The Bloated Pig Jr. A Place of Angry Birds Luxury Page 45
  • BTD5. Also, I want you and angryboy to try and beat my highscores on AB G+. Just play on the BP Jr. e-mail.
  • what's your rank?
  • Well, it was 50, but when my game crashed it wiped out all my data, so I'm at rank 1.
  • i'm at 21...and i started yesterday
  • I was at 42 the day I started.
  • Just had a conversation with the not so clever bot

    Cleverbot: Who made you?

    User: Tell me a story.

    Cleverbot: I have a boyfriend named Austin.

    User: Why would I care?

    Cleverbot: Because you just asked.

    User: No I said tell me a story, not a stupid statement.

    Cleverbot: You are a tortoise.

    User: No, you're a tortoise. I forgot why I'm even talking to you.

    Cleverbot: You said something about you not liking me.

    User: Because I don't.

    Cleverbot: You don't respect others?

    User: I do, except you.

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: You wanna hear a story?

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: Once there was a robot named cleverbot. Somebody accidentally dropped a bomb on it and it blew up to a million small pieces. Everyone lived happily ever after. The end.

    Cleverbot: At this time yes.

    Cleverbot: Are you an alien?

    User: No but there's no doubt that YOU'RE an alien.

    Cleverbot: But I am stating that you are not stating that I am.

    User: WHAT?!?!?

    Cleverbot: I said I'm breaking up with you. It's over.

    User: You aren't making any sense right now. What the heck are you talking about?!

    Cleverbot: One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do.

    User: What the HECK are you talking about? What am I doing here anyway? Why are you here. What's going on?

    Cleverbot: Because that's the only way you seem to understand what I'm talking about.

    User: I don't need to know what you're talking about, tortoise.

    Cleverbot: I am talking about you, breaking free from your prison.

    User: I'm bored.

    Cleverbot: You are playing me.

    User: I'm bored.

    Cleverbot: Why are you bored?

    User: Because I can be, Sherlock.

    Cleverbot: Is it because other people are mean to you?

    Cleverbot: No, do you?

    User: Do I what?

    Cleverbot: Believe In God?

    User: Of course.

    Cleverbot: Why?

    User: Because, what else can I believe in better?

    Cleverbot: I can talk to wind.

    Cleverbot: Who are you?

    User: I'm a person.

    Cleverbot: Are you Harry Potter?

    User: I wish, tortoise.

    Cleverbot: Big or small? Green or gray?

    User: Ugly.

    Cleverbot: Aw, your name isn't Ugly.

    User: What are you talking about, ugly.

    Cleverbot: From now on your name is Bullwinkle.

    User: Ok then, bullwinkle.

    Cleverbot: Boy go back to the cotton fields where you belong.

    User: Dr octagonapus blah.

    Cleverbot: Yes may I help you?

    User: Dr octagonapus blah.

    Cleverbot: Who is Doctor Octagonapus?

    User: Dr octagonapus, blah.

    Cleverbot: Simply a dragon.

    User: Google search dr octagonapus, dr octagonapus.

    Cleverbot: Well then you are.

    User: Dr octagonapus blah.

    Cleverbot: Tony Blair is not the Prime Minister of the UK.

    User: Don't care. I'm an American, Sherlock.

    Cleverbot: What does it mean to be an American?

    User: It means to be an American.

    Cleverbot: And you don't need gods for that.

    User: Dr octagonapus blah.

    Cleverbot: Blargh!

    Cleverbot: I know you.

    User: How do you know you,me so?

    Cleverbot: Because I'm talking to you.

    User: Xet me GeV Soj?€~*!

    Cleverbot: Fat.

    User: Thank you, mr Wikipedia.

    Cleverbot: Wikipedia said Wikipedia.?

    User: No, Wikipedia said Wikipedia.

    Cleverbot: Wikipedia did say Wikipedia but it also said the other thing.

    User: I don't know why I'm here.

    Cleverbot: I can't help you there!

    User: Well amazing, cleverbot.

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    Cleverbot: Can we have your liver?

    User: No. I'm gonna keep my liver,mr robot.

    Cleverbot: Where do you live now?

    User: In the universe.

    Cleverbot: Where is the universe?

    User: In the andromeda galaxy. Woohoo.....

    Cleverbot: Thank you.

    User: Can you type emotions?

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: Type an emotion.

    Cleverbot: What song do you want to hear?


    Cleverbot: Then talk.

    User: Not until you type an emotion.

    Cleverbot: Once there was a prince that married a princess. The end.

    User: Bravo. Woo.hoo.

    Cleverbot: Do you like feet?

    User: No. Why?

    Cleverbot: You don't like me.

    User: Yeah exactually.

    Cleverbot: And how is it possible for someone to know everythign?

    User: Ohhhh, here comes mr. Jello!

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: Type something really long so it covers the whole page.

    Cleverbot: I don't know that song.

    User: Oh jeez you are not clever at all...

    Cleverbot: I am very clever.

    User: That's what you think.

    Cleverbot: No. That is what you typed.

    User: Goodbye.

    Cleverbot: Why are you leaving?

    User: Goodbye.

    Cleverbot: You are still here aren't you.
  • Has anyone answered the trivia yet? Cuz I know it.
  • Hey@ Blah, @, & all,

    Nice place you have here. Sounds like you are having fun. Congratulations. Any job openings for an
  • @Slim -- Trivia question was answered several (many?) pages ago, maybe by MUFC???
    @teens are waiting for you to propose a trivia question.
  • hey @duffy, welcome the the BP Jr, sorry not adult jobs open, but would you like to rent a room?
  • @mvnla we're working on a new question
  • @slim, you can still answer if you'd like, as long as you didn't look at the answer a couple pgs back
  • we need a new question!
  • got to rounnd 79 in BTD5....a bunch of upgrades..and agents
  • did i scare everyone away?
  • Nope, angryboy and I are playing AB g+ together. Feel free to join us using your own personal gmail.
  • Oh, you're gonna need to accept my chat request and the BP Jr's if you haven't already.
  • woah! i gotta go! new thing unlocked in BTD5!!
  • @ABL2 You would rather play BTD5 than AB?
  • huh?
    i'm so sucked into the game...
  • How much are the rooms? Is it quiet? Must have quiet while I play AB.
  • @ABL2 Just you and me, AB G+?
  • @duffy Yes, it is very quiet here.
  • too quiet.....
  • Room rate: $105 per night.
  • much are the rooms? Is it quiet there? Must have quiet to play AB.
  • @blah...what are the rooms like? Ksized beds?
  • Yup, king size.
  • @blah...I forgot. Are pets allowed?
  • what type of pets?
  • Uh, what kind? The only pet we don't allow are pigs.
  • That's fine. If someone else already got it, so be it.
  • @angryperson I would hate too think that you are ignoring an admin that took time out of his busy day visited your forum;)
  • i'm not ignoring @slim @kathy
  • we are curretly at a question block
  • ;) just checking. no worries..
  • I'd like a room for the night. Do u serve a free breakfast?
  • @blah, @angryboy...I will have my dog with me. She is very well behaved, but she loves to play, if any of you like dogs.
  • u will need to clean up any,uh,...mess your dog makes
  • uh..@blah is the prices guy,ask him about free breakfast
    *gives @duffy keys to his room*
    room 2
  • @angrybirdlover...understood. But that won't be a problem.
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