
  • OMG it sounded like a girl omg oops lol @Kimmiecv
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