The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2164
  • Ohh have a great time at camp Wow !! Time flies huh seems like you just went to camp not long ago! Can't wait till you get back for storytime":) @theanonymoussomone :)
  • Crap I hate it when that happens. .right in the middle of a conversation and Bam the Princess jumps in!!
  • @kelani you could be right, me is a one of the shorties in here, but I think Mister @rat will always be careful with his Starlight :)
  • Thanks @pa ;)
  • I also hate when I'm fling in and not paying attention and i improve my score significantly and i don't knows how the heck I did it!; (
  • @TAS hi! I have the same feeling with Epic, I am not an rpg gamer either. Haven't tried it though, afraid I might like it hee hee
  • @kathy thanks to @estar I now also have the 'ding' so I'm back!
    All my contributions, small that they may be, are in the walkthroughs. Two exceptions, that Beak One thingy that rat posted here yesterday, it's up to him to post. He may well have done I haven't looked. And anything in Beak Two which I only gave the one pass, so absolutely nothing to post
  • Star light, star bright,
    first star I see tonight.
    I wish I may, I wish I might,
    Have the wish, I wish I could get high scores in part two of Beak Impact!.
  • Arggg I hate mathilda! Now I know why you guys love Space... no mathilda there!
    trying to pick up the revisit of Piglantis, but it isn't going to well, she just doesn't want to release her egg when she needs to.
  • hihi Mister @Rat I hope it works for ya! You keep that kicking Rat avatar up to date ;)
  • Anything I had first or second in, about eight or nine levels, I posted stRATegies in the walkthroughs. I may put a few more once I've looked at them @HunnyBunny. Part two will get posted as I play through unless someone asks a specific question like @Kelani did.
  • Kicking Space @Estar, Kicking Space A**.
  • Sorry @hunnybunny I only included you cuz i saw a notification where you had said how you threw the bird but it may very well be in the walkthrough and i just haven't got there yet:) I know your one who respects the ahmm don't know how to say it but you are one who respevts the posting of strats. Not that any of you dont that i mentioned I think sometimes we get carried away in here helping each other with different tips and such.. which would also be helpful to others on the site..
  • O.k just forget i said anything. .*opens mouth, inserts foot* * moves to @estar favorite booth, sinks low as to be seen and not heard* psst ob over here yep.. is me a sunupper please*
  • Indeed you are @Rat I wish I could be a fly on your wall and see how you play. I think we all be amazed at your skills!
  • Ohh @estar you haven't heard of @Pa Pixelator ? You should Seee the set-up he has !! All perfectly legitimate of course just helps him overcome some ermm well he can tell ya;) ;)
  • @rat I know you always post, just saying (edited here) the one I didn't. And @kathy slink away if you wish, no excuses though, you're just going to fling

    Goodnight all, happy rodent hunting
  • Nighty @hunnybunny I didn't understand what you meant ? ..if you meant me just flinging and not posting..I always post how I got my score if it's different than the video most times i still post and attribute to the video IF I've looked at the walkthrough which i don't usually do on first pass. AnD IF I get a high score I Always post how i got it and IF it's a #1 I Always take a screenshot now that i can. .yes in some old episode i may not have cuz i didn't have the capability of doing so. .If that's what you meant by ' your just gonna fling'
  • @kelani lol you've moved pass the'princess status 'Unless hmm maybe want to edit and leave that alone and forgotten eh'' @Kenobi
  • Dang it @kelani, you're ahead of me by 120 points, you know I can't let that stand right?
  • I am confused as well @kathy but this is about the posting strats yada yada and I just skim those comments, so can not help ya there.

  • @kelani WOW! Do you live in a city participating in a science project to control weather???
  • Hey @lyrian I have seem to have missed you when you popped in for the first time. I know everyone has welcomed you already, but Ah heck, one more can't be bad right... WELCOME and enjoy the friendly chatter here in the Pub!
  • Thanks @estar for the warm welcome! Everyone has been very welcoming and helpful since I stumbled into the BP. I saw you posting this morning and I meant to say hi, but it was super early here and I hadn't had any coffee yet so I forgot!
  • That's okay, I know the feeling @Lyrian
    Sorry to say hi and bye so soon, but it is time for me to turn in for the night. After a couple of flings of course ;)

    @all on the other side of the pond, Enjoy your afternoon/evening and to this side of the ponders i wish you all a good night!
  • Good night my shining Star.
  • @sweetP -- Do you realize the leaderboard thinks you have only 21 scores entered?
  • Hi @Lyrian. I started part two about a half hour ago. I'll see you soon.
  • I don't doubt it @rat, I'm currently testing a strategy that JLZ 666 posted on 28. I know that it works, because I did the same thing by accident, but I'm trying to match results. I think we can call it "the strategy for masochists and those not interested in instant gratification".
  • I've been known to come up with a few masochistic stRATegies myself @Lyrian. Good luck and keep me posted.
  • Will do @rat, so far I broke 110k with it, but I can't match the high of 113k
  • @Lyrian I apologize for being ahead of you by 120 points. Since you're new, I was unaware that 120 is a sensitive number for you. So I increased it to 1740. I hope that number is more to your liking? ;) It's also the numbers of my birdday!

    Instant gratification? In AB? *blink*
  • @kelani, nah, it just that 120 point gain isn't so bad, I'm pretty sure I can do that. An extra thousand and change is harder without banging my head against that space egg level again. And while there is no such thing as instant gratification in AB, this strat takes it to a whole new level.
  • Bleh, another decent game (4 goals) but the commentators were not nearly as entertaining as in the Holanda vs. Espana game. On the upside, I already learned enough Spanish to kind of know what they're chirping about.
  • So now we know what it takes to distract @fenikus Someone buy him a 24x7 football/soccer cable package.
  • @theanonymoussomeone -- Hi! Great to see you. I tried Epic, but not sure I want to invest the time gathering stuff to upgrade my birds.
    How long will you be at camp? Hope you have a great time! Where is the camp, and what kind of activities do you do there? When I was a kid, I think there were only camps in the mountains, where you went horseback riding, hiking, did crafts, and slept in a tent. Now there are all kinds.
  • I hate it when a bird hits some object they'd normally destroy, but instead, it stops them in their tracks. Seeing Terence denied by a floating ice plank is just wrong.
  • Why do all of you disappear at the same time every friday? :P
  • Oh, sorry @kelani, I'm still here, just trying to improve my scores.
    *edit to improve spelling thanks to autocorrect*
  • I'm not flinging @Kelani. But I did come outside for a smoke break.
  • It's very funny @Lyrian. We watch @Kelani talk to himself for about an hour every Friday night while were having our kibitz sessions in the PM's.
  • Ah, ok. I'll just go back to flinging then. I wouldn't want to ruin the fun.
  • @Rat You leave your ipad in the contraption on your porch?

    @Lyrian same here. Failing miserably except for a but if luck on #22. Trying to avoid the evil #31 at all costs. Hey, I forgot to ask. What part of NC are you in, anyway?
  • Asckk now my notifications have stopped !! I guess the Full Moon on Friday the 13th isn't likingme tonight:/ first i get logged no notification:/ lol @kelani bi thought the same thing everyone disappeared !!
  • Well OB looks like I'm the one talking to only you lol..
    I'll have a drink .. surprise me:)
    Back to flinging
  • @Rat I usually don't talk to myself until after 2am. Anything before that is usually attempts at funny prose.

    @Kathy I haven't gotten the popups in here for the last week or so.
  • @kelani, I am just outside raleigh, where are you at?
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