The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2162
  • On a more brighter note... it is beautiful sunny weather over here and after such an active vacation I think I deserved a nice and relaxing weekend ;)
    To bad the iPad and the sun don't play well together, so I have a dilemma... flinging in the shade or inside... or fetch me an old school book and soak up some of those vitamin D rays?
  • Top flinging @rat :-)))))))
  • Hello @Estar I hope you're enjoying your mini-post-vacation-vacation. Did you have a pre-vacation-vacation?
    I'm done huntin wabbit for now in BI #1. Mrs. Bunny put up quite the fight. I'm impressed. But I brought in the big guns and bagged her in the end. Now back to BI #2 where @fenikus has gone a little pig crazy.

    We'll try and play nice Mrs. Admin type person.
  • Awww, come on now @HunnyBunny. You knew I'd have to give you something to shoot for. Good Luck!
  • I don't know if you noticed @HunnyBunny, but I kinda sped through the end of BI #1 because I needed to get back to BI #2. I left some points on a few levels, but I think it's enough to challenge you.

  • Mister @Rat I always do ;) with more off days in the week, (working 3 out of 7) every week is a mini vacation hahaha
    A part of the job that is less suited for me, but I know things can snowball in a blink of an eye, so thanks!I am actually working on a new project ;) But there is no rush, deadline is xMas hahahahaha

    Enjoy the ongoing Space Struggles to the top in both parts! Congratz on your victory (for now) of BI Part 1
  • OB picks up a text from Mumsie - "Sorry for not being in more often but the golf is like a full time job at the moment - but more fun! Would you tell the Blues that I will try and pop in tonight to see how their knitting is going. Thanx xxx"
  • @rat I make a perfectly nice comment, without a trace of sarcasm, and what do I get back "Aw, come on now"
    There is no pleasing some rodents
    @all I need help in Beak One. Totally infested by rats
  • Good luck with the golf @mumsie enjoy
  • @kelani just read back and saw your comments on not sharing strats. I had a similar conversation with a very well respected Seasons player who admitted he shared his strats, by email, with another very well respected Seasons player, calling the threads here "juvenile"
    Albeit, if asked, he does share.
    We'll never change it, you either share or you don't
  • @all If you're hungry, I left some bread crumbs when I left BI #1. Sourdough!
  • @all I got my first look at the walkthrough postings today. I see now why everyone has been fussing about strategies. There are very few posted. Is everybody like me now? I don't look at the walkthroughs because I don't want to be influenced by a less than perfect strategy? But as soon as make my second pass, I post mine. My delay in posting is not because I don't want to share. The exact opposite is true. I love seeing flingers use one of my stRATs to beat me. lol

    Edit: BTW, My way is harder. The walkthroughs will get you good scores a lot faster. But I love solving the puzzles. But that's just how I'm wired. It's not all about getting there, but how you get there.
  • For those that are interested, it appears that the admins are checking Vortex's scores.
  • Hi @estar, just read your post re: badmouthing not-sharing-strats flingers; fully agree. I always try to be respectful to other flingers (save for one notable exception) so I hope I haven't inadvertently been guilty of otherwise (your reference to "getting a room" is something Mr. Rat recently advised me); if so, I sincerely apologize.

    But @estar, is it still okay to badmouth, attack, diss, and throw poo in general at Mr. Rat??? It would really suck all the joy out of my life if it isn't ;-)
  • Mr. @Rat, man what are you doing? Today, not the sheriff came to my door, but the president himself. Ok, that I could live with. Then, I looked at the leaderboard, I was shocked. This isn't a soft slam in the face, no this is knock out. Congratulations, man, this is what I call flinging.
    I think @hunnybunny and myself - and all the others as well - can kiss the 1st place goodbye on this episode. I'm still heavily impressed
  • @Hunnybunny, @bernersenn, what happened???? I leave Beak 1 for one evening and you guys let the place get thoroughly infested by rodents! No worries, I am done for now with Beak 2 where I passed that magic threshold of 2.6M (much more is possible). I'll be coming to help you later!
  • @bernersenn, pull yourself together man (slaps both of his cheeks)…what kind of talk is that??? You get knocked out once and you whimper off into your ring corner…NO! -- you get back on your feet and keep fighting! Don't worry friend, help is on the way.
  • @fenikus, a man must see when it's over. Left cheek, right cheek, the referee counted to ten and no one raised. That's called game over. Not that I'm quiting this episode, the only thing I say is that I never get back on top, ever.
  • I took a look at the complete BI leaderboards. There are quite a few top-notch flingers who have only entered a few scores. The averages are doomed! : ((
    I wish there were a way to entice more people to enter below-average scores.
  • Mrs. Bunny, can you believe this? @bern-dawg is completely knocked-out and talking nonsense. @Lyrian, we're a man down here and need your help…please take his spot on the team, will ya?
  • @fenikus, hey man, I'm doing what I can! I just started to really work episode 1 of beak impact. I had to reclaim the #2 slot in episode 2. So far I've risen a bunch of ranks in episode 1, but at 64, I've got an amazing amount of catching up to do.
  • Go to bed #1, wake up #4? I see my Beak2 activity made a few people get busy.
  • @fenikus don't worry, I'm still fighting the fight. And seeing that @bernersenn (temporarily) snuck past me into second spot I guess he is too
    @kelani I slip down the leaderboard every night, don't worry, you'll get use to it
  • @hunnybunny The hell I will! :P

    edit: On B2 anyway, I'm a-scared to look at the carnage I keep hearing about on B1.
  • For today no flinging here, must see what our orange boys do against the spanish fury
  • @bernersenn I hear the Spanish team are all "old" men. Nothing to worry about
    But then again, the self proclaimed oldies here seem to do best at Space (forgive me @kelani you're just an honorary oldie)
  • @bernersenn, I just realized I'm not subscribed to English language channels that carry the World Cup. No worries, I do get the Spanish language alternate (will probably learn Spanish by the end of the tournament, well at least the Mexican dialect). These commentators sure make it much more exciting, can't wait for a goal (Holland's of course). GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAL!

  • @all Makes a self appointed oldie feel good to throw a little fear into the young whippersnappers. Think they know it all do they? With all the activity in BI #2, I hurried through the last seven episodes of part one last night. Not as good as they could be, but acceptable to leave for now. Hello BI #2. I've missed ya. Sorry for leaving you to fend off the hoards @Lyrian.
  • @rat: unfortunately there isn't much I can do anymore, the only levels I can really grab points on now are one that I can't get the good start to work on, or ones l refuse to play because I'd like to fire the designer off into the sun.
  • @Lyrian The point returns for each level may be shrinking, but they do add up. I think It took us around 2 months to squeeze the last drop from Blossom River, and that was just 20 simple levels.

    @Rat what are you doing to those poor souls in BI1, anyway? I've never seen such paranoia. If you're headed back to BI2, do the world a favor and find a good strategy for #31 and #34
  • @kelani I had a 200 point lead last night, woke up to a 37k deficit
    Rodent invasion...........
  • @kelani glah, #31, I need someone to point me to the whine room before I can talk about #31.
  • @rat why do you edit your comments, without being the gentleman that @kelani is, and actually mentioning that you did it?
  • @hunnybunny {tee-hee} ever heard the term 'sneaky rat'? :) Ouch on your morning deficit. I had a similar thing happen, although my invasion was a vortex with a Serb and another NC resident spinning outside it.

    @Lyrian this is the whine room. :) I think Tuesdays and Thursdays are the usual days, although if you pass out earplugs, any day is fine. (I may be wrong on that, but it never stopped me before.)

    I've found several neat shots on #31, all of which give me a 100k+ score once. Then they never do it again.
  • *hands out free earplugs*
    @kelani, I have a score of 110k using a 2 bird method. But every time I hit the 1 bird shot, it never breaks the bottom pig, and I mean never. In fact, I've had some strange stuff happen on that level. There is a picture in my album of a pig that was blown out of his bubble, without popping it, and the pig not dying in vacuum. I'm really starting to hate the level, but I see that I'm 10k points behind the lead on it and I can't help but try to close the gap.
  • Another Bad car accident inn front off my house! !
  • People hurt badly":(
  • Just when i was coming in to say hello ever one!
  • Bbfn bbiab
  • Sorry to hear that @kathy just when I was coming in to scream


    I can claim a slight reason to support The Netherlands, other than my Dutchie friends in the nest, my aunt married a Dutch man.

    @bernersenn that should give you the impetus to go on in the bloody battle
  • Oh, Dios mío, ¿qué es un juego! Sospecho que no veremos @bernersenn, @Estar y @burpie esta noche - que van a estar celebrando! Muchachos de Holanda, en naranja nalgadas furia roja de España ... hermosa!

    p.s. Te dije que iba a aprender español
  • What a game Mrs. Bunny, eh? Dutch whippersnappers spank old men from Spain! Other than rooting for Dutch because of our friends here, I always liked Dutch football and rooted for them so hard against Germany in their epic battles in the 70s. Also, my uncle was a captain of Ajax of Amsterdam and won a couple of European club championships with them in the 60s. They still remember and honor him after all these years.
  • Btw, I'm never watching another football game in English if I have the option to watch it in Spanish. What fun!
  • @kelani and everyone Yes we have at least 1or 2 accidents a month .. it's a bad corner .. there is a blinking yellow light but its kinda set back , hard to see coming from one direction and its athree way street kinda. .
    I took pics .. I'm gonna start taking pics of all of them and submit them to someone m
  • @fenikus my claim to football fame, I went to the same school as Gareth Bale, although a lot of years before him, and his Aunty is my solicitors clerk, who was, indeed in the same school year as me. Tenuous. I think so. Who was your uncle?
  • I feel so left out; ( Im bringing up my scores slowly but surely.. you guys are all Waaayy ahead of me":/
  • ¡ay! estoy temeroso del Español del traductor.
  • @fenikus just go into your TV's setup and change the audio to the SAP track. If it's anything important, that should be in Espanol.
  • @kathy don't feel left out. I can on two fingers how many episodes, in so many versions of AB, that I'm actually ahead of you
    sorry to shout, just some motivational stuff
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