The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2197
  • @hunnybunny I...don't know how to reply to that without getting in trouble, so um, Grr! Beak1 is such a PITA. How'd y'all get those great scores? blah blah , such & such, etc..
  • @kelani I couldn't describe what made me laugh so much last night, about your man rule #378 or whatever it was. Sometimes things are best left to the imagination.
    And if you want to see how unlike I am to Dolly there's a little picture of me in my album.
    As for Beak #1 I GIVE UP. just had some of the most frustrating flinging days ever :-(((((((
  • @kelani depends if in 20 years we are still roaming the Nest, I might remember who you are, but good to know I can expect a PM sooner than that ;)
  • @hunnybunny yeah, I gathered it was about the Man rule. Feel free to keep that mental image inside your imagination... or in that instance, your magnifying glass. :) Your 'I give up' sentence was so reminiscent of a @Kathy whiiine that's who I started to reply to. I totally get it though. I'm starting to remember why I only did 2 passes on Beak1. Instead of 2 crapscore levels, there's 9.

    I'm done with B1 for the day also. the last straw just happened on #13. I was headed for a 100k+ score, just one little bubble piggy left. A lava chunk hit him and exploded. Yay? Nope. Explosion punted the little green bastard out of his bubble, and both survived. If that's not a sign, I don't know what is.

    {digs thru album} Hello there. :) Bunny Prison suits you, and the scarf is a nice touch. Is the photographer still living? You look most growly about it. Oh, btw, I'm having inappropriate thoughts about your car. I had one that looked like that, just pearly white and a much crappier brand. So, damn you and such. :p
  • @estar In 20 years, if the nest and AB games are in life-size hologram mode, I'll probably still be here :)
  • @kelani HWDNF still alive and used to growling bunnies!
    Glad you like my 'baby' I've had her over seven years and could never even think about parting with her...
    Goodnight, I'm hoping I don't have nightmares about 8-16 8-17 et all
    And "Family Guy"?
  • Well in that case (a great case to be honest, love the hologram idea!) take your time ;) @kelani

    ow and before I forget again... just so you all know... the system does NOT send out new notifications when an EDIT is done. This is one of the reasons why the edit feature isn't there on the main site. The edit option would make keeping tabs on the comments all of the time impossible. Same goes for the forums off course, but for some reason the nasties always end up in the leaderboard/walkthrough section.
  • @hunnybunny 7 years? She's aged well. I always ran into immobile stuff with mine. White hides dents well. Hmmm. lol. I've actually used that phrase since I was a littlekel and have the recordings to prove it. You must be quite a fan to have made that connection.
  • @estar For Christmas, I'm gonna donate to ABN a regexp filter I wrote that intelligently auto-bleeps every possible unwanted word or term. That'd save y'all sooo much time. I posted a contest once, offering $50 to the first person who could sneak something by it. Me and my $50 had an awesome steak dinner.

    yay @holoestarogram. It'd be fun to manually fling birds, then have to duck or get physically hit by debris. Like your Wii on steroids :)
  • Hello everyone! ! Hope all are enjoying a nice Sunday afternoon/evening :)
  • @kelani sounds like a great plan. But I believe the Nest is protected just enough to keep the nasties who are looking for a quick (in their eyes) "fun" time out and the ones that wanna spend more time aren't attracted by the birds I guess. Haven't seen a lot of incidents in the almost 3 years I have been roaming the Nest. *knock knock on wood*

    Hey Kathy! I was, but now I have to turn in for the night... 1AM and some of us don't have a week vacation to enjoy ;) [[hugs]] and night night!
  • Sorry I couldn't stay longer and have to miss ya @kathy but next week is a 4 day workweek for me. Probably from now on it will, so bye bye 3 day work week and hello 4 day's work week. Will be good for the bankaccount, but I will have less time to spend it ;)
  • Hello Ladies. It appears I missed all the estrogen in the BP this afternoon. How'd you get in the mix @Kelani? Is your "Princess" personality showing again?

    And which side of the chromosome does @Ollygod fall on? About all I know is s/he is from the UK and is about to beat our tushies in BI #1.
  • @Rat I'z just here talkin to the ladies that talks to me. :p Too nasty to do anything outside, anyway. Been trying to improve #13 so I never have to see it again.

    As for @Ollygod, no idea. Though by that name, I'd assume a Y. An X would likely be @Ollygoddess. Then again, precedent says we suck at this type of guessing. :)
  • I'm sorry about running off without you @Burpie, but @Ollygod was nipping at my feet. I snuck into the "throne room" where SWDNF has no control over me. Bless her heart. (She's trying to protect me from myself.) And I pilfered your top score on BI #1, level 10 to get ahead of the Olly threat. You can get it back. Lots of points still there.
  • Sorry @Lelani, I didn't see you until I posted. I'm with you. I'd guess male as well. But as you said a few days ago, I get the sex wrong when I know already. ha ha
    Apologies to @Lyrian.
  • I haven't forgotten you in BI #2 @Kelani. But it's going to take longer than a constitutional break in the "Throne Room" to catch you there. Great scores!
  • @Rat, I assume you were able to get both lower lava boulder and the hose to get sucked in on 8-10?
  • @Rat oh, take your time! I'm poking around in Beak1 for a few days to let my annoyance at those last two B2 levels subside. I will be back, like I said, all you need is one good day and you have an easy jump to 3k above me.
  • @fenikus I did not get the second boulder involved on 8-10. That's one of the reasons I say there is room for growth on the score.

    You don't need to worry about your BI #2 throne for a while @Kelani. I'm still barely flingin'. And nothing that requires me to move quickly on a second or third shot. Thank goodness most of these are one birders.
  • @Rat, did the hose get sucked into grav field or did it explode outside of it?
  • I fell asleep! ! Sunburn :(
    Hi again lol!!
  • @Kathy's making the most of that vacation. lol
  • Level #36 is not Fun:(
    Ob a PigKiller please:).
    Did ya miss me @kelani? I'm back :)
  • @Kelani, where's that "easy 15K" on Beak 2? I'd like some of that.
  • @fenikus He has a relatively easy 10k in S22 and 5k or more in a few other levels.
  • Arghhhh !! I just woulda had 88k but i hit restart by accident! !!!
  • Isn't it interesting how few people used anderthon's method? 110K is quite easy with it, 120K not so much. Only 5 people have 110K+ on this level.
  • I woulda had second place ! !!!
  • @fenikus, #2 an 15k extra EASY???? No. Doable, yes. But you need to put the time into it. And I haven't felt up to that.
  • Noooooo Ma. Why?
  • :( my finger Sliiped Pa !! I tried to stop it but it was tooo late :( :(
    S.ok. I'll get itv again:)
  • Go get em Killer.
  • Thanks Pa I will; )
  • @Rat it takes 20 mins to get 120k on S22. Once you know the pattern and can remember what shot comes next and where it goes, easy peasy. The other points are all levels where you have a lower score than me. :P I assume those are easy.

    @fenikus I guess people are stopping when they get to our lesser strategies. :) I think 120's as easy as 110k. All you need are 2 precisely aimed shots. The other 4 are always the same.
  • @Kelani, S-22 might be easier on PC because you use a mouse pointer and on iPad we use fingers. It took me 2 days to get 120K on that level.

    And yes, you did a fine job of scaring people away with your novel in the walkthrough before anderthon's method, LOL
  • Oh yeah, and I think burpie said it was impossible to do on the phone so that could explain why so few people got far.
  • @fenikus Yeah, on phone, I agree. Nice sadistic streak Rovio had there. On tablet, I failed until I started using the outside of my pinkie's fingertip to be able to see where I was tapping, and also so less skin hits the screen and affects accuracy. A stylus would've been so much better. Hmm. Is there some household item that'd work in a pinch?

    lol. If you think my novel was confusing, you should've seen the first draft. It confused me so badly, so I had to scrap it and start over.
  • Guess I'll settle for 11th place in #36 for now :( damn that was a kick in the arse!!
  • I have no doubt S-22 is doable @fenikus. I just need to put in enough time to get comfortable with how eggy works and the patterns. It's always the same pattern. So it's just a matter of understanding it. I played with it for an hour over three weeks ago but I've never been back. As @Kelani said, it's in my back pocket when I'm ready. I think that's why he's attacked part 2 so ferociously.
  • Btw, @fenikus, I did a variation on your 8-10 strat. I did go above the planet, but that's about where the similarity ends. Still working out the details but it seems to have more potential than your standard approach. I'll post once I've figured it out.
  • Grr. Ok, I think 96-98k is the PC-max on #13.
  • Ahhh I almost forgot to say Happy Birthday @heyyou !!
  • Well tomorrow is another day right. .
    Good night all happy flinging Sweet dreams. .*places flashlight in the special safe* OB that's all set thanks night.
  • @Rat9, There's no need to apologize for grabbing one of my highscores. What annoys me is that you only needed a few minutes to find 6k points in part 1 :-)
    I'm already verging on serious grinding mode... why won't 8-14 cooperate?

    @Fenikus, You're right about S-22, I played that level on a PC. In Bluestacks, in the free version of AB Space. It took less than an hour and most of that time was to update Space on my PC and to transfer my highscore file from the phone to the PC and back again.
  • I know what you mean @Burpie. That's how I feel about 8-17. I've spent way too much time on that one.

    Congratz on your 8-14 score @Kathy.

    Reading back I see I never answered your question on 8-10 about the hose @fenikus. Sorry about that. The hose got sucked in late with the other pig bubble attached. I got total destruction on it. I watched the score as it got destroyed and it was around 10k.
  • Hmmm...S-22 huh @Kelani? Still not feelin' it yet. I'll take a look at it after I clean up a few more loose ends.
  • Hello guys, just finished my first round for BI#2. Only 70k behind @kelani. Argh, #s-22 differs only 20k. The rest is also aweful. Lots of work todo, watching the soccer doesn't give me great scores, I think
  • @Rat really, there's no hurry on S-22. I'm going to stay on #13 until I improve it. That could take a week or more.
  • Hey!!! I just remembered that 8-13 is one of "my" top scores. You don't want to steal my thunder do you @Kelani? ha ha It's not an easy strat, but when you get the boulder group to slide down and back at just the right speed and angle, you get almost total destruction. I'm seeing a lot of 100k+ scores since I put that strat out there, so it's definitely doable. It took me a while to come up with this one. My score will be beat, but not by a lot. lol
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