The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2196
  • Haha @kelani And Your Not! !! Night night. .hee hee..
  • Aww man!! Damn Princess !!!
  • Night Ma

    And a great big THANK YOU to everyone for all the birthday wishes, presents, and the party. I wish somebody had given me what I really wanted. A surrogate flinger! It's killing me to watch more than I fling.
    No flingin' again today.
  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY @RAT!!! ...belated
  • Good morning to you @all (although it's noon here). Have a nice sunday. Took a quick look at the leaderboards and concluded that I am #4 in BI#1. That's going pretty well, isn't it? Also saw that @burpie has kicked @rat of his throne.
    Tonight there is the game Holland-Mexico, curious what that is gonna bring us.
  • @Rat I'll fling for ya. Just send me detailed photos/schematics for your flinging appaRatus :>

    @bernersenn Holland's still in? I was just reading a Time magazine that said they were eliminated.
  • @kelani please don't fling for Mr Rat, he's good enough without any help (argh, @rat knows now hard it is for me to say that)
    I could PM you on what made me laugh so hard last night, but that image is probably something that would give you nightmares

    @bernersenn I'm supporting Holland too, after the dreadful English performance, I have to support them. My aunt married a wonderful Dutchman. Sadly both dead now, but good memories. They lived in Utrecht, are you anywhere near? Although I'm sure you said you were north east? Still speak (although only on Facebook) to cousins.

  • Hey @all Didn't mean to be a popper yesterday, had planned to come back say hi to peeps personally. But we switch off our wifi box at night, as it's up in Hubz' attic den together with lots of other electrical stuff and he was so weary after football (you'd think HE'd been playing!), that he retired early, leaving me without a signal. . .

    Hi @lyrian, nice to meet you. How heartening to see that romance isn't dead (one sometimes wonders these days). And that's a lovely name you've chosen for yourself.

    @EStar, @bernersenn Will PM you soon! Hello @kelani, are we the only ones here?

    A short playlist to liven up this wet Sunday (here in Yerp):

    Was that a balloon?

    Even if you're not an opera fan, you gotta love these two brilliant and seriously cute singers doing their stuff!

    For anyone interested in fractal animation (yeah, @EStar hon, I know you aren't!), these are my two faves:

    Love, hugz and purrs xoxoxo
  • @hunnybunny don't worry, at some point, @Rat's gonna decline with some backhanded compliment :P

    Yay Utrecht. One of my co-composers was a professor at the University, but wait a minute. He lived in Belgium. Is that close enough to commute daily, or was that case of Framboise Lambic he sent me just a lie?

    @TomPuss hello once again. Yep, on the weekends, I turn into the janitor while everyone else goes...wherever it is they go :)

    I'm a big fan of fractals, so pardon me while I scamper off to check those links out.
  • @kelani me and rat always back hand ourselves, you should have been in the BP when we were "proper" friends

    Utrecht about an hour from Belgium, depending, of course, which part of Belgium you need to get to. Framboise = Strawberry

    Edit: or possibly raspberry. Language skills is not top of my list. And this weekend add flinging skills. Dismal........
  • @hunnybunny Shall we be haunted for ever by those mental images of @rat?

    @kelani Me big fan too! Hope you like these - I find them hypnotic.
  • @tompuss I hope my dying day is a lot better than that :-)
    Haven't tried your fractals, but did look at poor kitty chasing the balloon. Should have seen our GSD as a puppy trying to work out why he couldn't actually chase the squirrel up a tree. Same look of disbelief
    Off to watch Dolly Parton at Glastonbury on the TV. Not a huge fan of country music, but what's not to like about Dolly, other than the Botox :-(
  • Ah ha, fractals, like a kaleidoscope? I remember them when I was a very little bunny.
  • @kelani, throw away that magazine, it's useless. At this time watching the Holland game, so more comments will follow in 2 hours
  • @hunnybunny Enjoy Glastonbury! I adore Dolly, she's the best ever!
  • @hunnybunny Lambic is a raspberry (framboise) beer. Very special. Details here:

    @kelani I'm a Kriek girl myself. On my recent visit to Belguim I had some artisinal draft kriek. Can't beat that! It was soooooo delicious!

    @hunnybunny Kriek is cherry beer BTW.
  • @hunnybunny, unfortunately I'm nit living in the neighborhood of Utrecht. @estar and @burpie are living no that faw away from Utrecht. Perhaps you saw the first halftime of the match, I will not talk about it ( @fenikus doesn't like it). I'll do him that favore.
    How is your live in Bi#2? Any progress? I did well until #39, then poblems came up.
    @tompuss I'm curious about that PM.
  • @kelani So happy you liked them! I remember discovering them in the Scientific American in the '80s. I still have that copy of the magazine. Infinity fascinates me.
    I see we're on the beer-wagon at the same time!
  • @bernersenn I owe you one!
  • Decline you being a flingin' surrogate for me while I'm on the bench @Kelani? Heck no! You're trainable. I welcome your surrogacy.

    Does Mrs. Bunny think I'm still holding a grudge? I don't have enough active neurons these days to remember what I had for breakfast. Just ask @Kelani about how I changed @Lyrian's sex recently. My memory is failin' me.
    What point I was trying to make? Dratz, there it goes again.

    Good luck with your soccer game today @bernersenn.

    I keep forgetting just how high a cat can jump @TomPuss. Amazing!

    P.S. I flung a few this AM with Mrs. Rats permission. She's still giving me leeway because of my birthday. Caught you @Burpie. We're tied for 1st in part one.
  • @rat, thank you. My fingers are crossed, my bloodpreasure is rising to dangerous hights. We will see
  • I was always told I was a kind and compassionate taskmaster by my subordinates @Kelani. We can even discuss a few days off each year for great flingin'. *snort*

    BTW, I never developed a taste for beer. I know, I know...not manly.
  • @Rat Well, fruit-flavored beer isn't exactly manly, either. :) I'm the same way. I like the one mentioned above, but haven't had it since 1997. Every year or two I'll have a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale with tortilla chips and habanero salsa, but that's about it.

    Kind and compassionate don't belong in the same sentence as taskmaster :P I know exactly how it'd play out:

    Kel: *fling*
    Rat: Wrong! Do it again! *cane whack*
    Kel: *fling*
    Rat: Wrong! Do it again! *cane whack*
    Kel: Hit me with that blanking cane one more time...
    Rat: *whack with cane* Do not question the Master!
  • I'm completely insane now
  • @bernersenn, just checking if you're still alive? That was a nail biter of a game!
  • Ah good…insane is better than dead ;-) Grats to Holland again!
  • @bernersenn cheers to you and all the Dutchie who were watching the game... I wasn't but curiosity got to me when the neighborhood started yelling and honking their horns. That must have been a long 88 minutes until the first goal to make you all hopeful again. Talk about last minute scoring LOL
  • Sorry to hear about the win @Burpie, @Bernersenn. Still going to be soccer over flingin' for a bit yet. I watched the end of the game, I thought y'all had lost. Talk about a nail biter!!!
  • @Rat you just offered condolences because their team...won?
  • Yep! They won't be focused on flingin'. I know, selfish. I really thought they had loss the match. Did you see it @Kelani? Scary finish.
  • Arjen Robben deserves an Oscar for selling that penalty. It was definitely a foul (stupid at that by the Mexican captain) but without his stuntman acrobatics referee might have not called it. I was looking forward to 30 more minutes of play and possibly penalties but was happy for Holland at the same time. They have very good chance to go into semi-finals now as they'll most likely play Costarica in the next game (if they play Greece, it's a given -- they suck).
  • @dutchies Congrats! So happy you won, WTG!

    @bernersenn Come down to earth yet? Just to remind you that TomPuss is @annie-leigh! Berner Oberland, OK? PM ya soon.

    @EStar Hi babe! PM ya soon too!
  • @Rat nope, something in my cable provider's HD-SD conversion (or maybe my ancient TV) is making ESPN all blurry. It's like looking through frosted glass. If the sound was muted, you couldn't even tell what sport was being played :)
  • @tompuss come down to earth? That's difficult, about 5 minutes to go, Mexico 1-0. The faith was gone, really. And then... So for me, no flinging for me today. Berner Oberland? Yes, August 2, so 5 weeks to work, then 3 weeks Swiss.
  • hey Sweet @tompuss don't feel pressured to PM me back, in fact to all the friends I PM with... I don't have timer on the response time of the PMs, I love reading from all of you and enjoy writing back. But I also know PMs are more heartfelt and fun to read when ones actually has the time to write them. So take your time ;)
  • @estar *whew* glad you feel that way about pms! I'm awful for taking forever to reply. My inbox still has important emails from 1994 I need to answer. :)
  • @kelani LOL well just in case my PM will be sitting for that long, make sure to introduce yourself again ;)
  • @all Nighty night and sweet dreams, everyone.
  • Night night @TomPuss don't forget to let OB tuck you in and read you a bedtime story, he loves to do that :)
  • @kelani just puttin' on my liddle rhinestoned jacket afore I gettin' in me pickup truck
  • @{kelrant} more like the anti Christ channel
  • @kelani neither has bunny!
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