The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 11
  • Might I recommend a White Russian. Orange Bird makes them very tasty. I talked him into using a little extra Vodka when he makes them. I prefer mine with Belvedere. It has a slightly smoother finish than Grey Goose.
  • And have fun at school today @Mikkor. Hopefully you didn't enjoy your extended weekend too long. Your brain needs to be nimble for your studies.
    Also, Happy Belated Birdday @E-Star!! I picked today's level in your honor.
  • Good Morning @all.
    Happy Birthday @E-Star! Too bad you have to work, but enjoy your birthday anyway
    Welcome to all the new faces. Enjoy your stay in the Bloated Pig.
    I'm sitting at a station waiting for a delayed train. @sunshine can I please get some crispy ears and a green Mountain Dew for making my wait more pleasant?
    Yesterday's lotd was fun, improved from place >500 to the 40ies.
    Looking forward to today's level.
    Happy flinging everyone, have a great day at work/school/home etc
  • @Everyone Good Morning!! I trust everyone is well rested:)
    @sunshine I will again have the bacon egg and cheese (extra crispy bacon)ty
    Good luck all with lotd:)
  • @all good morning everyone. I only have a few minutes this morning before heading out for work but wanted to stop in as I wasn't able to dropvby yesterday and missed all you friendly faces. May I have an ice coffee and let's see...I guess I'll try the green eggs and ham everyone's raving about!
  • It's night time here good night and happy flinging! :)
  • @e-star Happy Birdday!!! Looks like it inspired today's level ABO Birdday Party 18-7. Great idea @rdnzlrip82. My starting score is only 95370 so I have lots of room for improvement.
  • @birdleader I hope you enjoyed your self here last night. Good to see you here and thanks again very much for all the hard work you've put into the site. As you can see we are all loving it very much! A big thanks to you and @amslimfordy ;-)
  • @AA nice to see ya..missed you yesterday :) hope all is well ;)
    @ everyone my start for lotd is 82280 not even average lots of improvement needed here!
    good luck alll!:)
  • @Kathy...I am working on lotd and haven't come close to my original score of maybe no improvement will come my way, lol!!!
    @sunshine....good morning...I gotta get ready for work now but will be around later for lunch...looking forward to some of your delicious food!
  • Good morning everyone!!! I see it was a busy night!! Food is up for everyone who order. @AA, will see you at lunch time! :)
  • Wow, this thread has picked up fast! Checked yesterday and it was still on page 8! :O

    @E-star Happy Birthday! :)

    @sunshine The usual please, with some cappuccino if you have any. Need a lot of energy before I tackle today's level! :)
  • Morning, friends. I am sitting at my table feeding the kids before our trip begins. I'm starting at 90,500. The key to this level is that first shot. It's tricky. I've restarted this level 100 times already and played it through to completion 10 times. I'm already close to 99k, but boy did I pick a doozy! Looks like I missed AA again. :( @kathy snd @sunshine, you guys are wonderful!! Keep up the good work.
  • Morning @kartflyer! It's amazing how fast this is growing, isn't it?! I projected page 12 by Thursday. Looks like we will hit 14 then.
  • Indeed @rdnzlrips82! It's created a warm and caring environment hasn't it? Nice job! :)
  • @kathy, @sunshine and @E-Star have helped a great bit themselves. We are very excited! Thank you for the kind words! It means a lot to us.
  • Alright everyone. We are off to the races. Have a wonderful time here and drink a lot for me! :)
  • @rd Thanks, had fun. :) School is good because it doesn't let you play AB all time, haha. (no, I'm not that addicted!)

    Happy Birthday @E-Star ! Enjoy your birthday. :)
    Haven't even played those Birdday Party levels, I've 3-starred every level on ABo but not the BDP and S&T ones.
  • Just stopped by (illegaly, should be working haha), I saw al the warm wishes for my Birthday, thanks everybody and thanks RD for making the play of the day in my honor :)
    To bad ABo is still a work in progress, so I can't excess that level... but it's the thought that counts, so thanks again RD, have a save trip!
  • No drinks for me just now, I think my boss can smell the liquor on my breath.
    **ducks** sttt... it's the boss walking by... sorry peeps, need to go again!
  • @E-star, happy birthday!! I made you a cake, have some and enjoy!!!! :)
    @kartflyer, yes, you may have a cappuccino! :)
  • @Kathy -- My username is pretty simple, but not what you guessed. It is MV in LA. MV is my initials, LA is Los Angeles.
    @rd -- Thanks for the info, need to do some research on that song.
  • @mvnla2, I guessed right about your name!! I thought @rd's name was going to be initials of the family! :) may I get you anything?
  • Morning all! A little under the weather today, which is not good for pigs. I think I will pass on any food though :( Yesterday I picked up 2,115 on the LOD, today should be interesting. Last time I played Birdday Party, I was still in the mode of killing all the pigs with all the birds. Stars were kind of a foreign concept, much less something like ABN average. Starting point today is a measley 61,820, so based on some of the notes here, I could impreve in the neighborhood of 40k? Cool! that should make my tummy feel better!
  • @burbman, sorry you are not feeling well,anything we can do to help you feel better? :)
    @mvnla2, I made head cheese for you, and found some wonderful crackers to go with it, enjoy!! :)
  • @burbman, hope you feel better fast!
  • @Sunshine Head cheese and crackers with a side of tea sounds like a perfect mid (OK, early) morning snack. Thanks.
    @Burbman -- Try some hot tea and crackers or bread. Your stomach will probably appreciate it. I was going to suggest chicken soup, but you'll need a non-bird version. One of my favorite cure-alls is tapioca pudding, also flan (plain egg pudding). Hospitals frequently serve flan in post-op, so has to be compatible with upset stomachs.
  • @mvnla2, coming up!! :)
    @burbman, maybe peppermint tea or ginger tea both great for the stomach!!! :)
  • Just broke 28 million in ABS! Can I have champagne? :D
  • *gets a bottle from the bar* That's on me. congrats! Cheers!
  • @all - Thanks for the well wishes! Already picked up about 30k on LOD, sick days are good for something. Now to go read the walkthroughs to see how others have done it.

    @Mikkor - congrats!
  • @burbman Sorry to sound dumb, but what does LOD mean? Hope you feel better soon! :)

    @mikkor What an accomplishment, congrats! :)
  • @mikkor, congrats!! Cheers!!! Nice work! :)
  • @Mikkor great job!!!
    @ kartflyer lod refers to level of the is bday party.10-18. you can find daily level on page 1 with the daily menu :)
    @ sunshine speaking of menu lol ill have the BLT. u know about the bacon;) ty
  • @kathy coming up, extra crispy! The level of the day is 18-7 birdday!! ;)
  • @kathy - it's Birdday Party 18-7 :) Quite a fun one actually! :)

    Oh, and @sunshine, I may have that Hawaiian Pizza now, if that's ok? :)
  • @sunshine don't know what I was thinki.g..trying to talk here and work at same time lol..@kart.srry:(
  • @Laurence, your Hawaiian is ready! :)
  • @sunshine It's a really good pizza - I'd recommend it! :)
  • Birdday Party is just not my episode... played hours for getting 86k
  • WOW!! Super cool! I have one of those Ice Bird stickers! Got it from one guy from school, his brother works for Rovio!
  • @Laurence, pretty cool! Thanks for sharing! :)
    @trishohara, here is a pig killer on me! :)
    @mikkor, congrats again!! :)
  • @laurence awesome!
    @sunshine ty for the pig killer. Those birdday piggies are really evil
  • Thanks all for the congrats! :)
    Put that sticker to my iPad, it's really nice with that Apple logo.
  • @all thanks guys

    @Mikkor I bet it goes really nicely - I'm yet to decide where mine should go! :)
  • Hey everyone. We just checked in at the hotel. Looks like we are busy today!! I will be sending a PM to @kathy, @sunshine & @E-Star later. Have fun, everyone. If your drinking, please have some for me!!
  • @rd will look for your pm. all is well here, no worries:)
  • finally home from. work :) need a drink...gotta lay off the pig killers though any suggestions? @ sunshine maybe a snack? please. and ty:)
  • Hello @sunshine, sorry I couldn't make it for lunch. I had to work through lunch so I am starving and ready for some dinner...what do you recommend?
    @laurence, congrats...that's so very cool...good for you
    @mikkor, congrats to you as well - WTG!!!
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