The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2163
  • @Hunnybunny: . I never saw him play because I was too young, but I believe Dutch called him "Vasko". I'm sure @bernersenn will remember him, he's just the right age.
  • Ha ha ha ha ha @Kelani Give me at least thirty minutes on level 31. lol I don't remember that one but it must be a bear.

    I hope I didn't scare off @bernersenn. We need good flingers. I went back an cleaned up the end of BI #1 this afternoon. I had skipped a level to finish quickly and it just didn't feel right. So I got another 4k for you to chase @fenikus.

    That's one nasty intersection @Kathy. Have you ever thought of renting out advertising space to an ambulance chasing lawyer?
  • Oopsy a e-star I made an oopsy again:(
  • @Kelani, it's not the Spanish that makes it fun, it's the commentators. And with 6 goals in one game, they really earned their salaries.
  • @Kathy don't feel left out. Every morning I wake to find people have left me behind again. Plus, I've seen your scores. Do what you did in BR, and you'll be up there in no time. In B1 you have some levels that improving any one of them could get you in the top 20.
  • Lol @Pa no haven't thought of that but could idea:)
  • @fenikus Ah ok. Maybe It's all that Cafe Bustelo they drink. That stuff could turn a dead man into a commentator
  • @fenikus @bernersenn the Dutch reinforcements have arrived in Beak One. @burpie just bumped me down to #3
  • @Rat haven't you been listening man? Copa del Mondo is ON and Dutch just destroyed Spain. I don't think you've scared @bernersenn off, I think he's out on the streets with the rest of the country celebrating his brains out.
  • Uh oh! I don't like the sound of @Burpie footsteps @HunnyBunny. He won't stop with bumping you down. He's on a rat hunt.
  • So nobody cares that i feel left behind:( aww go on then I'll just sit here in my booth and fling my little ♡ out..:(
    OB I need a SunUpper please. .
    *hangs sign*
    GoNe FLinGiN'
  • @rat everyone is on a rat hunt
    @fenikus you must be proud
  • @kathy get a grip girl, both me and kelani commented, gave a little motivational talk, and you just ignored us lol
  • Uhmm didn't see it @hunnybunnypagechanger lol that's why:/
    Thanks I guess i got @bernersenn outlook. .
  • Mrs. Bunny, he's not really my "blood" -- but he was a husband of my mother's sister and she loved him dearly until he passed away some several years ago. He was a very nice man, too. Good enough for me to be proud :-)
  • I just scared myself. I thought I was looking at @Burpie's BI #1 leaderboard and was sorely impressed. Turns out I was looking at my own scores. It may be funny now but it really scared me. lol

    I haven't forgotten you Ma. I just haven't felt well for a while now. But I'm here if you need me.

    Edit: Excuse me while I change into a fresh tutu.
  • K I just read back :) thanks @hunnybunny @kelani :)
  • Lol Pa thet is Funny. .scared by your own leaderboards hee hee
    Thanks i know your always there for me:)
  • @Kathy hey hon [[[hugggss]]], whatcha talking about an oopsy, I don't see any :)
  • @rat tries humour and self pity in one post. @fenikus your up next for some "poo" throwing he's left himself wide open
  • LOL Mister @Rat on the one hand your comment can be seen as boosting, but whahaahah I just see old age coming around the corner and one really really scared ol rat hahahahahahaha
  • @Hunnybunny, come on, let's go catch a Rat in Beak Impact part 1 :-)

    Holland 5 - Spain 1. Haha, I think a few bookmakers just had a heart attack!
  • Hi and bye @estar don't know if your a footy fan, but your side did good. May see you all later

    @burpie I'm trying
  • I think I'll pass on playing level 31 for a while @Kelani. I'm within 3k of the top score and if it's as bad as you say, I think my time will be better spent elsewhere.

    Hello @Estar. Always a pleasure to see you take some time away from Candyland to visit us old flingers.
  • Good observation @HunnyBunny. Humor and pity in one neat package.
  • Now's my chance in part two. They're all watching the footy ball.
  • @Rat, go for it. If all the games will be as good as Holland vs. Spain, I won't be doing much flinging this month ;-)

    New game on -- see y'all later.
  • @hunnybunny no I am probably the only one in Dutchieland that does not watch a single soccer game... not even if they reach the finals :///
  • Mister @Rat you just can not seem to accept the sugar addiction huh??! Is it keeping you up at night, knowing we close our AB apps and turn to the land of the sweets??
  • enjoy the game @fenikus!
  • Ackk I got logged out!! (((((( @e-star ))))) did you see my oopsy?
  • Is actually not that bad ;)
  • Hee heee I done good then huh e-star ;) ;)
  • @Rat then can you tell us what shots you used on #31? I've run out of patience and ideas.
  • @kathy I see the photo and it takes me to your album, so that is a kudos, not an oopsy right? btw it looks like the weather is sucking over at your side! In my mind all you other side of the ponders live in the sun hahaha, which duhhhhh I know is a total brain fart, but seeing it in you photo was a lightbulb moment hee hee
  • I was going to put in walkthroughs as I went through them @Kelani. But for you, I'll take a look at it later this evening and sprinkle a few crumbs around.
  • Just a gentle nudge @Estar. You know I miss my shooting Star.
  • Lol @e-star we've had more dreary days than good ones this season:(
  • Mister @rat I am a big girl, so I can take a nudge or two you know that right? But I have to nudge back to keep you on your toes... you didn't have a trapped nerve there right? Don't want to be the cause of you not being able to twirl in your tutu ;)
  • @Kathy And we are having lots of sun and the occasional rain and thunder, I believe we are having the opposite. The dryest season for a long time
  • @estar he's so tall, a nudge from you might make him fall and squish you.

    @Rat Thankya. That level is about to be #1 on my avoid list.
  • Hi guys!

    I got AB Epic. I didn't expect it to be such a great game, since normally I don't like RPGs. It's really a great game though!

    Anyway, I am going to a summer camp tomorrow. What are you guys doing?
  • Hmm @e-star Give Me back my weather! ! Lol no kidding that's nice your ffinally getting some much needed sunshine:)we've had a few itll get better:)
  • Hey @theanonymoussomone long time no see :) soo i take it you like the update haha
  • All my tips are going in the walkthroughs from now on @Ma. I finished my second pass and put crumbs all over part one.
  • Hi @TAS. I was on a wabbit hunt in BI #1, but I'm resting ATM.
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